April, 12 2016 the International Scientific Seminar "Modern neuro-psycho-pedagogical technology in education, correction and rehabilitation" was held at South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University K.D. Ushynsky. There were summarized the results of the international project Tempus INOVEST «Eastern Partnership in the implementation of educational innovation of inclusive education".
The Forum was held with the support of the Odessa City Council, the International Centre of neuro-psycho-pedagogical and innovative technologies «HEAD», with the participation of leading scientists from the USA, Germany, Belarus, Moldova, France, Ukraine, and also doctors, psychologists, educators, teachers, speech therapists, defectologists and representatives of community organizations of Odessa.
Welcoming remarks to the participants were said by the Rector of South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D.Ushynsky, Academician Alexiy Chebykin, Director of the Department of Health of Odessa City Council Igor Shpak, Professor of Fulbright Program (USA) Correctional Education, Dr. Lyle Kauffman, National coordinator project INOVEST, Professor Svetlana Hadzhyradyeva.
During the international workshop the participants learned the main results of the project INOVEST, neuro-psycho-pedagogical modern technology and possibility of introducing a system of education, correction and rehabilitation of children and adults of the Odesa region.