The Alumni Union

The Alumni Union
of Confucius Institute at South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky and Harbin Engineering University

The Alumni Union of the Education and Culture Center “Confucius Institute” at South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky and Harbin Engineering University was formed within the implementation of a joint Ukrainian-Chinese project in accordance with paragraph 7.2.10 of the Cooperation Agreement between the universities dated 26.09.2017.

The Alumni Union of “Confucius Institute” at South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky and Harbin Engineering University (hereinafter – the Alumni Union) is a voluntary association of Ukrainian citizens who studied or worked in the Education and Culture Center “Confucius Institute” at Ushynsky University. The functioning of the Alumni Union is carried out on the basis of the Statute.

The purpose of the association is to strengthen ties and cooperation between graduates of Ukrainian and Chinese universities, promote mutual understanding and friendship between the peoples of The P.R.C. and Ukraine.

The main tasks of the Alumni Union are: to create conditions for expanding business contacts between participators in various programs of “Confucius Institute”; to establish feedback with them; to improve the quality of training; to promote the exchange of information technologies; to implement projects; to hold various educational, cultural and informational Sino-Ukrainian events.

In order to promptly resolve the issues of the Alumni Union with the consent of Ushynsky University and Harbin Engineering University, the Council was formed. It was composed of:

- Chebykin Oleksiy Yakovych, Rector of Ushynsky University, Honorary Chairman of the Council;

- Ding Xin, Chinese CI director, Chairman of the Council;

- Popova Oleksandra Volodymyrivna, local CI director, Deputy Chairman of the Council;

- Fang Lin, Chinese language teacher at Ushinsky University, member of the Council;

- Sun Xiaojin, responsible person of “Confucius Institute”, member of the Council;

- Stoianova Tetiana Volodymyrivna, Senior Secretary of “Confucius Institute”, member of the Council;

- Salnikova Diana, student of the Foreign Languages Department at Ushynsky University, responsible for scholarship programs at Harbin Engineering University, member of the Council;

- Jin Lulu, Chinese language teacher at “Confucius Institute”, Secretary General of the Council;

- Liu Yige, Chinese language teacher at the primary school branch of “Confucius Institute”, Deputy Secretary of the Council.

The CI Chinese teachers are also members of the Council Board and the Ukrainian teachers are members of the Council Board in its branches.

Contacts of the Alumni Union:

Odessa, Yevreiska Street, 25.

Phones: + 38-093-14-22-323; + 38-097-888-32-86.

If you have any questions regarding the admission to the Alumni Union of “Confucius Institute” at South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky and Harbin Engineering University, do not hesitate and contact the member of the Board - Stoianova Tetiana Volodymyrivna, Tel.: + 38-093- 14-22-323 or by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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