Scientific Conferences in 2019

Scientific Conferences 2019

The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky"


Conference Topics

Higher education institution, responsible person, address, telephone, e-mail

City and date



Number of parti-cipants

Co-organizers of the event

I. International Conferences


















V International Scientific Conference


"Topical issues of philology and professional training of specialists in multicultural space"








The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"



Responsible person:

O.V. Popova


Odessa, 34 Staroportofran-

kivs’ka Str.

tel .:

(048) 723-40-98, (067) -754-38-47


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.











April 15-16, 2019











- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;


- Section of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics of the Southern Scientific Center of the NAS of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;


- Main Depart-ment of Confucius / Hanban Institutes (PRC);


- Harbin University of Engineering (PRC);



- Harbin Pedago-gical University, Harbin (PRC);


- Chonbuk National University (Republic of Korea);


- Minsk State Linguistic University (Belarus).




International scientific and practical conference


«Problems of rehabilitation»


The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"


Responsible person:

Z.R. Mamatova



 4, Fontans’ka Road



 (067) -488-22-85

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




April 18-19, 2019




- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;


- National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine;


- Odesa Regional State Administration;


- Educa-tional and Cultural Center "Confucius Institute";


- Harbin University of Enginee-ring (PRC);


- Ariel University (Israel).








International Scientific Conference


"Ushynsky's heritage in the dimensions of modern pedagogy"




The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"


Responsible person:

Z.N. Kurland


Odesa, 26, Staroportofran-

kivs’ka Str.



email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.






September 18-19, 2019






- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;


- National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine;


- Odesa Regional State Administration;


- Odesa City Council;


- Odesa Regional Institute for Teacher Improvement;


- Educatio-nal and Cultural Center "Confucius Institute";


- Harbin University of Engineering (PRC);

- Ariel University (Israel).








V International

scientific and methodological conference


“Theory and practice of pedagogical process management (dedicated to memory of Poltorak Valentyn Semenovych)




The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"


Responsible person:

 T.A. Petukhova



 (067) -559-29-45



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May 23-25, 2019






- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;


- Warsaw School of Management (Poland);


- Matthew Bela University (Slovakia);


- Police Academy of the Czech Republic (Czech Republic);


- Moldova State University (Moldova).






International scientific and practical conference


«Innovations in teacher's professional activity: issues, theory, practice»



The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"


Responsible person:

E.E. Karpova


Odesa, 1, Nishchynsky Str.


tel .:


email: alex.listopad@





October 17-18, 2019





- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;


- National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine;


- Educatio-nal and Cultural Center "Confucius Institute";


- Harbin University of Engineering (PRC);


  Ariel University (Israel).










International Scientific Conference


«Adaptive technologies

learning management »





The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"


Responsible person:

 O. P. Boyko


Odesa, 71 Staroportofran-kivs’ka Str.


tel .:

(048) -726-19-42, (048) 726-21-05


email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.







October 23-25, 2019







- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;


- Institute of Informa-tion Techno-logies and Teaching Aids;


- Interna-tional Scientific and Educatio-nal Center of Informa-tion Techno-logies and Systems of the NAS of Ukraine and the MES of Ukraine;


- Odesa National Polytech-nic University;


- Univer-sity of Shaulia, (Lithuania);

- Univer-sity of Maribor (Slovenia);


- Riga Institute of Information Systems Manage-ment (Latvia);


- Wroclaw Technical University (Poland);


- Varna Technical University (Bulgaria).










V International


Scientific and Practical Conference


“Topical issues of modern preschool and higher education





The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"


Responsible person:

Yu. A. Rudenko



1, Nishchynsky Str.


tel .:

 (067) -75-47-018


Email: rudenkoj@







October 29-30, 2019







- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;


- Ariel University (Israel);


- Harbin University of Engineer-ing (PRC);


- Ion Creangă Pedago-gical State University (Moldova);

- Swiss Open University (Switzer-land);

- "Konstan-tin Preslavski" Shumen University ” (Bulgaria);


- Univer-sity of Veliko Tarnovo St Cyril

and St Methodius " (Bulgaria).








I International scientific and practical


“Preserving and developing the plein air traditions: art education and art tourism”




The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"


Responsible person:

 D. Velichko


Odesa, 26, Staroportofran-kiv’ska Str.


tel .:

(099) -261-96-18;

e-mail: dimsodua01@






February 1-3, 2019





- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;


- Warsaw School of Manage-ment (Poland);


- Matthew Bela University (Slovakia);


- Police Academy of the Czech Republic (Czech Republic).








International Scientific Conference


"Topical issues of practical psychology"




The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"



Responsible person:

 O.V. Vdovichenko


Odesa, 4, Fountans’ka Road


tel .:

 (050) 490-29-11;


e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





April 19, 2019





- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;


- Belarusian State University (Belarus);


- Ion Creangă Pedago-gical State University








International Scientific Conference


«Concepts of socio-cultural transformation of modern society»




The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"



Responsible person:

Ye. R. Borinstein


Odesa, 26, Staroportofran-kiv’ska Str.


tel .:

(048) 732-09-52


email: druk.kaffilos@





May 24-25, 2019





- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;


- Belaru-sian State University (Belarus);


- Mogilev State A. Kuleshov




- Zhejiang Pedago-gical University (PRC).








I International Scientific and Practical Conference

“Visual Art and Design: Innovation at Higher Art School”




The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"


Responsible person:

T.A .Petukhova


Odesa, 26, Staroportofran-kiv’ska Str.


 (067) -559-29-45


email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.






May 23-25, 2019





- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;


- Warsaw School of Manage-ment (Poland);


- Matthew Bela University (Slovakia);


- Police Academy of the Czech Republic (Czech Republic);


- Moldova State University (Moldova).








V International Scientific Conference


«Music and choreography in the context of cultural development of society»




The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"


Responsible person: O.Ye.Rebrova


Odesa, 26, Staroportofran-kiv’ska Str.


tel .:

(067) -480-37-49;


e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





October 17-18, 2019





- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;


- Depart-ment of Education and Science of the Odesa Regional State Adminis-tration;


- Boris Grinchen-ko Kyiv University;


- Taishan University (PRC);


-Tianjin University (PRC);


-Chang Du University (PRC).








Scientific and practical conference with international participation


“Continuity in teaching mathematics in the context of reform of secondary education:

realities and perspectives”




The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"


Responsible person:


Yana Stanislawivna Gayevets


tel. 095-864-98-28 (Viber), tel.

093-424-96-36 (Telegram)






September 20-21, 2019


- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;








Scientific and Practical Conference




to the 195th anniversary of the birth of

K.D. Ushynsky



The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"


Responsible person:


email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact phone: 096-684- 54- 38 Tatiana Osypova

063-297- 20- 40 Olga Galitsan





September 19-20, 2019


- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;

II. All-Ukrainian Conferences


Annual Scientific Conference


"Historical experience and modernity"

The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"


Responsible person:

 V. M. Bukach



4, Fontans’ka Road


tel .:

(098) -555-22-61


email: valery.bukach@



February 8-9, 2019


- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;


- Odesa National Polytech-nic University.








All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference "Historiosphere"




The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"


Responsible person:

Yu. A. Dobrolyubska



4, Fontans’ka Road


tel .:

 (067) 484-19-94


e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., cafedra_vs@






April 5-6, 2019





- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;


- State archive of Odesa region;


- Depart-ment of Culture, Nationa-lities, Religions and Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites of the Odesa Regional State Adminis-tration;


- H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedago-gical University;


- Mykolaiv V.O. Sukhom-linsky National University;


- Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University.








All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference


"Problems of modern personality psychology"




The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"


Responsible person:

 O.P. Sannikova



4, Fontans’ka Road


tel .:

(048) 705-46-71, (048) 723-40-98


email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.






March 21, 2019





- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;


- G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psycho-logy;


- Odesa I.I. Mech-nikov National University;


- Droho-bych State Pedago-gical University;


- Zaporizh-zhya National University;


- Izmail State University of Huma-nities.






All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference


«Modern Ukrainian state: vectors of development and ways of mobilization of resources»



The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"



Responsible person:

S.I. Rostetska


Odesa, 26, Staroportofran-kiv’ska Str.



(098) -409-93-47,

e-mail: svitlanarost@





April 12, 2019




- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;


- National University “Odesa Law Academy”;


- Alfred Nobel University.








16th All-Ukrainian Conference


«Informatics, information systems and technologies»




The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"


Responsible person:

O.P. Boyko


Odesa, 71, Staroportofran-kiv’ska Str.


tel .:

(048) -726-19-42, (048) 726-21-05


email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.







April 12, 2019





- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;


- Odesa I.I. Mech-nikov National University.









Scientific and Practical Conference


"Panteleimon Kulish's Creativity: Prose, Poetry, Playwrights in Artistic Dimensions"




The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"


Responsible person: G.A.Avksentyeva


Odesa, 34, Staroportofran-kiv’ska Str.


tel .:

(067) -559-66-54;


email: alinakuruch6@






April 16, 2019





- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;


- Odesa I.I. Mech-nikov National University.






All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Psychology of personality self-realization: theory, research, practice"



The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"


Responsible person:

 O.P. Sannikova



4, Fontans’ka Road


tel .:

(048) 705-46-71, (048) 723-40-98


email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





September 19, 2019




- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;


- G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psycho-logy;


- Odesa I.I. Mech-nikov National University;


- Droho-bych State Pedago-gical University;


- Zaporizh-zhya National University;


- Izmail State University of Huma-nities.










All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference


"Humanities in the context of information society development"





The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"


Responsible person:

 V.V. Okorokova



4, Fontans’ka Road

Room 327



 (097) -373-65-20,


e-mail: veraok888@







October 4, 2019






- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;

- Mykolaiv V.O. Sukhom-linsky National University









Scientific and Practical Conference


"Linguistics and Linguistics didactics: achievements and development prospects"




The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"

Responsible person:

T. O. Yevtushina


Odesa, 34, Staroportofran-kiv’ska Str

Room 47


tel .:



e-mail: ukr.filologia@






November 29-30, 2019





- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;


- Odesa I.I. Mech-nikov National University.







Scientific and Practical



“South Ukrainian Scientific Studies”



The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"

Responsible person:

 Ye. R. Borinstein


Odesa, 26, Staroportofran-kiv’ska Str.


tel .:

 (048) 732-09-52


email: druk.kaffilos@






December 17, 2019




-Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;


-South Ukrainian Branch of the Sociolo-gical Associa-tion of Ukraine.

III. Internet Conferences






VIII All-Ukrainian Scientific Internet Conference


"Education and socialization of the individual"



The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"

Responsible person:

 Ye. R. Borinstein


Odesa, 26, Staroportofran-kiv’ska Str.


tel .:

 (048) 732-09-52


email: druk.kaffilos@







April 26-27, 2019




-Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;


-South Ukrainian Branch of the Sociolo-gical Associa-tion of Ukraine.






International Internet Conference


"Modern issues of physical culture, sports, health and rehabilitation"



The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"


Responsible person:

P. B. Dzhurinsky



4/1, Fontans’ka Road,


tel .:

(067) -90-40-937


e-mail: pbdjurinsky@






November 4-5, 2019




- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;


- Sumy State A. S. Makarenko Pedago-gical University;


- Kherson State University;


- Pvlo Tychyna Uman State Pedago-gical University;


- Bohdan Khmelny-tsky Cherkasy National University;


- Chernihiv National T.G. Shevchen-ko National Pedago-gical University;


- Mykolaiv National University named after VO Sukhomlinsky;


- Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University;


- Classic Private University,  Zaporizh-zhya;


- Lviv State University of Physical Culture;


- National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine;


- Polissya State University (Belarus);


- Academy of Physical Education (Poland);


- State University of Physical Education and Sports of the Republic of Moldova (Moldova).








International scientific and practical Internet conference


Management and Innovation in Education: Experience, Challenges and Perspectives




The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after     K.D. Ushynsky"


Responsible person:

O.O .Dolzhenkov


Odesa, 71, Staroportofran-kiv’ska Str.



tel .:

 (093) 411-8-67, (094) 924-34-79


e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.






October 28-29, 2019





- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;


- Univer-sity of Manage-ment of Education of National Academy of Pedago-gical Sciences of Ukraine;


- Pavlo Tuchyna Uman State Pedago-gical Univer-sity;


- Chisinau Institute for Continuing Education (Moldova)- M. Dovlatov Kostanay Engineer-ing and Economic University (Kazakh-stan)




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