On October 10, a traditional celebration of the Day of the Formation of the People's Republic of China took place at the base of Odesa Lyceum No. 117. New China is celebrating its 75th anniversary. The students of the Confucius class shared their successes in learning the Chinese language, and the best of them were awarded diplomas and gifts for diligent study. Nataliya Viktorivna Statsenko, the Director of Odesa Lyceum No. 117, congratulated the Chinese people on the national holiday.
The students demonstrated a real Chinese parade of Chinese costumes.
During the event, the most talented students who connected their path with learning the Chinese language were awarded.
Experts of the Chinese language, who today have a high level of Chinese and continue to study it since the opening of the Confucius Class of Ushynsky University, were especially noted.
As part of the event, career orientation work was carried out for potential entrants. the Day of the PRC.