Reviews from graduates, figures in education, science, culture and sports, honorary guests of Ushynsky University

"With great pleasure I note the high status of South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University in the training of Chinese students, as well as in the implementation of various projects for cooperation with universities in China."

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the PRC in Ukraine Mr. Zhāng Xǐ-yún

March 15, 2016

Reviews from graduates, figures in education, science, culture and sports, honorary guests of Ushynsky University

"With great nostalgia I remember the years of study and work at South Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, the implementation of joint scientific projects with Academician O. Ya. Chebykin. That educational scientific potential that I got at the university allowed me to become one of the successful scientists in the US in the field of the psychology of the activity approach.

I consider this university one of the leaders in holding major international congresses, as well as various research programs, both in fundamental and humanities. "

Gregory Bedny, Doctor of Psychological Sciences of Essex County College, Doctor of Organizational and Pedagogical Psychology

July 4, 2014

Reviews from graduates, figures in education, science, culture and sports, honorary guests of Ushynsky University

"The cooperation of Israeli Cultural Center in Odesa and the Embassy of the State of Israel in Ukraine with Ushynsky University has a long history. Thanks to the leadership of the university, the Educational Scientific, Information and Cultural Center of our country has been created and is functioning successfully in it. International forums held within the walls of the university contribute to the expansion of relations in the field of education between the universities of Israel and Odesa. A vivid example of such international cooperation is the relationship between Ushynsky University and Ariel University located in Samaria, as well as language and research programs, joint thematic journals, scientific conferences with other Israeli university centers. The graduates of the University successfully work in Israeli educational institutions, enjoy authority in our country. "


Dr. Boleslav Yatvetsky, First Secretary Embassy of Israel in Ukraine, Director of the Israeli Cultural Center in Odesa

November 6, 2014

Reviews from graduates, figures in education, science, culture and sports, honorary guests of Ushynsky University

"I have been living in the USA for almost 20 years now. I graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Ushynsky University in the past, later defended my Ph.D. thesis in its walls. Everything that the University has done for me has served to make me a successful professional in the United States, where I work as a leading programmer for a large company. I also know that among those who today successfully make their career in the US, there are many graduates of South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University. Among them there are well-known scientists, psychologists, teachers, directors of sports and art centers, Olympic champions - Vasylyi Lomanchenko, Viktor Petrenko, the artist Yuri Gorbachev and others.

The image of many university graduates is very high here. I am proud to graduate from this university. "

Irina Bednaya, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, New Jersey, USA

July 2, 2014

Reviews from graduates, figures in education, science, culture and sports, honorary guests of Ushynsky University

"I graduated from the faculty of arts and graphics of Odessa Pedagogical Institute. Now it is South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University. My teacher was Valery Arutyunovych Geghamyan (Ukrainian artist, founder and the dean of the faculty of arts and graphics). For five years I attended his classes day after day. My teachers were also V.G. Efimenko and O.A. Tarasenko. The creative potential that I acquired at this faculty from the leading artists allowed me to make a career in the US and achieve broad international recognition. "

Yuri Gorbachev, an artist, New York, USA

January 6, 2014

Reviews from graduates, figures in education, science, culture and sports, honorary guests of Ushynsky University

"Working for many years at the University at the faculty of arts and graphics, thanks to the creative atmosphere that was created among the teachers, I managed, with the support of Academician Olexii Chebykin, to identify new directions for scientific and methodological support for the training of artists. Today, while in Australia, I remember with great nostalgia my wonderful university and its teachers. As a token of gratitude for our joint work, I prepared and submit a scientific and methodical manual for the faculty of arts and graphics of Ushynsky University. "

     Myron Naumovich Fisher,  a writer, bibliophile, historian and scholar, Founder of Sydney Book Lovers Club, Australia

               April 12, 2013

Reviews from graduates, figures in education, science, culture and sports, honorary guests of Ushynsky University

"For me South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University is a native alma mater, which gave me a ticket to life. With great respect I recall the teachers Porfyry Ivanovych Nikiforov, Olexandra Ivanivna Us, the dean Korablev, and many others. The knowledge gained from them became the foundation of my successful work, thanks to which I was able to create my own sports school and rehabilitation center. This is a wonderful university that prepares worthy professionals. "

Borys Davydovych Lytvak,

Chairman of the Board of Odesa Regional Charitable Foundation for Rehabilitation of Disabled Children "Future", Hero of Ukraine December 27, 2012

Reviews from graduates, figures in education, science, culture and sports, honorary guests of Ushynsky University

"After graduating from the faculty of primary classes at Ushynsky University, I worked in Odessa as a teacher. Later I graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of the same university and moved to Germany. Having the education of a teacher and a psychologist, I got a job. The knowledge that I got at the university, despite the existing differences in the education systems, is fruitfully implemented in my work. I think that the university gives quite a competitive training, thanks to which you can find yourself in work in any country. The main thing is to know the language. "

Svetlana Dobrovolskaya, Berlin, Germany

September 30, 2012

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