The Faculty was the first in the South of Ukraine to start training psychologists. Currently, it includes the Department of Philosophy, Political Science and Law, Educational Management and Public Administration. The Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities successfully solves educational, research and cultural and educational tasks of higher education in Ukraine.
The main goal of the Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities is to train qualified specialists who possess modern methods of scientific knowledge, are able to apply the acquired knowledge at a high professional level in the educational process in educational institutions, in ensuring the activities of various state institutions, public organizations, enterprises, etc.
The main divisions of the Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities are:
- Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology,
- Department of Political Science and Law,
- Department of Clinical Psychology and Mental Health
- Department of General and Differential Psychology,
- Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Management of Socio-Cultural Activities.
The Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities trains specialists at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the following specialties:
28 Management of socio-cultural activities
052 Political science
053 Psychology
As well as at the second (master's) level of higher education in the following specialties:
052 Political science
Educational and professional program "Political science. Ukrainian and European political studies" (study period 1 year 4 months).
053 Psychology trains specialists in three educational and professional programs:
- Clinical and rehabilitation psychology (study period 1 year 4 months);
- Practical psychology. Extreme and crisis psychology (study period 1 year 4 months);
- Applied and practical psychology (study period 1 year 10 months).
Education at the Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities is carried out at the expense of the state budget and funds from legal entities and individuals both in full-time and part-time forms of study. The list of elective disciplines is presented on the faculty website:
During their studies, students and postgraduates have the opportunity to learn self-education and self-development techniques, undergo training in communication, personal and professional growth, and self-confidence.
Faculty students have the opportunity to participate in interesting cultural and mass events, study English, Turkish, Chinese, and Hebrew; and also gain knowledge in some disciplines at domestic and foreign universities under academic mobility programs.
The Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities conducts educational activities at the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education - postgraduate training is provided for candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in specialties 033 Philosophy, 052 Political Science, 053 Psychology, as well as for Doctors of Science in specialties 053 Psychology (field of knowledge 05 Social and Behavioral Sciences) and 033 Philosophy (field of knowledge 033 Humanities).
Specialized academic boards work at the Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities for:
- awarding the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in specialties 033 Philosophy, 052 Political Science, 053 Psychology;
- acceptance for consideration and defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor (Candidate) of Psychological Sciences in specialties 19.00.01 "General Psychology, History of Psychology" and 19.00.07 "Pedagogical and Age Psychology", as well as for the degree of Doctor (Candidate) of Philosophical Sciences in specialty 09.00.03 - Social Philosophy and Philosophy of History.
The scientific schools of Academician O. Ya. Chebykin, Professors O. P. Sannikova, S. M. Naumkina, S. M. Symonenko, L. K. Velitchenko, E. R. Borinshtein, Kazanzhy M. Y, Massanova A. V. and others are recognized.
Dean of the Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities - Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor Vdovichenko Oksana Volodymyrivna
Address of the Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities:
Ukraine, city Odesa, 4, Fontanska Road.
Tel./fax: +38 (048) 705 46 69; +380934503187; +380986770343 (Viber).
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