By the decision of the Certification Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated February 18, 2025, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated February 18, 2025 No. 301, the following academic titles and degrees were awarded:
1. Professor:
BALAKIRIEVA Victoria Anatoliivna - Professor of the Department of Pedagogical Technologies of Primary Education.
2. Associate Professor:
BORYSOVA Olesia Olehivna - Associate Professor of the Department of General and Differential Psychology;
DMYTRASHKO Svitlana Anatolyivna - Associate Professor of the Department of Political Sciences and Law.
3. Candidate of Sciences:
KOSTYUNINA Olena Volodymyrivna - Candidate of Psychological Sciences.
We congratulate our colleagues and wish them Peace and inspiration, new professional and creative successes!