Serhii Mykhailovych Saprikin and Olha Mykolayivna Yakovleva, Associate Professors of the Department of Higher Mathematics and Statistics, as well as a group of students majoring in Secondary Education. Mathematics took part in the preparation and holding of the 10th Open Complex Online Olympiad " Richelieu Regatta", which was held on November 7-9, 2024 at the Richelieu Scientific Lyceum. Associate Professors S. M. Saprikin and O. M. Yakovleva prepared tasks for the written and demonstration rounds of the Regatta, students worked as supervisors during the rounds of the Olympiad, helped in checking the tasks of the demonstration round. By order of Valery Koleboshyn, director of the Communal Institution " Richelieu Scientific Lyceum", they were thanked.
Regarding the impressions of our students, here is the impression of one of the students who was a supervisor at the Regatta: "I really enjoyed participating in the Regatta. The team from the Richelieu Leceum, which I watched, was friendly, the participants helped and supported each other, there was a competitive spirit in the team. Children are polite, open, intelligent, interesting interlocutors. I was also lucky enough to see the tasks of the Regatta, the tasks are non-standard, difficult, but very interesting. It was a useful and interesting experience for me. I will definitely take part in more such events."