On May 10, 2023, the start of the pilot training program for PhD supervisors "Innovative PhD Supervisor", one of the organizers of which is Ushynsky University.
The project is implemented under the auspices of the UCO "Innovative University" and on the initiative of the participants of the international project "Innovative University and Leadership" (Phase VI. "Models of academic autonomy and the university in the lifelong education system"), representing Ushynsky University (Hanna Muzychenko), Lviv State University of Internal Affairs (Iryna Glowyuk), NU "Lviv Polytechnic" (Ulyana Sadova), Vasyl Stus State University (Hanna Osmolovska), NTU "Dniprovska Polytechnic" (Larysa Kolisnyk), Institute of Digitalization of Education of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Hanna Yatsyshyn) and Institute of Pedagogical Education and adult education named after Ivan Zyazyun National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Natalia Avsheniuk).
The program will continue until May 2023 and will include a survey of program participants regarding the scope of competencies of a modern scientific supervisor, as well as a proposed educational component consisting of a series of lectures and practical classes aimed at developing the professional qualities of modern scientific supervisors.
More than 30 scientists from the Ushinsky University are taking part in the "Innovative Scientific Supervisor" program, who will provide scientific guidance to graduate students in 11 specialties and 12 educational and scientific programs.