The Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology

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Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool Education


The Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology is amongst the leading centres for preparing specialists of preschool education and implementing research on theory and methods of preschool, family and special education, speech pathology.

The educational process is provided by three departments: the Department of Preschool Education, Theory and Methods of Preschool Education and the Department of Family and Aesthetic Education, where 8 Doctors of Sciences, professors and 25 Candidates of Sciences, associate professors are working.

The Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology educates specialists in the main field of study “Preschool Education” with specializations “Special Education (Speech Therapy)”, “Psychology”, “English Language and Literature” and provides both intramural and extramural studies.

Having obtained Bachelor’s degree, graduates can work as preschool teachers (with children of early and preschool age); facilitators of preschool education; speech therapists at preschool, general education and rehabilitation institutions; psychologists at preschool institutions; preschool (English) teachers; teachers of preschool pedagogy and psychology, etc.    

As part of the Faculty, there is an Academic Laboratory of Differential Psychophysiology and Adaptive Correction investigating the formation and development of psychophysiological processes in children with special needs and developing new correction procedures and means.

The Faculty offers undergraduate (Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees), postgraduate and doctoral study programmes in the specialties “Professional Education”, “Preschool Education”, “Secondary Education (the Ukrainian Language), “Special Education”. There are Specialized Academic Councils for defending candidate’s and doctor’s theses; various international and national scientific forums are held.

The acknowledged scholar schools established by A. M. Bohush, the member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine; professors E. E. Karpova and T. H. Zharovtseva and others prepare specialists of preschool and higher education for Ukraine and other countries of the world (China, Turkey, Iraq, Mongolia, etc.).

Students and graduates of the Faculty keep its outstanding traditions, win top places in various student academic competitions, contests; become principals of preschool educational institutions, in which contemporary education technologies are implemented.  

The Faculty address: 1, Nishchinkoho Str., Odesa, Ukraine, 65029.

Telephone: +38-048-732-12-12.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view

Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool Education

Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool Education was established in 1986. Its first heads were Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor A. Kuznetsov, latex – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Dr. V. I. Yan. To teaching staff of the department included: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Ph.D. N. G. Grama, Senior Lecturer V. O. Inzestoykova, assistans R. F. Tsvigun (Boeva), G. O. Komisarova, O. E. Pelepchuk. In 1992, the Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool Education was headed by A. M. Bogush – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, full member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Education (nomination – Preschool Education).

Carrently members of the department are:

Head of the department, doctor of pedagogical sciences, dozent L. I. Berezovska; academician, Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor, full member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine A. M. Bogush, Doctor of pedagogical sciences, docent Y. A. Rudenko, candidate of pedagogical sciences, docents: H. A. Ivershin, I. M. Nepomniashcha, O. P. Sotska, candidate of pedagogical sciences Senior Lecherer A. I. Proseniuk; teacher-assistant M. S. Rohachko-Ostrovska; laboratory assistant – S. V. Dikhtiarenko.

L. I. Berezovska – Теорія та методика формування елементарних математичних уявлень (Theory and method of formation of elementary mathematical concepts); Технології викладання фахових методик дошкільної освіти (Technologies for teaching professional methods of preschool education).

A. M. Bogush – Методична робота в ЗДО (Methodical work in ZDO).

Y. A. Rudenko – Методика ознайомлення з українськими традиціями і звичаями (народознавство) (Methods of acquaintance with Ukrainian traditions and customs (ethnography)); Дошкільна лінгводидактика (Preschool linguodidactics); Методика ознайомлення з українським народознавством у закладах дошкільної освіти (Methods acquaintance of Ukrainian Ethnology children in kindergarten); Методика навчання української мови у ДНЗ (Methodology of teaching Ukrainian in pre-school educational institutions);

H. A. Ivershin – Основи образотворчого мистецтва з методикою образотворчої діяльності в ЗДО (Fundamentals of fine arts and techniques for guiding the depiction of children); Основи дизайну та художньої праці (Аrt work and design basi).

I. M. Nepomniashcha – Методика ознайомлення дітей з довкіллям (Methods familiarization with the environment of children in kindergarten); Дошкільна лінгводидактика (Preschool linguodidactics); Методика організації художньо-мовленнєвої діяльності дітей у ЗДО (Art and Technique of the organization of speaking children in kindergarten).

O. P. Sotska – Основи природознавства з методикою ( Fundamentals of Natural method); Теорія та методика фізичного виховання дітей (Theory and methods of physical education) Методи ознайомлення дітей із соціальним та предметним середовищем (Methods of acquainting children with the social and subject environment).

A. I. Proseniuk – Теорія і методика музичного виховання (The theory and methodology of music education); Теорія та методика співпраці ДНЗ з родинами

(Theory and methods of cooperation of preschool educational institutions with families); Теорія і практика керівництва закладом дошкільної освіти (Theory and practice of preschool education management); Методика організації і управління освітнім процесом з розвитком мовлення і навчання рідної мови в ЗДО ( Methods of organizing and managing the educational process with the development of speech and learning the native language in ZDO).

M. S. Rohachko-Ostrovska – Теорія та методика формування елементарних математичних уявлень (Theory and method of formation of elementary mathematical concepts); Методична робота в ЗДО (Methodical work in ZDO)


Department of Preschool Pedagogy was established in January 1983 at the Faculty of Primary School Teacher Training. Today the department is a part of the Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology, which provides training for specialists in the specialty 012 “Preschool Education”.

The department is headed by Oleksiy Anatoliiovych Lystopad, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor. The educational process at the Department of Preschool Pedagogy is provided by 7 scientific and pedagogical workers, namely: 3 doctors of sciences, professors, 2 candidates of sciences, associate professors and 2 candidates of sciences, teachers.

Educational and methodological complexes have been compiled for each discipline taught at the department, which are aimed at helping students in their studies; as well as texts of lectures, methodological recommendations for students self-work in preparation for practical and seminar classes, the list of self-control questions have been made.


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