As part of the Week of Academic Integrity at the Faculty of Music and Choreography, a number of events were held to acquaint higher education students with the policy of integrity at Ushynsky University, namely: study of the Code of Honor of participants in the educational process and Regulations on Academic Integrity seminars for higher education students "Scientific work without plagiarism", "Academic integrity in higher education"; curatorial classes on "Academic Integrity - the Way to Success", "Principles of Academic Integrity". Also on April 6, students and faculty staff took part in a workshop "Technical testing of student work in defense of academic integrity", organized by the University Library. The head of the library Valentyna Viznyuk gave an interesting, informative presentation, during which students learned about the rules of academic integrity and the main causes of its violations, the principles of academic integrity, features of the anti-plagiarism system Strikeplagiarism.com.