The process of creating Core values has begun at Ushynsky University
On September 21, 2020, the first meeting of the initiative group for the development of Core values took place at Ushynsky University. The group included students of 2-3 courses of the specialties "Law" and "Political Science" (Ignatenko V., Tymoshenko O., Gladka V., Shaklanova A., Petruk Yu., Vasilchenko S., etc.), which are based on best practices of universities in the world and Ukraine and will develop a draft of Core values that will become an ethical constitution of behavior of all participants in the educational process at the University. Scientific and methodological support of the document creation process is provided by the University Law Clinic. The project will be presented to the student community in early October, after which a mandatory public discussion procedure will take place on the official website of the university.