March 5, 2025, 5:00 PM
Presentation of the StudMentor program
Presentation of the StudMentor program from the PO "Teach for Ukraine". The StudMentor program is a volunteering and development program in which Ukrainian youth learn mentoring and apply it to online teaching of one of the school subjects for children from frontline regions: Ukrainian language, algebra, geometry, history of Ukraine, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology, English, geography. Teachers from educational institutions can join the program.
The program is implemented with the support of UNICEF in Ukraine and funded by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE).
An online meeting to get acquainted with the StudMentor program will be held on March 5, 2025 at 5:00 PM (Zoom).
Ready to develop your own soft skills and gain teaching experience, while also benefiting others? Teach a school subject to children from frontline regions — join the StudMentor program from the PO “Teach for Ukraine”.
What will you get in return?
📌 Trainings, education and comprehensive support throughout your participation;
📌 Educational materials that can be used in your work: tables, notes, etc.;
📌 A community of like-minded people;
📌 Experience that will be an advantage in your resume;
📌 An official certificate from the PO “Teach for Ukraine” and UNICEF.
You can read the details and join the StudMentor program at the link:
Speaker — Anastasia Krasnoyarova, mathematics teacher (Odesa), student mentor.
Join the conference:
Conference ID: 991 142 4213
Access code: 12345
Start: 03/05/2025 at 5 p.m.