The Faculty of History and Philology, with its rich traditions dating back to July 12, 1930, and highly qualified staff, is one of the oldest departments of South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky. The history of the faculty is associated with the names of famous writers and scientists, in particular S. P. Dudnyk, S. I. Oliinyk, R. M. Volkov, S. S. Dlozhevskii, and others.
The faculty is a real center for training teachers of Ukrainian language and literature, English language and foreign literature, history. Students acquire professional skills during educational and industrial internships in leading educational institutions.
Promising areas of international cooperation of the Faculty of History and Philology are: internationalization of educational and scientific activities, development of scientific schools, work with institutions of European countries, holding international scientific conferences, olympiads, competitions, festivals; organization of summer schools, participation in scientific and educational associations, implementation of academic and cultural exchanges.
Dean of the Faculty – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Kon Olena Oleksandrivna.
Secretaries of the Dean’s Office – Pop Anna Viktorivna and Liveruk Valeria Oleksandrivna.
Specialist – Trimud Olga Yuriivna.
The faculty unites 4 departments, which direct their efforts to the implementation of educational, research and cultural and educational tasks of higher education in Ukraine:
Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Literatures (Head of the Department - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor H.A. Avksentieva);
Department of Ukrainian Philology and Methods of Teaching Professional Disciplines (Head of the Department - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor L.I. Prokopenko);
Department of Slavic Linguistics (Head of the Department - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor M. A. Sokal);
Department of History of Ukraine (Head of the Department - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor O.P. Sekerska).
The departments' teams are actively introducing new effective forms of learning using innovative technologies. The main attention of the teachers is directed to the modernization of the educational process, scientific and research work. Theoretical and practical training is provided by a highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff, including 11 doctors of sciences, professors and 40 candidates of sciences, associate professors. The scientific school of Professor V. P. Drozdovsky is well-known, whose work is successfully continued by his students. Doctors of sciences, professors O. A. Kopus, A. V. Krasnozhon, Associate Professors Zh. D. Horina, M. A. Sokal, O. A. Kucheryava, O. P. Sekerska, etc. work fruitfully at the Faculty.
A priority place in the life of the faculty is occupied by work with gifted youth. Students regularly participate in scientific and practical conferences, win subject Olympiads, creative competitions. The faculty has a theater studio, St. Andrew's evenings, Shevchenko readings, game shows, national Ukrainian holidays, etc. are held. Students of the Faculty are multiple winners of the "Student Autumn" competition.
Specialties and specializations of educational programs:
Secondary Education (Ukrainian Language and Literature. English Language and Foreign Literature).
Secondary Education (History)
After graduating from the University, graduates work as teachers of Ukrainian and English languages, Ukrainian and foreign literature, history teachers and history lecturers, specialists in the mass media (journalists, announcers, radio and television presenters), translators, translator-referents, civil servants.
The qualification of a teacher of Ukrainian language and literature can be obtained in a shortened period of study for 3 years on the basis of the educational and qualification level "junior specialist".
Address: Ukraine, 65020, Odessa, st. Staroportofrankivska, 34, 2nd floor
Phone: +38-048-721-69-52
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Visitor reception hours by the Dean of the Faculty of History and Philology
Kon Olena Oleksandrivna:
Monday – 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Thursday - 2:00-4:00 p.m.