On March 12, 2025, the guarantor of the EPP Secondary Education (Physical Education) Shchekotylina Natalia (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Gymnastics and Physical Culture and Sports Technologies) organized a visit to the “New Ukrainian School” laboratory for the students of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education in the specialty A4 Secondary Education (Physical Education).
The laboratory was created on the basis of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Natural Sciences, Informatics and Management as a modern platform of a real educational and scientific space for the training of future teachers.
The students got acquainted with the material and technical support of the laboratory in accordance with the conditions for the implementation of the NUSh Concept.
We sincerely thank the director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Natural Sciences, Informatics and Management of Ushynsky University, Volodymyr Volodymyrovych Kovalchuk, for the opening of the “New Ukrainian School” laboratory and for the meeting!
We hope to continue cooperation through the organization of joint methodological seminars and master classes aimed at developing key competencies of the NUSh teachers.