On November 15, 2024, the opening ceremony of the Conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the operation of Confucius Institutes was held. The plenary session was moderated by the Minister of Education of the People's Republic of China, Mr. Huai Jinping, Vice Minister of Education of China Mr. Wu Yan, Vice President and Secretary General of the China Foundation for International Education Mr. Zhao Linshan and General Director of the Chinese Language Education Center Mr. Yu Yunfeng and others. The participants were welcomed by Ministers and Deputy Ministers of Education of such countries as: Cambodia, Brazil, Italy, Montenegro, Nicaragua, Tajikistan, Georgia, Saudi Arabia, Kenya, etc. From 15.11.2024 to 17.11.2024, Vice-Rector for Research G. V. Muzychenko and Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages O. V. Popova visited Beijing (PRC). The purpose of the visit was to participate in a series of forums at the World Conference on Chinese Language – 2024 within the framework of the implementation of the International Project “Confucius Institute”. The Chinese side was represented by the Vice-Rector of Harbin Engineering University, Mr. Yu Zhiwen and Chinese lecturer Mr. Xi Hongan.
On the second day of the conference, November 16, 2024, a series of parallel forums were held on issues of Chinese language standards and their coordination with local language standards, intercultural communication, innovations in the system of international Chinese language education, professional development of Confucius Institute directors, quality of Chinese language teaching, development of international talents, building a successful ecosystem on the Confucius Institute platform, academic exchange, digitalization and intellectual transformation, etc. The Director of the Confucius Institute of Ushynsky University, Oleksandra Popova, from the Ukrainian side, delivered a report entitled «CI Directors' Partnership: Modern Dimension.» Following the results of the Conference, O. V. Popova was again invited to participate in the forums next year.
On November 16, 2024, a working meeting of Ukrainian delegates with the Vice-Rector of Harbin Engineering University Mr. Yu Zhiwen, also took place, during which a number of working issues were discussed, in particular in the field of organizing the educational process for learning Chinese as a foreign language and improving the procedure for selecting candidates for participation in the academic mobility program.
The exchange of experience at annual conferences in the format of the International Project "Confucius Institute" contributes to strengthening the international image of the State Institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky" and activates the attraction of foreign students to study at the university.