The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics

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The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics was founded on 12 June, 1930. Now it is an important educational and research centre of the South of Odesa region. About 7,000 graduates have become teachers of physics, mathematics, computer science, economics at institutions of general education, higher education and research. More than 50 of them are Honoured Teachers, Honoured Workers of Science and Education of Ukraine; about 100 graduates have become Doctors of Sciences and professors.

The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics provides training of undergraduate, postgraduate students and doctoral candidates. There is a Specialised Academic Council for defending candidate’s theses at the Faculty. Students are trained in such fields of study as “Secondary Education (Physics)”, “Secondary Education (Mathematics)”, “Secondary Education (Computer Science)” with extra specialties in computer science, the English language and literature, physics.

Teaching process is provided by the Departments of Algebra and Geometry; Advanced Mathematics; Applied Mathematics and Computer Science; Physical and Mathematic Modelling, and the Department of Physics. 13 Doctors of Sciences and professors, 40 Candidates of Sciences and associate professors, Honoured Workers of Education of Ukraine, Laureates of State Prizes are working at these departments.

Lecturers of the Faculty work closely with research and educational institutions of Ukraine, Germany, Canada, the USA, Italy, France, Sweden, Israel, Moldova, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland; they carry out research according to grant projects of science foundations. The Faculty is famous for scholar schools established by professors the A. Yu. Kiv, D. Z. Arov, V. M. Pivovarchyk, A. O. Briukhanov, O. R. Gokhman and others.  

The Faculty address: 26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine, 65020.

Telephone: +38-048-732-10-10.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..






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