Main information about the activity of Ushynsky University

General information

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky was established as A Pedagogical Institute at Richelieu Lyceum in Odesa on 2 May, 1817. Since that time, its name has been changed several times (Teacher’s Institute, Institute of Public Education, Odesa State Pedagogical Institute named after K. D. Ushynsky, South Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky); it has been liquidated and re-established. Before 1941, the University was one of the biggest in Odesa in terms of the amount of students and the leading one in the USSR in terms of quality of teachers training. During the World War II, it was the only pedagogical educational institution that was relocated to Turkmenistan by the Resolution of the Government and continued its work there.

By the Resolution of the Government of Ukraine, the University was named after distinguished scientist-educator Kostiantyn Ushynsky for its outstanding service in training teachers.

In 1970, Odesa State Pedagogical Institute named after K. D. Ushynsky was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation issued by the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

On 29 September, 1994, by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 592 and order of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine No. 270 dated 16 September, 1994, Odesa State Pedagogical Institute named after K. D. Ushynsky was reorganized into South Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky.

In 2007, the University personnel was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation issued by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for its considerable contribution into the development of science, training skilled specialists, fruitful research and educational activity as well as work achievements.

On 13 July, 2009, by the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 538, South Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky was assigned the status of a national university and was given its present name.

Currently, the University is a flagship teachers training university of the Southern Region of Ukraine with 17 acknowledged scholar schools, 62 specialties for undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral training programmes at 9 faculties, 4 divisions and 2 institutes. Within the period of its existence, more than 100,000 students have graduated from the University and have been employed at the educational institutions of Ukraine; more than 3000 graduates have worked abroad.

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky is a member of International Association of Universities, East European Association of Universities, Association of European Universities, International Association of Pedagogical Universities of Central and Eastern Europe, Swedish National Scientific Association, AGEC – “European Association of Choral Communities for Public Activity”, European Council’s Higher Education and Research Committee (Strasburg), Norwegian-Ukrainian University Alliance, a well-known European organization “Observatory of the Magna Charta”. The university collaborates with more than 100 Ukrainian educational institutions and numerous universities in Europe, Asia and America. At present, there are 12 academicians, almost 70 Doctors of Sciences, professors; 18 lecturers-educators hold the titles of Honorary Workers of Science, Education, Arts and Sports; they are laureates of state prizes. A great number of scientists have received international awards; they are members of various national and international academies, communities and associations.

The University is proud of its sports achievements: 25 Olympic champions, more than 50 champions and winners of European and World Championships, 29 Honoured Coaches and Masters of Sports of USSR, Ukraine, etc.

According to the national ranking of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the university has been among 34 leading pedagogical, humanitarian and sporting universities of Ukraine for more than 10 years. It has been appreciated for its research work, implementation of information technologies, professional orientation; received prestigious awards and medals.


/main educational and scientific divisions of Ushynsky University/

Institute / Faculty



The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics

Teaching process is provided by the Department of Physics; Innovative Technologies and Methods of Teaching Natural Disciplines; Advanced Mathematics and Statistics; Applied Mathematics and Computer Science; 13 Doctors of Sciences and professors, 40 Candidates of Sciences and associate professors, Honoured Workers of Education of Ukraine, Laureates of State Prizes are working at these departments.

The Faculty address: 26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine, 65020.



E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

The Institute of Postgraduate Education and Certification

Currently, it has 2 divisions: the Division of Further Training, and Preparatory Division for Foreigners. Besides, one of the divisions of the Institute offers preparation of foreign citizens for admission into higher educational institutions of Ukraine to study Humanities, Natural Sciences, etc. Pre-university training is carried out by the Department of General Subjects and Language Training of Foreign Citizens.

The Institute address: 1, Nishchinskoho Str., Odesa, Ukraine, 65029.


+38 (048) 718-57-23.

E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Faculty of Foreign Languages

The Faculty consists of the Department of Germanic Philology and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages; Translation, Theoretical and Applied Linguistics; Western and Oriental Languages and Methods of their Teaching.

The Faculty address: 34, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine, 65020.



E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

The Faculty of History and Philology

The Faculty of Philology unites 5 subdivisions: the Department of Slavonic Linguistics, the Department of Ukrainian Philology and Methodology of Professional Studies, the Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Literature; World History and Methodology of Science; the Department of Ukrainian History 

The Faculty address: 34, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine, 65020.



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The Institute of Physical Education, Sports and Rehabilitation

There are 5 departments at the Institute: the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports Subjects; the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education, Rehabilitation Exercises and Sports Medicine; Sport Games; Gymnastics; and the Department of Physical Education; Defectology and Physical Rehabilitation.

The Institute address: 4, Fontanska doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine, 65009.

Telephone: +38-048-705-46-73.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Faculty of Music and Choreography

There are four departments at the Faculty: the Department of Music Art and Choreography, Musical and Vocal Theory, Music and Instrumental Training, Conductor and Choral Training

The Faculty address: 4, Fontanska doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine, 65009.

Telephone: +38-048-705-46-64.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Faculty of Arts and Graphics

There are three departments at the Faculty: the Department of Fine Arts, Theory and Methods of Applied and Decorative Arts and Graphics, and Art Technology and Professional Education.

The Faculty address: 2/4, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine, 65029.

Telephone: +38-048-731-76-45.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Faculty of Primary Education

There are four departments providing educational process of the Faculty: the Department of Educational Technologies of Primary Education; Social Pedagogy, Psychology and Pedagogical Innovations; Mathematics and Methods of its Teaching; the Department of Pedagogy

The Faculty address: 4, Fontanska doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine, 65009.

Telephone: +38(048)705-46-62; +38(048) 705-46-63.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology

The educational process is provided by three departments: the Department of Preschool Education, Theory and Methods of Preschool Education and the Department of Family and Aesthetic Education

The Faculty address: 1, Nishchinkoho Str., Odesa, Ukraine, 65029.

Telephone: +38-048-732-12-12.

E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities

The Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities includes the Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology; Developmental Psychology and Social Communications; General and Differential Psychology; Political Sciences and Law; Educational Management and Social Administration, Psychiatry, medical and Special Psychology, General and Differential Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology and Management of socio-cultural Activity. 

The Faculty address: 4, Fontanska doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine, 65009.

Telephone: +38-048-705-46-69.

E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Licenses and certificates of accreditation



Licensing decisions

Certificate of Accreditation, date of expiry

The first (bachelor) level of education

(012) Preschool Education

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 16002651,

01 July 2024

(013) Primary Education

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 16002652,

01 July 2024

(014) Secondary Education. Choreography

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 16002657,

01 July 2024

(014) Secondary Education. Ukrainian Language and Literature

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 16002664,

01 July 2024

(014) Secondary Education. Language and Literature (English)

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 16002665,

01 July 2024

(014) Secondary Education. Language and Literature (Chinese)

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 16002666,

01 July 2024

(014) Secondary Education. Language and Literature (Russian)

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 16002667,

01 July 2024

(014) Secondary Education. Language and Literature (Turkish)

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 16002668,

01 July 2024

(014) Secondary Education. History

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 16002663,

01 July 2024

(014) Secondary Education. Mathematics

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 16002671,

01 July 2024

(014) Secondary Education. Physics

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 16002672,

01 July 2024

(014) Secondary Education. Informatics

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 16002668,

01 July 2024

(014) Secondary Education. Labour Training and Technologies

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 16002653,

01 July 2024

(014) Secondary Education. Physical Culture

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 16002656,

01 July 2024

(014) Secondary Education. Fine Arts

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 16002661,

01 July 2024

(014) Secondary Education. Musical Arts


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 16002659,

01 July 2024

(015) Professional Education. Design


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565


(016) Special Education


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 16002654,

01 July 2024

(017) Physical Culture and Sport


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 31 August 2018 № 1389-л (for the term of study); (with the right to train foreigners and stateless persons)


(023) Fine Arts, Decorative Arts, Restoration


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565


(024) Choreography


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 16002658,

01 July 2021

(025) Musical Arts


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 16002660,

01 July 2024

(027) Museology, Monumental Studies


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565


(028) Management of Sociocultural Activity


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565


(033) Philosophy


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 16002662,

01 July 2022

(034) Culturology


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 21 June 2018 № 1352-л (with the right to train foreigners and stateless persons), (for the term of study)


(035) Philology


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 16002669,

01 July 2024

(041) Theology


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565


(052) Political Science


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565


(053) Psychology


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 16002670,

01 July 2024

(054) Social Science


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565


(061) Journalism


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565


(081) Law


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565


(231) Social Work


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 16002655,

01 July 2024

(281) Public management and administration


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 18 January 2018 № 53-л


The second (master) level of education

(012) Preschool Education


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 21 June 2018 № 1352-л (with the right to train foreigners and stateless persons), (for the term of study)

НД 1696015,

01 July 2024

(013) Primary Education


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

НД 1696016,

01 July 2024

(014) Secondary Education. Choreography


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

НД 1696020,

01 July 2022

(014) Secondary Education. Ukrainian Language and Literature


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 21 June 2018 № 1352-л (with the right to train foreigners and stateless persons), (for the term of study)

НД 1696025,

01 July 2024

(014) Secondary Education. Language and Literature (English)


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

НД 1696026,

01 July 2024

(014) Secondary Education. History


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

НД 1696024,

01 July 2024

(014) Secondary Education. Mathematics


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

НД 1696029,

01 July 2024

(014) Secondary Education. Physics


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 21 June 2018 № 1352-л (with the right to train foreigners and stateless persons), (for the term of study)

НД 1696030,

01 July 2024

(014) Secondary Education. Informatics


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

НД 1696031,

01 July 2024

(014) Secondary Education. Labour Training and Technologies


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 15001381,

01 July 2023

(014) Secondary Education. Physical Culture


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 21 June 2018 № 1352-л (with the right to train foreigners and stateless persons), (for the term of study)

НД 1696019,

01 July 2024

(014) Secondary Education. Fine Arts


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

НД 1696022,

01 July 2024

(014) Secondary Education. Musical Arts


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

НД 1696021,

01 July 2024

(016) Special Education


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 21 June 2018 № 1352-л (with the right to train foreigners and stateless persons), (for the term of study)

НД 1696017,

01 July 2022

(017) Physical Culture and Sport


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 31 August 2018 № 1389-л (with the right to train foreigners and stateless persons), (for the term of study)


(024) Choreography


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 16000696,

01 July 2021

(025) Musical Arts


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

УД 16000697,

01 July 2024

(033) Philosophy


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

НД 1696023,

01 July 2022

(035) Philology


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 18 January 2018 № 53-л

НД 1696027,

01 July 2024

(053) Psychology


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

НД 1696028,

01 July 2022

(073) Management


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

НД 1696032,

01 July 2020

(105) Applied Physics and Nanomaterials


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 21 June 2018 № 1352-л (with the right to train foreigners and stateless persons), (for the term of study)


(231) Social Work


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19 December 2016 № 1565

НД 1696018,

01 July 2024

The third (educational and scientific) level – Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Science

(012) Preschool Education


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 23 June 2016 № 707


(014) Secondary Education


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 23 June 2016 № 707


(015) Professional Education


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 23 June 2016 № 707


(017) Physical Culture and Sport


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 23 June 2016 № 707


(023) Fine Arts, Decorative Arts, Restoration


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 23 June 2016 № 707


(033) Philosophy


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 23 June 2016 № 707


(035) Philology


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 23 June 2016 № 707


(052) Political Science


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 23 June 2016 № 707


(053) Psychology


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 23 June 2016 № 707


(105) Applied Physics and Nanomaterials


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 23 June 2016 № 707


Educational/educational and scientific programmes

State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after K. D. Ushynsky" invites foreign citizens to study in 2021:



(educational programme)

Educational degree

training period




Musical Arts

Musical Arts

3 years 10 months

1 year 4 months


Secondary Education

Musical Arts

3 years 10 months

1 year 4 months


Secondary Education


3 years 10 months

1 year 4 months




3 years 10 months

1 year 4 months


Secondary Education

Fine Arts

3 years 10 months

1 year 4 months


Secondary Education

Labour Training and Technologies

3 years 10 months

1 year 4 months


Secondary Education

Physical Education

3 years 10 months

1 year 4 months


Special Education

Special Education (Speech Therapy)

3 years 10 months

1 year 4 months




3 years 10 months

1 year 4 months

2 years




3 years 10 months

1 year 4 months


Secondary Education


3 years 10 months

1 year 4 months


Preschool Education

Preschool Education

3 years 10 months

1 year 4 months


Secondary Education

The Ukrainian language and Literature

3 years 10 months

1 year 4 months


Secondary Education

Language and Literature (Russian)

3 years 10 months



Secondary Education

Language and Literature (English)

3 years 10 months

1 year 4 months


Secondary Education

Language and Literature (Chinese)

3 years 10 months



Secondary Education

Language and Literature (Turkish)

3 years 10 months




Translation from English, Chinese into Ukrainian

3 years 10 months

1 year 4 months


Primary Education

Primary Education

3 years 10 months

1 year 4 months


Social Work

Social work

3 years 10 months

1 year 4 months


Secondary Education


3 years 10 months

1 year 4 months


Secondary Education


3 years 10 months

1 year 4 months


Secondary Education


3 years 10 months

1 year 4 months



Management of an Educational Institution


1 year 4 months


Samples of Documents on Education



Admission Rules for Foreigners and Stateless Persons

1) Peculiarities of admission to Ushynsky University of Foreigners and Stateless Persons:

1.1. Admission to the University of Foreigners and Stateless Persons is carried out in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, “On the Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons”, “On Foreign Ukrainians”, “On Refugees and Persons in Need of Additional or Temporary Protection”, by the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated June 3, 1994 No. 271 “On Means of Development of Economic Cooperation Development of Ukrainian Regions with Neighbouring Border Regions of the Republic of Belarus and Administrative and Territorial Units of the Republic of Moldova”, Enactments of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated February 26, 1993 No. 136 “On Education of Foreign Citizens in Ukraine”, dated September 26, 2013, No. 684 “Some Issues on Recruitment for Training Foreigners and Stateless Persons”, by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated November 1, 2013, No. 1541 “Some Issues on the Organization of the Recruitment and Training (Internship) of Foreigners and Stateless Persons” registered at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 25, 2013 No. 2004/24536.

1.2. Foreigners and stateless persons (hereinafter Foreigners) may obtain higher education at the expense of individuals and/or legal entities, unless otherwise provided by international agreements of Ukraine, the consent to be bound by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, laws or agreements between higher education institutions on international academic mobility. Admission of foreigners to higher education institutions for study at the expense of the state budget is carried out within quotas for foreigners.

1.3. Foreigners who arrive in Ukraine for study purposes enter the University under accredited educational programs (specialties). Admission of foreigners to study at the expense of individuals and / or legal entities may be carried out by the University:

1) twice a year, before and at the beginning of academic semesters (but not later than on November 1 and March 1, respectively), for obtaining a bachelorʼs degree, a master’s degree;

2) during the year for postgraduate studies, adjuncture, doctoral studies.

The University calculates scores / assessments of an apprentice on the basis of a document on the previous educational level. Admission of foreigners to study at the appropriate level of higher education is based on the results of entrance examinations in specified subjects and the language of instruction as well as on the basis of the academic rights to continue education provided by the document on the acquired level of education in the country of origin and taking into account the points of success giving the right to continuing education at the next level of higher education in accordance with the legislation of the country that issued the document on the obtained degree (level) of education.

1.4. All categories of foreigners enrolled in the studies are credited to the University on the basis of admission orders that are formed in the Uniform Base.

1.5. The requirements of the University regarding the correspondence of foreigners arriving to Ukraine for study purposes, the conditions for admission to the relevant higher education levels, as well as the terms for accepting applications and documents, conducting entrance examinations, creative competitions and admission are indicated in the Rules of Admission and are made public on the official website of the University.

1.7. Foreigners who receive state scholarships under international agreements, national programs, and other international obligations of Ukraine are accepted to study within the established quotas for foreigners on the basis of the directions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

1.8. Foreigners who come to Ukraine to participate in academic mobility or higher education programs, agreed upon by the University and foreign higher education institutions through educational programs, are accepted for study, taking into account the relevant contractual obligations of the relevant higher education institutions.

1.9. Foreign Ukrainians who legally stay in Ukraine and whose status is certified by a foreign Ukrainian, when applying for the University, enjoy the same rights to education as the citizens of Ukraine, with the exceptions established by the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine or international treaties, the consent to be bound by which has been provided by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Foreign Ukrainians, whose status is certified as a foreign Ukrainian, may be admitted for studying on state orders within the established quotas for foreigners for interviewing subjects envisaged by the Rules for Admission to a higher education institution.

1.10. The terms for accepting applications and documents, conducting introductory tests, creative contests, interviewing and publishing an order for enrollment for all categories of foreigners and stateless persons for a higher education degree are held in accordance with the conditions for entry into higher education institutions of Ukraine and determined by the Rules of Admission to the University.

1.11. Competitive enrollment of foreigners and stateless persons to the University is carried out in a separate competition on each specialty (educational program) and degree on the basis of their competition score (foreign Ukrainians). The rating list of foreigners and stateless persons is arranged from the bigger to the lower value of the competition score.

1.12. Persons who, for no valid reasons, did not appear at the entrance examinations in a timetable determined by the schedule, those whose knowledge was assessed at points below the minimum level established by this appendix, as well as persons who took documents after the date of the completion of the acceptance of documents, to participate in the following introductory tests or competitive selection are not allowed. Reassembly of entrance examinations is not allowed.

1.13. Appeals against the results of entrance examinations conducted by the University are considered by the Appeal Committee of Ushynsky University, the composition and procedure of which are approved by the order of the rector.

2) In order to enter Ukraine for the purpose of studying, foreign citizens need a “D”-type visa that is issued on the basis of an invitation letter from the University (visa type “D” is not required for citizens of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, the Russian Federation, Uzbekistan).

3) List of documents required for invitation:

3.1. Consent to the processing of personal data;

3.2. An application form for receiving an invitation;

3.3. A copy of the passport (the first page must be translated into Ukrainian and certified by a notary public);

3.4. A copy of the document on prior education (must be translated into Ukrainian and certified by a notary public);

3.5. A copy of the appendix to the education document which contains information on academic success (to be translated into Ukrainian and certified by a notary public);

3.6. If an invitation is received by a trustee, she/he must have a notarized power of attorney.

3.7. To speed up the process of receiving an invitation, it is advisable to send documents in scanned form to the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

4) Upon arrival in Ukraine, the entrant submits to the Department of International Relations of the University apostilled and notarized documents translated into Ukrainian:

- Document (original and copy) about previously acquired educational (educational-qualifying) level, on the basis of which the introduction is made;

- Addendum (original and copy) to the document on the previously acquired educational (educational-qualifying) level, on the basis of which the introduction is made (if any);

- Academic certificate issued by a foreign / Ukrainian educational institution (in case of transfer or renewal of studies, from the second year of study, academic background is attached);

- Document (original and copy) containing information on the content of the curriculum by the previous (degree) level of higher education, the credits received, the duration of training and the success in the academic disciplines for obtaining a master’s degree or postgraduate education;

- Copy of a passport document of a foreigner or a document that confirms a stateless person;

- Health insurance policy, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of Ukraine;

- 12 photographs in size 35x45 mm;

- Research proposal on the chosen scientific specialty or certified by the established procedure at the place of work / training of the candidate, a list of published scientific works and inventions in Ukrainian or English (which are additionally submitted upon admission to the postgraduate study).

5) An entrant who has arrived at the University is obliged to respect and adhere to the Constitution of Ukraine and the laws of Ukraine, to comply with the requirements of the Regulations on the training of foreign citizens in Ukraine, the rules of the internal rules of the University, the rules of residence in the hostel.

For further information regarding the admission of foreign citizens to Ushynsky University, you should address the Department of International Relations.

26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine, 65020.

Tel/fax: +38-048-732-51-07; 732-41-99.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Conditions of Study and Residence for Foreigners and Stateless Persons

Efficient work of the University is provided by its teaching staff, established traditions, the updating and implementation of advanced teaching technology.

There are almost 500 lecturers including foreign professors working at 38 departments. Scholar schools established at the University are well-known in Ukraine and abroad for their achievements in the sphere of Pedagogy, Psychology, Physics and Mathematics. There are 7 Specialized Academic Councils for defending candidate’s and doctor’s theses in 12 specialties. Postgraduate training programmes are offered in 31 specialties, one can take a doctoral training programme in 11 specialties. The University facilitates holding more than 30 international and all-Ukraine research conferences every year and publishing 6 scholarly journals on a regular basis.

The University is well-known far beyond the country; it collaborates with educational and research institutions of various countries. There is International Distance Learning Centre, which is the only one in the South of Ukraine; educational research, information and cultural centres of Israel, the People’s Republic of China (Confucius Institute), the USA, Lithuania, Korea. Lecturers and students participate in more than 40 international projects. The University is a coordinator of project studies according to the international programmes TEMPUS, Erasmus+, Visegrad Fund, Fund “Ukraine-Norway”, etc.

The University is proud of its outstanding educators-scholars, students and graduates, who have contributed a lot to the development of science and education at the global level.

The University is located in the central part of Odesa, it has 9 specially constructed buildings and 4 hostels. 

The University uses educational and material resources to provide high-quality educational support, in particular, educational premises with a total area of 73345 m², 56947 m² of them are provided for student occupations, 3192 m² are for computer classes and laboratories; sports halls (2457 m²); premises for scientific and pedagogical workers (2720 m²); office space (11,307 m²); library (2151.19 m²), including reading rooms (151.5 m²); student hostels (16398 m²); medical items (80.1 m²); canteens, buffets (716.6 m²); dispensaries, recreation centres (2288 m²). 

Educational premises, where foreign students will be trained, are provided with unobstructed access to classrooms, laboratories and other infrastructure. The University has necessary conditions for accessibility to the educational facilities and hostels for disabled persons and other less-mobile groups of the population which are constantly expanding. Thus, all educational buildings and hostels, yard slots, bathrooms are brought in accordance with the requirements of the state building regulations regarding the needs of the specified population group. In most educational buildings, ramps are built at the entrance. All areas are equipped according to the above requirements. 

The auditoria, educational, research and teaching laboratories, offices, libraries, reading rooms, sports halls, etc. are the main components of the educational and material base. The improvement of the material and technical base is in constant upgrade.

In general, the available training equipment, information and computer base provide the opportunity to successfully implement the teaching requirements and recommendations in the process of teaching, as well as to ensure the acquisition of relevant profession-centred knowledge and skills by foreign applicants of higher education. 

The classrooms and laboratories at the University are equipped with audiovisual equipment, video equipment and all necessary technical means of training. Constant attention is paid to diagnostics, repair, modernization and upgrading of the equipment. In the auditoria where foreigners are trained, there are all necessary conditions for multimedia support for conducting lectures, seminars, approbation of scientific studies, conferences; the equipment of the classrooms supplied with the means of multimedia meets the current norms. 

The optimization of inter-departmental cooperation is provided by the use of equipment and technical means to facilitate the educational process at the University; some faculties implement studying on a double-shift basis. 

The University has 934 units of computer and office equipment for high-quality training. The total number of computers is 532 units, 404 of them are used in the educational process. 

The University has installed and intensively used 7 interactive whiteboards, 29 projectors; it operates a corporate Internet network with more than 514 PCs connected through 6 servers. The corporate network of the University is connected to the scientific and educational network “URAN”. Software and hardware complex support is provided through the creation of a department of new information technologies; a continuous access for students, postgraduates, doctoral students and employees to the Internet resources, an automated library and information system are organized in all buildings. 

The University buildings, library and hostels have Wi-Fi coverage, which allows Internet users to work with different web-resources. 

The University IT infrastructure provides the opportunity for free use of the “cloud” services Office 365, as well as the optimization of administration of the technical support and software of the classrooms. 

The Library Fund of the University consists of: scientific, educational literature, periodicals, documents on electronic media, rare and valuable publications, dissertations, abstracts. The total library fund contains 331,374 documents; in particular, textbooks account for 21,220 units. In 2011, the Museum of rare books was opened; its fund is 16589 units. The Library Fund contains literature on: health, pedagogy, psychology, philosophy, history, foreign languages, political science, jurisprudence, management, economics and other fields of knowledge, rare early printed publications. The main part of it comprises study guides and textbooks, collections of scientific works and researches, multi-volume academic publications of figures of national and foreign science, culture, serials, reference books, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, fiction, rare and valuable publications. 

General book provision at the University complies with regulatory requirements. 

In the context of innovative transformations, the University Library actively implements information technology, focusing on the demands and needs of all participants of the educational process. The whole area of library rooms has Wi-Fi coverage that allows all users to work in the Internet, with the electronic catalogue and various web-resources, to be more precise. 

Particular attention is paid to the accumulation of modern scientific full-text literature on electronic media. The general fund of the electronic library consists of materials necessary for the educational process, scientific activity of teachers and applicants of higher education. 

In order to support the policy of open access to intellectual products of the scientific community at Ushynsky University, there is the Electronic Archive (repository). At present, the active filling of the archive with full-text electronic copies of scientific-methodical and educational works of university scientists is taking place. On the main pages of the University’s websites and libraries, there is a link to the Electronic Archive (repository)

Today, the main tool for providing information on library resources and electronic resources is the site The library’s web-site presents such important information and bibliographic services as: an electronic catalogue, scientific resources, web-resources, periodicals, new acquisitions, etc. 

The University Library has access to other libraries in Ukraine and the world. 

The University has a well-established social infrastructure. Applicants and employees are provided with modern hostels, catering complexes, medical centres, sports complexes (including specialized gyms, a rifle shooting range, equipped stadiums and sports grounds). In particular, social infrastructure of the University comprises 5 student hostels (the living space per student is 10 m2, which corresponds to the established standards), 7 canteens and buffets that meet the requirements for catering facilities, 3 assembly halls, 6 gyms, 7 sports grounds, 2 stadiums, 4 tennis courts. 

There are two medical centers at the University. In hostel No. 1, there is an office of ambulatory reception, a procedural office, physiotherapy offices, an insulator, a dentist’s office. The items are equipped with the necessary equipment, inventory, equipment, tools, which allows us to provide the requisite medical aid if necessary. The medical centers are the structural subdivisions of Student City Polyclinic No. 12, in which university applicants can also receive qualified medical assistance. 

All the University buildings, including the hostels, are equipped with central energy, water and heat supply from the city networks. In the sphere of utilization, new control devices are introduced, in particular, gas, water, heat and power supply accounting devices. Due to the installation of luminaires with LED and energy-saving lamps, the reduction of electricity consumption is ensured. 

In all the University buildings, there are cafes, buffets, 2 canteens. 

The areas near the University buildings and hostels are extremely developed in terms of providing social services and the availability of numerous food establishments and industrial institutions and cafes. 

Certain individual 4-5-storey hostels are equipped for the residence of foreign students and stateless persons:

  • Hostel No. 1 (24, Dehtiarna Str., Odesa);
  • Hostel No. 2 (28, Manezhhna Str., Odesa);
  • Hostel No. 3 (71, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa);
  • Hostel No. 4 (19/21, Otaman Holovaty Str., Odesa);
  • Hostel No. 5 (12, Chornomorske Kozatstvo Str., Odesa). 

The number of inhabitants in one room is 2-3. Hostels meet all the necessary communal needs of the inhabitants: a set-up Internet network, Wi-Fi coverage, equipped with places for self-preparation and rest, kitchens, shower rooms, bathrooms, etc. The hostels have well-developed health complexes, which include gyms and utility rooms, as well as sports facilities in the adjacent area. 

Consequently, housing and living conditions for persons of foreign origin and stateless persons are fully in line with existing requirements. 

In general, the state of the educational premises for applicants and premises for scientific and pedagogical workers, the available educational equipment, the computer base and social base of the University provide the opportunity to successfully implement teaching requirements and recommendations in the training process, as well as to provide a learning opportunity for applicants to gain relevant profession-centred knowledge and skills at the declared educational and scientific level. The University buildings (educational buildings, classrooms, hostels, etc.) due to timely and ongoing repairs are maintained in good condition. 

At the University and its structural subdivisions, there is a students’ self-government, which is an integral part of the public self-government. 

Students’ self-government provides protection of rights and interests of persons studying at the University, including foreign citizens, and their participation in the management of the higher education institution. 

Bodies of students’ self-government: adopt acts regulating their organization and activities; conduct organizational, scientific, cultural-mass, sports, health-improving and other events; facilitate the employment of persons studying at the University; perform other functions. 

Students’ self-government is carried out at the level of a student group, a faculty (institute), a hostel, a university. Decisions of student self-government bodies have an advisory character. 

The highest body of students’ self-government is the general meeting (conference) of persons studying at the University. 

The bodies of students’ self-government at the University are student councils of the University, institutes (faculties), hostels; students’ committees, councils of students’ scientific society.

Contact Information


State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky":

Address: 26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine, 65020.

Telephone: +38-048-753-08-53.  E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., website:

Department of International Relations:

26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine, 65020.

Tel/fax: +38-048-753-08-51. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



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