On March 20, 2024, a guest lecture “Metamodernism in the Context of Contemporary Ukrainian and Foreign Literatures” was held by Candidates of Philological Sciences, Associate Professors of the Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Literature Bandura T. Y., Pavlyuk N. L. and Kerdivar N. I. for students of the second (bachelor's) year of study at the Philological Faculty of I. I. Mechnikov Odesa National University within the framework of implementing the results of the research work of the department “Poetic Paradigm of Artistic Discourse: Vectors of Interpretation” into the educational process.
T. M. Shevchenko, Dr. of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Ukrainian Literature and Comparative Studies of I. I. Mechnikov Odesa National University addressed the participants of the meeting with an introductory speech, noting that holding such events is relevant within the academic discipline they study.
Associate Professor Bandura T. Y. analyzed metamodernism as a modern literary trend in the context of modern Ukrainian and foreign literature, the functionality of the features of this trend was investigated in the texts of the modern French writer Laurent Gounel and Ukrainian writers, such as Max Kidruk, Stepan Protsiuk, S. Andrukhovych, etc.
Associate Professor Pavlyuk N.L. analyzed the poetic paradigm of the novels of I. Rozdobudko. Attention was focused on the specificity of the writer's idiostyle in the context of the analysis of genre-compositional, time-space, and figurative aspects, as well as the sound, color, and odor imagery of literary texts.
Associate Professor Kerdivar N.I. investigated the poetic features of the chronotope in the context of the archetypal analysis of the works of E. Kononenko. It is proven that various archetypal spatial and temporal motifs are interrelated and create a holistic picture of the reality depicted in the work, a characteristic feature of which is the organic combination of present, past and future times.
The lecture took place in a creative and friendly atmosphere, the information presented interested the students.