On October 16, 2024, to the Day of Defenders of Ukraine, which is celebrated on October 1, Professor Natalya Gedikova Professor of the department, Doctor of Political Sciences, and Associate Professor of the Department, and Inna Pronoza, PhD in Political Sciences, Associate Professor, organized in the mixed format of the information and communication event "Triune Front: heroes, volunteers, educators - unity for victory" at the Department of Political Sciences and Law of Ushynsky University.
The event was held for students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in specialty 052 Political Science and students of the second (master's) level of higher education in specialty 052 Political Science.
The honored guests were invited to the event: Major Oleksandr Koshovy, a participant in the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2022 -2024, a veteran of the Afghan war; sergeant Ivan Chehurko, a participant in the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2022-2024; Serhii Bukovsky, a volunteer, a student of the second (master's) level of higher education, 1st year of study in specialty 052 Political Science.
After the congratulatory speech of the organizers, the participants observed a moment of silence in honor of the bright memory of the soldiers-heroes, peaceful victims who died in the crucible of the Russian-Ukrainian war.
During the meeting, Oleksandr Koshovy and Ivan Chegurko shared their combat and life experience with those present, talked about the challenges and invisible consequences of the war, the importance of unity and courage when performing tasks at the front, unity and support of the Ukrainian people.
Volunteer Serhii Bukovsky introduced the participants to the features of the volunteer movement and the tasks performed by his organization, and visually introduced the participants to the filling of the medical first aid kit for the military, which they complete.
During the meeting, students and teachers had the opportunity to participate in the discussion and ask questions to the invited guests, to which they received sincere answers.
During the event, our guests repeatedly emphasized that students should study, get an education, respond to all the challenges of war, fear nothing and not be indifferent.
We are sincerely grateful to our defenders and volunteers for such a wonderful and informative meeting!
We thank everyone who defends our independence, territorial integrity, will, unity, dignity of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.
Honor and Glory to our Defenders! Glory to Ukraine!