On January 30, 2024, a joint meeting of the Academic Council and the conference of the labor collective of the K. D. Ushinsky South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University was held in the assembly hall, at which the Rector, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Andrii Krasnozhon reported on the implementation of the contract and the achievement of the University's target indicators for 2024.
In his report, Professor Andrii Krasnozhon detailed the work of the university's staff in all areas of activity: educational, scientific, international, social protection, and paid special attention to the need for constant monitoring of the quality of education and the importance of maintaining the contingent of higher education students. In his speech, the Rector noted the importance of effective implementation of target indicators, and also outlined the main tasks for 2025. The Rector reported that despite the third year of a full-scale war, Ushynsky University is gradually restoring its material base and fully fulfilling its social obligations to students and labor collective.
The report was meaningful, informative and accompanied by a detailed presentation. At the end of his speech, Andrii Krasnozhon thanked the entire team for their fruitful work and dedication to their native university, emphasizing that it is thanks to the unity of like-minded people that Ushynsky University functions and improves its results.
The discussion of the rector's report was attended by Yuriy Hrytsyuk, the Vice-rector for administrative and economic activities, Dmytro Velychko, the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Graphics, Svitlana Skvortsova, the Head of the Department of Mathematics and Methods of its Teaching, Anastasiya Yumrukuz, the Head of the Department of Germanic and Oriental Languages and Methods of their Teaching, and Karina Musikhina, the Head of the Student Council.
By a unanimous decision of the conference of the University's labor collective, the rector's report on the implementation of the contract and the achievement of the University's target indicators for 2024 was approved and the rector's work was recognized as satisfactory.