On September 19–20, 2024, the 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Adaptive Possibilities of Children and Youth" dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the foundation was held at South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky under the patronage of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of the Department of Physical Rehabilitation, Biology and Health Care and the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the laboratory of functional diagnostics named after Professor T. M. Tsoneva. The initiator and organizer of the conference was the department of physical rehabilitation, biology and health care.
Within the framework of the conference, 2 plenary and 7 sectional meetings and 1 working meeting were held, at which medical and biological problems of physical education and sports, adaptive capabilities of the human body and its functional reserves, physiological and hygienic aspects of dosage and adaptation to physical exertion, psychological and pedagogical issues of upbringing and education of children and youth, valeological and ecological aspects of human health assessment, problems of physical and physical culture and sports rehabilitation and training of specialists in the areas of physical culture and sports, physical rehabilitation, natural sciences.
Scientists from Ukraine, Germany, Poland, Romania and Uzbekistan took part in the conference. About 30 reports of both experienced scientists and young scientists were heard at the sectional meetings.
Based on the results of reports and discussions, the conference participants adopted the relevant Resolution.