My name is Ayad Hayawi Taama Al Ataby. I am from Iraq. I graduated from the Faculty of Arts of Basra’ s University. I received a Master's degree at the Faculty of Graphic Arts of South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D.Ushynsky in 2008 ( defended my diploma thesis on “ Investigation of Painting Methods in Creating of Thematic Composition” with the mark “Excellent”).
Drawing is my life. I began drawing in my early childhood and all my time I have been working with easel and colours in my hands. Most of all I like to paint animals, especially horses, elderly people and stormy sea. In my thinking painting is an expression of inner microcosm of an artist in which every person can find the analogy with his own world of soul.
Now I am writing my dissertation work. Thanks for teaching and support I have received at the university.