The 2013 lecture year



In the context of the Visegrad Fund project which is since the 1st of November 2013 implemented into the South National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky, the 22d of November 2013 Lyubor Matejko (Professor of Bratislava University named after John Amos Komensky, the Head of Russian Philology department of the Philosophy faculty) visited our university.


Lyubor Matejko read a lecture for the undergraduate students of the Historical-Philosophical Faculty of the Psychology Institute on the theme "The historical heritage in the transformational processes in the countries of the Visegrad Four"



Thus, to meet the objectives of cross-border cooperation the Department of the Political Science University, received a grant for the project of the International Visegrad Fund for the course named "Social and political transformation in the Visegrad countries and Ukraine: A Comparative Analysis" in 2013.

At the initial stage of the new project "Socio-political transformation in the Visegrad countries and Ukraine: A Comparative Analysis" in 2013, the University specialists developed and implemented the learning process of a new course, took part in a meeting in the city Odessa with participation of the fund.

Within the framework of the Visegrad fund the 6th of December 2013 Peter Wagner visited our university, the director of institute of sustainability and Development (Prague, Czech Republic). Peter Wagner is a famous Czech historian, diplomat and ex-director of the Visegrad Fund. He had read a lecture on the topic: «The Visegrad group as an example of the integration lessons for Ukraine» for undergraduates Historical-Philosophical Department.

As the part of the Visegrad fond on the 20th of December 2013 Jaroslav Polishchuk visited our university, the Professor of Ukrainian Studies of the Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland) and the Head of Literature and Journalism of Ostrog Academy (Ukraine).

He gave a lecture to undergraduate students for the historical-philosophical faculty on the theme "Ukraine: internal and external turbulence."



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