Iryna Pospelova, associate professor of the department of theory and methods of practical psychology, took part in the traditional Congress of the Lithuanian Association of Psychologists

2Every year, the Lithuanian Association of Psychologists gathers for a traditional Congress.
This year, this meeting took place on April 14-15, 2023 in Vilnius on the basis of the cozy Mykolas Romeris University (MRU), named after the Patriarch of Lithuania, professor of constitutional law Mykolas Romeris.
As the students of the Faculty of Human and Social Studies, Nika and Aneta (they are volunteers at the congress - in the photo with Iryna Pospelova) told, about 150 psychologists from all over Lithuania joined the Congress this year.
Many interesting research results, original approaches to solving practical problems, etc. were presented at the congress. Thus, the speeches on the problems of neuropsychology of the geneticist, the endobiogenic doctor Danielius Serapinas, attracted attention. He is known in Lithuania for his original approach to the problem of the origin of man and his future: how to live longer, avoiding adverse health factors and protecting your genes, how to find the purpose and meaning of life, what storylines await humanity.
With interest, the participants of the congress got acquainted with the results of the work of the Research Center of Suicidology by doctoral student Yakub Guzhas on the topic "Search for risk factors and protective factors for suicidality in persons of non-heterosexual orientation." Particularly interesting were the practical sections on the problem of burnout and its prevention by means of art therapy.


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