The Open Society Fellowship спрямована на підтримку осіб, які шукають іноваційні підходи для вирішення фундаментальних проблем. Інститут Відкритого Суспільства обирає стипендіатів серед журналістів, активістів, академіків, та практикантів із різних сфер, які здатні творити ідеї та реалізовувати їх. Стипендіати отримають стипендію у розмірі 80 000–100 000 доларів. Дедлайн - 1 березня 2017 р. (далі - англ.).
The Open Society Fellowship supports individuals seeking innovative and unconventional approaches to fundamental open society challenges. The fellowship funds work that will enrich public understanding of those challenges and stimulate farreaching and probing conversations within the Open Society Foundations and in the world.
Fellowship Value:
- One year fellows will receive a stipend of $80,000 or $100,000, depending on work experience, seniority, and current income. Stipends will be prorated for shorter term fellows. The stipend does not necessarily equal the applicant’s current salary. In certain cases, fellows will receive additional financial support to enable them to meet the residency expectation.
- In most cases, the program will advise fellows on ways to communicate their work to a broader audience and influence current debates. Staff also work to integrate fellows into the networks of individual and organisational partners and grantees.
- In addition to the stipend, fellows will receive a project budget. That budget may include expenses such as travel (including airfare and hotel), visa costs, part-time research assistance, conference fees and health insurance. Fellowship expenses should not include operational or programmatic costs, such as employees and physical infrastructure. The purpose of the fellowship is to support individual fellows; therefore, the program will only cover individual expenses. The fellowship does not fund enrollment for.
- The fellowship does not fund enrollment for a degree or non-degree study at academic institutions, including dissertation research. Please note that under federal tax rules applicable to U.S. private foundations, the Open Society Foundations cannot support lobbying activities. Projects that include lobbying activities will not be funded. A small number of full proposals will be selected as finalists. These finalists are considered by an outside selection committee, which meets twice a year. The fellowship program considers applications subject to funding availability.
- Please note that under federal tax rules applicable to U.S. private foundations, the Open Society Foundations cannot support lobbying activities. Projects that include lobbying activities will not be funded.
- A small number of full proposals will be selected as finalists. These finalists are considered by an outside selection committee, which meets twice a year. The fellowship program considers applications subject to funding availability.
- The fellowship program considers applications subject to funding availability.
- The Open Society Fellowship accepts proposals from anywhere in the world.
- Applicants should possess a deep understanding of their chosen subject and a track record of professional accomplishment.
- The Past and current fellows have included journalists, activists, academics, and practitioners in a variety of fields. Successful applicants will be eager to exploit the many resources offered by the Open Society Foundations and be prepared to engage constructively with our global network. Ideal fellows are specialists who can see beyond the parochialisms of their field and possess the tenacity to complete a project of exceptional merit.
- Proficiency in spoken English is required.
Application and Selection
Letters of Inquiry Applicants are required to submit a one- to two page, single-spaced, letter of inquiry that outlines the topic of the project, proposed work product, and relevance to the statements above. A CV should accompany the letter of inquiry with a CV. Letters of inquiry should address the following questions:
- What is the central argument of your proposed project as it relates to the statement?
- How does your project advance or challenge current thinking? o Who is/are the intended audience/s?
- What are the potential work products?
The letter of inquiry should be submitted here ( Letters of inquiry will be reviewed within 6 weeks. Inquiries showing promise will be invited to submit a full proposal. Unfortunately, we do not have the staff capacity to provide specific feedback on all inquiries. In general, we strongly discourage re-submitting unsuccessful letters of inquiry.
More information -
- The Open Society Fellowship
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