На отримання грантової підтримки мають право неурядові організації, організації громадянського суспільства, муніципалітети та місцеві органи влади, школи та університети, а також приватні компанії або окремі громадяни. За правилами, до проекту мають бути залучені партнери щонайменше трьох країн Вишеградської групи - V4 (Чехія, Угорщина, Польща та Словаччина). Отже, для подання заявок потрібно знайти партнерів серед країн Вишеградської четвірки. Проекти можуть претендувати на фінансування за умови, що вони пов'язані з тематикою регіону V4 і мають на меті подальший розвиток співробітництва між партнерами проекту, що базуються в регіоні. Фінансовий внесок Фонду не може перевищувати 80% від загальної вартості проекту, і повинен обов'язково включати внесок заявника. Максимальний бюджет проектів: 6 000 тисяч євро. Дедлайн: 1 грудня 2016 року (далі - англ.).
The International Visegrad Fund founded by four countries the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Republic of Poland, and the Slovak Republic (collectively called Visegrad Group [V4] Countries annually provides small grants to organizations around the globe to facilitate and promote the development of closer cooperation among citizens and institutions in the region as well as between the V4 region and other countries.
Project partners
Project partners are an essential part of your proposal. Their selection as well as their qualifications are equally important parts of the proposal and should reflect the nature of your cooperation. Note that the Visegrad Fund promotes multilateral cooperation and joint approaches to solving problems; we therefore pay a special attention to the consortia of applicants and partners and reserve the right to contact your project partners during our evaluation to get a better picture of the proposed project.
As a rule, participation of at least three V4 countries (“3xV4 rule”) is required in your proposal (e.g. applicant is from Czechia, his/her project partners are from Hungary and Poland, or applicant is from Ukraine, his/her project partners are from Hungary, Poland and Slovakia). However, where possible, we encourage applicants to seek a full V4 participation (all four countries are “on board”) regardless of potential non-V4 countries involved. Correspondingly, we request that applicants give reasons for not having all four countries involved.
Project proposals are accepted only electronically through an on-line application form. Sample of the application form is available here (PDF). Neither the hard copies (printouts) of the form, nor of the accompanying documents are required.
Note: Small Grants have been renamed to Visegrad Grants. Applying for Visegrad Grants is possible quarterly (identical deadlines to the former Small Grants). No conditions for applying for Small Grants were changed apart from the fact that paper versions of the application form or any other accompanying documents in paper form are no longer required with the application form. Applicants are, however, requested to collect electronic copies of both letters of intent and ID documents as these may be requested at a later stage (i.e., before concluding grant contract).
Project categories
In general, we seek projects that display active cooperation with the following accents: sustainability, youth, innovativeness and regional relevance. Each project proposal shall also fall within one or two thematic categories that best its content and desired outcomes:
- culture and common identity
- education and capacity building
- environment
- democratic values and the media
- public policy and institutional partnerships
- scientific exchange and research cooperation
- regional development, entrepreneurship and tourism
- social development
On-line application system
Application forms are available through an on-line system at my.visegradfund.org. Each term is usually open 30 days prior to the given deadline. Applicants need to register with a valid e-mail address to start a new application form. Each form is then password protected and can be saved and edited later. Every application form has its unique 8-digit number (application ID#), which the applicants shall use in all project-related communication with the fund.
Accompanying documentation
Applicants are requested to collect electronic versions of the following documents (scans), which may be required at a later stage:
- digital copies of letters of intent (see paragraph 2.5)
- digital copies of ID documents (no older than 3 months) of the applicant and project partners (see paragraph 2.6)
- digital copies of confirmations about co-financing (copies or scan printouts of documents proving other confirmed financial contributions to the project from project partners, other donors or sponsors)
Visegrad Grants program is open for proposals quarterly on March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1, 2016.
Visegrad Grants (ex-Small/Standard Grants) and Strategic Grants have regular annual deadlines which are duly announced on the fund’s website.
Application forms are to be submitted on-line by 11:59:59 CET (noon) on given deadline date. Hard-copy versions (signed printouts) with relevant accompanying documents are no longer required as part of the submitted application form at deadline; applicants are, however, advised to collect electronic letters of intent from their project partners as these documents might be requested at a later stage.
Please see the update Grant Guidelines for further information: http://bit.ly/2c70lv6
- Міжнародний Вишеградський Фонд
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