On November 11, 2024, a guest lecture by Denys Viktorovych YAKOVLEV, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Political Science, Sociology of the National University "Odesa Law Academy" was held on the Zoom platform for applicants of all levels of higher education in specialty 052 Political Science on the topic "The Theory of Public Choice as a component of the rational version of the new institutionalism".
The guest lecture was organized with the assistance and active participation of Naumkina Svitlana Mykhaylivna, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Political Sciences and Law, the guarantor of the EPP "Political Science", the guarantor of the ESP “Political Science”; Hanna Vyacheslavivna Muzychenko, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, Professor of the Department of Political Sciences. Pronoza Inna Ivanivna, Ukrainian and European political studies, PhD in Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Sciences and Law.
The lecturer presented the trends of rethinking the subjectivity of public policy within the framework of the rational theory of the new institutional approach, focused attention on the role of state and social institutions in the process of defining and forming public policy.
Educators had the opportunity to ask questions and receive comprehensive professional answers to them, as well as added personal experience in matters of the need for continuous growth.
We sincerely thank Denys Viktorovych for a meaningful and interesting lecture and hope for further cooperation and exchange of experience.