Happy Education Workers' Day of Ukraine!
On the occasion of the professional holiday, accept sincere gratitude for the high service to the chosen cause, tireless creative search, devotion, kindness and generosity of soul.
On the occasion of the professional holiday, accept sincere gratitude for the high service to the chosen cause, tireless creative search, devotion, kindness and generosity of soul.
The authors of the winning projects, experts and budget managers of the Odesa City Council jointly trained teachers and applicants of our university on July 21 - August 28 successfully participate in the Public Budget of our city. The platform "Socially Active Citizen" was presented, a description of the platform's tools and how the government reacts to interaction with the public. All students of the project developed the skills acquired during the training by preparing and processing the finished project.
On October 1, 2020 a meeting of full-time students at the first (bachelor's) level of EPP Law in the specialty 081 Law and EPP Political Science in the specialty 052 Political Science with representatives of student government and vice-rector for international relations, scientific and pedagogical work of the complex A.M. Ananiev. During the meeting, important learning issues, various aspects of student life and suggestions for their improvement were discussed.
On September 30, 2020, a meeting of the Board of the Educational and Cultural Center “Confucius Institute” at South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D.Ushynsky took place in a video conference format.
On September 30, 2020, Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Political Science and Law O.F. Dolzhenkov organized and conducted a binary lesson on the subject "Criminal Procedure" for students of the fourth year of full-time study at the first (bachelor's) level in the specialty 081 Law. The lesson was conducted with the participation of a representative of stakeholders, police captain, senior investigator in particularly important cases of the Investigative Department of the MDNP in Odesa region E.O. Malivanchuk The topic of the binary lesson was the general provisions of pre-trial investigation and investigative (search) actions.
On September 29, 2020, the Educational and Cultural Center “Confucius Institute” celebrated the International Day of Confucius Institutes at the Odesa Summer Theater, which was attended by students and teachers of South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D.Ushynsky, as well as Chinese language students.
The Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology of Ushynsky University had a festive atmosphere all week. Students congratulated teachers and staff of the Faculty on the holiday, thanking them for the invaluable knowledge and wisdom they pass on to the future generation of educators, for professional achievements that constantly help to improve preschool education in Ukraine; wished inspiration, good mood and a peaceful sky above your head.
On September 23-25, 2020, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky hosted VIth International Conference on Adaptive Learning Management Technologies, organized by the Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, headed by Professor Tetyana Leonidivna Mazurok. This year the conference is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Ushynsky University.