National Assembly Day of Ukraine

January 22 is a special date in the history of Ukraine. On this day, we celebrate two important holidays - the proclamation of the Ukrainian People's Republic and the Act of Unification of Ukrainian Lands.
The main tradition on National Assembly Day is a living chain, which Ukrainians build, symbolizing the unification of Ukrainian lands and state unity. The history of this tradition dates back to 1990, when the living chain stretched from Kyiv to Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk, Stryi, Ternopil, Zhytomyr and Rivne. Since then, it has become a good tradition, which is organized every year in different parts of Ukraine.
This holiday reminds us that Ukraine is not divided, that there is no separate Eastern and Western Ukraine, but that we have a single State and we are a single people!
Let each of us keep the strength of spirit, cheerfulness and optimism. Let there be peace and tranquility, love and mutual understanding in every family. We believe in the future of our native country!
Our unity must remain a strong chain that protects and protects all of us and Ukraine not only on this day, but also forever.
Only together we are strong, because our strength is in unity. Together and with joint efforts - to Victory!
Glory to Ukraine!

Наша єдність має залишитись міцним ланцюгом, який захищає та оберігає всіх нас і Україну не тільки в цей день, а й на віки.
Тільки разом ми сильні, бо наша сила – у єдності. Разом і спільними зусиллями – до Перемоги!
Слава Україні!


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