The Faculty of Music and Choreography has long traditions and extensive experience in training highly qualified specialists in the fields of "Education/Pedagogy" and "Culture and Art" in specialties "Musical Art" and "Choreography".
Over the 55 years of its existence, the faculty has become one of the leading centers of musical and choreographic education of children and youth in Ukraine, has become a powerful scientific institution for researching the problems of artistic education, artistic pedagogy, musical and choreographic performance. The faculty is an authoritative and actively operating scientific and methodological center of artistic and aesthetic education, artistic education of children and youth.
The faculty trains specialists in specialties 014 Secondary Education. Musical Art, 025 Musical Art, 014 Secondary Education. Choreography and 024 Choreography in full-time and part-time forms of study at the first (bachelor's) and second (master's) levels of higher education.
The faculty has significant experience in training highly qualified specialists at the third (educational and scientific) level for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Currently, almost 40 postgraduate students study in specialty 014 Secondary Education Almost 40 postgraduate students are studying Musical art, 30 of whom are foreign students. Over the past 5 years, almost 50 postgraduate students have successfully defended their candidate dissertations. For the first time at the university during the 2020-2021 academic year. 7 dissertation defenses were conducted experimentally during one-time meetings of specialized academic councils.
The artistic and educational process at the faculty is provided by four professional departments: musical art and choreography; musical and instrumental training; music theory and vocals; conducting and choral training, which employ 7 doctors of sciences, professors, 22 candidates of sciences, associate professors, 2 people's artists of Ukraine, 4 honored artists and honored educators of Ukraine. Leading specialists in the field of musical and choreographic art, ballet master training from educational institutions and academic theaters of the city are invited to teach.
The powerful scientific and pedagogical potential of the Faculty of Music and Choreography makes it possible to successfully solve the problem of modernization of the educational process regarding innovative approaches to the formation of professional competence, creative activity, and creativity of future specialists. The high professionalism of scientific and pedagogical workers of specialized departments is confirmed by the creative and performing achievements of the graduates of educational and scientific degrees: "Bachelor" "Master" "Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)". Every year, students of the faculty receive prizes at international and national competitions, festivals and olympiads (in particular, Austria, Greece, Spain, Germany, Romania, Poland, Finland, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, etc.). Only in the last 3 years, the graduates received 184 prizes, of which: 29 the highest awards "Grand Prix" and 117 first places.
The faculty maintains international academic, creative and scientific ties with scientific centers and educational institutions in Germany, Israel, Bulgaria, China, the Czech Republic and other countries. Specialists from Israel, Poland, Sweden, China, and other countries perform master classes, webinars and lectures for students and teachers. Graduates and teachers-choreographers have presented their performing skills in South Korea, Italy, Germany, Croatia.
For over 20 years, foreign students have been receiving professional training at the faculty, mainly from China (during this period, almost 400 specialists for the PRC have been trained), as well as from Ecuador, Turkey and other countries.
Graduates of the faculty work in various cities of Ukraine, as well as abroad: in Germany, Sweden, China, Israel, Turkey, the USA, Kazakhstan, etc. Among the graduates of the faculty are doctors and candidates of sciences, professors, associate professors, deans of faculties and heads of departments in Ukraine, China, Turkey, Ecuador and other countries. The education received at the faculty provides wide employment opportunities. Graduates get the opportunity to teach music, choreography, world artistic culture; work as scriptwriters and directors of theatrical events, teachers of music and choreography in secondary education institutions, art schools, colleges, heads of art groups, studios, circles, children's theater groups, etc.
Currently, the Faculty of Music and Choreography is one of the leading educational, scientific and educational, and artistic university departments, known not only in Ukraine, but also far beyond its borders. The faculty is open to new approaches, the introduction of innovative technologies and is aimed at modernizing the training of future specialists in the field of art education in the context of its integration into the global educational space.
The faculty is headed by the Dean - Novska Olena Rudolfivna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Location of the Faculty of Music and Choreography: Ukraine, 65009, Odesa, 4, Fontanska Doroha.
Postal address: Ukraine, 65026, Odesa, 26, Staroportofrankivska Str.
Phone: + 380630598450;
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Reception of visitors by the Dean: every Monday and Wednesday at 12.30-14.30.