Medical faculty

The state institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky” has ancient and illustrious traditions as to training of high level specialists, notably specialists in medical-biological course. Training is carried out by famous teachers and scientists, namely Doctors of Medical Science, professors O. Y. Shtenherts, I.I. Ilin, G. M. Sary-Lievi, V. S. Sokolovskyi, Doctors of Biological Science, professors T.M. Tsonieva, B.M. Halkin, S.A. Kuznietsov, U.O. Mikhalov, a range of proficient candidates of science, docents. 

The Departments of Anatomy and Physiology have been providing the speciality “teacher of anatomy and physiology” for 17 years. At that moment the university introduced a laboratory of physiology of aging that explores the health of children and youth, their functional reserves and adaptive capacity. The laboratory operates till nowadays. 

The university is famous for almost 20-year-old experience in training of nurses.

In 2019, the University developed training of specialists at education qualification level of Master in specialty 222 «Medicine» in the field of knowledge 22 «Health».  

Education term (6 years), graduates of this education program acquire an education degree “Master” in specialty “Doctor of Medicine”.

Students training is carried out in the Ukrainian, Russian (for foreign students who speak Russian) and English languages at the theoretical and clinical departments of the faculty. A high quality of traditional medical education of the university is highly appreciated by students throughout the world. 

On the basis of parity there have been formed the Consortium that comprised the state institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky”; local clinical hospital of Odessa № 11; the state institution «Ukrainian Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of Ministry of Health of Ukraine»; Treatment and Health Complex «Bila Akatsiya». The main objective of the Consortium is an effort integration of members of the Consortium in terms of management of educational, scientific, educational and methodological, organizational and other types of activities in order to provide medical specialists professionally skilled at the international level to National Health System. 

The state institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky» is one of the first education establishments which implemented an interactive table that enables to use program software for 3D anatomical atlases on the basis of OC Windows for training of students that:

  • enhances efficiency of academic process and attractiveness of education establishment for applicants;
  • enables to demonstrate all organs and human systems when interacting with high dividing capacity of 4K;
  • provides a three-dimensional display and animation with instruments of cuts and bends. 

Our university has a developed base for teaching academic subjects of Medical Faculty through employment of interdisciplinary approaches creating proper conditions for shaping and improving educational and medical thinking capacity of future doctors and forming their future generation. 

The university has a highly developed social infrastructure. The services for undergraduates and academic staff include modern halls of residence, catering system, first-aid post, sports complex (including specialized sports halls, shooting range, equipped stadiums, and sports courts). 

There is a health camp «Burevisnyk» used in education and educational training processes and health activity during warm season. It comprises a water station, a football field, and handball, mini-football, baseball and volleyball grounds, sports grounds for tennis, badminton, track and field athletics, tourism, etc.

Foreigners and non-residents can see admission rules to study in the state institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynky» here:

 For any additional information please contact:

Phone:  +38 048 753-03-01 


65020, Ukraine, Odesa, Staroportofrankivs'ka Str., 71 

The Faculty of History and Philology

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The Faculty of History and Philology, with its rich traditions dating back to July 12, 1930, and highly qualified staff, is one of the oldest departments of South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky. The history of the faculty is associated with the names of famous writers and scientists, in particular   S. P. Dudnyk, S. I. Oliinyk, R. M. Volkov, S. S. Dlozhevskii, and others.

The faculty is a real center for training teachers of Ukrainian language and literature, English language and foreign literature, history. Students acquire professional skills during educational and industrial internships in leading educational institutions.

 Promising areas of international cooperation of the Faculty of History and Philology are: internationalization of educational and scientific activities, development of scientific schools, work with institutions of European countries, holding international scientific conferences, olympiads, competitions, festivals; organization of summer schools, participation in scientific and educational associations, implementation of academic and cultural exchanges.

Dean of the Faculty – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Kon Olena Oleksandrivna.

Secretaries of the Dean’s Office – Pop Anna Viktorivna and Liveruk Valeria Oleksandrivna.

Specialist – Trimud Olga Yuriivna.

The faculty unites 4 departments, which direct their efforts to the implementation of educational, research and cultural and educational tasks of higher education in Ukraine:

Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Literatures (Head of the Department - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor H.A. Avksentieva);

Department of Ukrainian Philology and Methods of Teaching Professional Disciplines (Head of the Department - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor L.I. Prokopenko);

Department of Slavic Linguistics (Head of the Department - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor M. A. Sokal);

Department of History of Ukraine (Head of the Department - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor O.P. Sekerska).

The departments' teams are actively introducing new effective forms of learning using innovative technologies. The main attention of the teachers is directed to the modernization of the educational process, scientific and research work. Theoretical and practical training is provided by a highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff, including 11 doctors of sciences, professors and 40 candidates of sciences, associate professors. The scientific school of Professor V. P. Drozdovsky is well-known, whose work is successfully continued by his students. Doctors of sciences, professors O. A. Kopus, A. V. Krasnozhon, Associate Professors Zh. D. Horina,       M. A. Sokal, O. A. Kucheryava, O. P. Sekerska, etc. work fruitfully at the Faculty.

A priority place in the life of the faculty is occupied by work with gifted youth. Students regularly participate in scientific and practical conferences, win subject Olympiads, creative competitions. The faculty has a theater studio, St. Andrew's evenings, Shevchenko readings, game shows, national Ukrainian holidays, etc. are held. Students of the Faculty are multiple winners of the "Student Autumn" competition.

Specialties and specializations of educational programs:

Secondary Education (Ukrainian Language and Literature. English Language and Foreign Literature).

Secondary Education (History)

After graduating from the University, graduates work as teachers of Ukrainian and English languages, Ukrainian and foreign literature, history teachers and history lecturers, specialists in the mass media (journalists, announcers, radio and television presenters), translators, translator-referents, civil servants.

The qualification of a teacher of Ukrainian language and literature can be obtained in a shortened period of study for 3 years on the basis of the educational and qualification level "junior specialist".

Address: Ukraine, 65020, Odessa, st. Staroportofrankivska, 34, 2nd floor

Phone: +38-048-721-69-52

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Visitor reception hours by the Dean of the Faculty of History and Philology

Kon Olena Oleksandrivna:

Monday – 2:00-4:00 p.m.

Thursday - 2:00-4:00 p.m.


The Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology

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Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool Education


The Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology is amongst the leading centres for preparing specialists of preschool education and implementing research on theory and methods of preschool, family and special education, speech pathology.

The educational process is provided by three departments: the Department of Preschool Education, Theory and Methods of Preschool Education and the Department of Family and Aesthetic Education, where 8 Doctors of Sciences, professors and 25 Candidates of Sciences, associate professors are working.

The Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology educates specialists in the main field of study “Preschool Education” with specializations “Special Education (Speech Therapy)”, “Psychology”, “English Language and Literature” and provides both intramural and extramural studies.

Having obtained Bachelor’s degree, graduates can work as preschool teachers (with children of early and preschool age); facilitators of preschool education; speech therapists at preschool, general education and rehabilitation institutions; psychologists at preschool institutions; preschool (English) teachers; teachers of preschool pedagogy and psychology, etc.    

As part of the Faculty, there is an Academic Laboratory of Differential Psychophysiology and Adaptive Correction investigating the formation and development of psychophysiological processes in children with special needs and developing new correction procedures and means.

The Faculty offers undergraduate (Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees), postgraduate and doctoral study programmes in the specialties “Professional Education”, “Preschool Education”, “Secondary Education (the Ukrainian Language), “Special Education”. There are Specialized Academic Councils for defending candidate’s and doctor’s theses; various international and national scientific forums are held.

The acknowledged scholar schools established by A. M. Bohush, the member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine; professors E. E. Karpova and T. H. Zharovtseva and others prepare specialists of preschool and higher education for Ukraine and other countries of the world (China, Turkey, Iraq, Mongolia, etc.).

Students and graduates of the Faculty keep its outstanding traditions, win top places in various student academic competitions, contests; become principals of preschool educational institutions, in which contemporary education technologies are implemented.  

The Faculty address: 1, Nishchinkoho Str., Odesa, Ukraine, 65029.

Telephone: +38-048-732-12-12.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view

Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool Education

Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool Education was established in 1986. Its first heads were Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor A. Kuznetsov, latex – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Dr. V. I. Yan. To teaching staff of the department included: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Ph.D. N. G. Grama, Senior Lecturer V. O. Inzestoykova, assistans R. F. Tsvigun (Boeva), G. O. Komisarova, O. E. Pelepchuk. In 1992, the Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool Education was headed by A. M. Bogush – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, full member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Education (nomination – Preschool Education).

Carrently members of the department are:

Head of the department, doctor of pedagogical sciences, dozent L. I. Berezovska; academician, Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor, full member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine A. M. Bogush, Doctor of pedagogical sciences, docent Y. A. Rudenko, candidate of pedagogical sciences, docents: H. A. Ivershin, I. M. Nepomniashcha, O. P. Sotska, candidate of pedagogical sciences Senior Lecherer A. I. Proseniuk; teacher-assistant M. S. Rohachko-Ostrovska; laboratory assistant – S. V. Dikhtiarenko.

L. I. Berezovska – Теорія та методика формування елементарних математичних уявлень (Theory and method of formation of elementary mathematical concepts); Технології викладання фахових методик дошкільної освіти (Technologies for teaching professional methods of preschool education).

A. M. Bogush – Методична робота в ЗДО (Methodical work in ZDO).

Y. A. Rudenko – Методика ознайомлення з українськими традиціями і звичаями (народознавство) (Methods of acquaintance with Ukrainian traditions and customs (ethnography)); Дошкільна лінгводидактика (Preschool linguodidactics); Методика ознайомлення з українським народознавством у закладах дошкільної освіти (Methods acquaintance of Ukrainian Ethnology children in kindergarten); Методика навчання української мови у ДНЗ (Methodology of teaching Ukrainian in pre-school educational institutions);

H. A. Ivershin – Основи образотворчого мистецтва з методикою образотворчої діяльності в ЗДО (Fundamentals of fine arts and techniques for guiding the depiction of children); Основи дизайну та художньої праці (Аrt work and design basi).

I. M. Nepomniashcha – Методика ознайомлення дітей з довкіллям (Methods familiarization with the environment of children in kindergarten); Дошкільна лінгводидактика (Preschool linguodidactics); Методика організації художньо-мовленнєвої діяльності дітей у ЗДО (Art and Technique of the organization of speaking children in kindergarten).

O. P. Sotska – Основи природознавства з методикою ( Fundamentals of Natural method); Теорія та методика фізичного виховання дітей (Theory and methods of physical education) Методи ознайомлення дітей із соціальним та предметним середовищем (Methods of acquainting children with the social and subject environment).

A. I. Proseniuk – Теорія і методика музичного виховання (The theory and methodology of music education); Теорія та методика співпраці ДНЗ з родинами

(Theory and methods of cooperation of preschool educational institutions with families); Теорія і практика керівництва закладом дошкільної освіти (Theory and practice of preschool education management); Методика організації і управління освітнім процесом з розвитком мовлення і навчання рідної мови в ЗДО ( Methods of organizing and managing the educational process with the development of speech and learning the native language in ZDO).

M. S. Rohachko-Ostrovska – Теорія та методика формування елементарних математичних уявлень (Theory and method of formation of elementary mathematical concepts); Методична робота в ЗДО (Methodical work in ZDO)


Department of Preschool Pedagogy was established in January 1983 at the Faculty of Primary School Teacher Training. Today the department is a part of the Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology, which provides training for specialists in the specialty 012 “Preschool Education”.

The department is headed by Oleksiy Anatoliiovych Lystopad, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor. The educational process at the Department of Preschool Pedagogy is provided by 7 scientific and pedagogical workers, namely: 3 doctors of sciences, professors, 2 candidates of sciences, associate professors and 2 candidates of sciences, teachers.

Educational and methodological complexes have been compiled for each discipline taught at the department, which are aimed at helping students in their studies; as well as texts of lectures, methodological recommendations for students self-work in preparation for practical and seminar classes, the list of self-control questions have been made.

The Faculty of Primary Education

Department of Mathematics and its Teaching Methods

The Faculty of Primary Education is a genuine educational research and methodology centre for training primary school teachers, English teachers for primary schools, psychologists for educational institutions as well as social care teachers.

Highly qualified teaching staff of the Faculty facilitate the successful solving of the issues of educational process modernisation; improvement of the training of future primary school teachers, social care teachers and psychologists as well as activation of their professional competence, creativity and self-dependence.   

Future primary school teachers obtain undergraduate and postgraduate education: Bachelor’s, Master’s degrees as well as degrees of Candidate and Doctor of Sciences. The scholar schools established by professors I. O. Palshkova, I. M. Bohdanova, Z. N. Kurliand, S. O. Skvortsova and others are well-known in Ukraine and abroad.

There are four departments providing educational process of the Faculty: the Department of Educational Technologies of Primary Education; Social Pedagogy, Psychology and Pedagogical Innovations; Mathematics and Methods of its Teaching; and the Department of Pedagogy, where 6 Doctors of Sciences, professors and 24 Candidates of Sciences, associate professors are working.  

Postgraduate students and doctoral candidates can gain their degrees in the specialties “Welfare Work” and “Professional Education” to be able to meet the needs of the southern region of Ukraine for top-qualified personnel.

Amongst the Faculty graduates there are Honoured Teachers (V. V. Harmanova, M. I. Moskaliova, H. M. Panova, and others), winners of the contest “Teacher of the Year” (I. V. Buker, Ye. P. Haidai, O. P. Hromik, L. O. Zhdanova. O. V. Lekontseva), educational institutions principals (I. I. Stetsenko, O. R. Hrebenshchikova and others).

Taking into account contemporary requirements to educators, the Faculty is developing and diversifying its specialisations, improving and updating its facilities and resources, advancing research and methodological forms of educational process organization.  

The Faculty address: 4, Fontanska doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine, 65009.

Telephone: +38(048)705-46-62; +38(048) 705-46-63.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Department of Mathematics and its Teaching Methods


Department of Mathematics and its Teaching Methods was established in 1986. The head of the department is Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor Svitlana Skvortsova. The department has 6 Ph.D., 5 associate professors and 2 assistant professors. Professors of the department train students for the specialties 014 "Secondary Education", 013 "Primary Education" and 016 "Special Education" in the following disciplines:

Elementary mathematics.

School course of mathematics and methods of its teaching.

Methodology for teaching school mathematics.

Methods of teaching mathematics in lyceum.

Methods of teaching mathematics in college.

Methods of teaching mathematics in university.

Advanced Mathematics.

The scientific work of the department is related to the training of future mathematics teachers. The department performs work on grants from the Ministry of Education:

(2009 – 2013) The theoretical and methodical bases of forming the future teachers’ competency in the field of teaching of naturally-mathematical disciplines (physics, mathematics and informatics).

  (2014-2018) Theoretical and methodological bases of formation of methodical competence of math teacher in postgraduate education.

  (2014-2018) Technologies for the formation of methodological competence of future teachers in teaching mathematics to pupils.  

  In 2020, the staff of the department completed a grant from the private school "Mriya" on the topic "Research of the scientific and methodological foundations of the formation of mathematical competence of secondary education."

The department holds an annual regional scientific-practical conference and the all-Ukrainian scientific-methodical conference every four years.

Members of the department conduct master classes, workshops, and webinars for students and teachers of Ukraine.

At the initiative of the department, international agreements were concluded with the University of Silesia (Katowice, Poland) and Sofia Technical University (Sofia, Bulgaria). Scientific seminars of the department are held with the participation of University of Silesia professors. Professors of the department, starting in 2017, participate in international conferences held at the University of Silesia and Sofia Technical University.



The Faculty of Foreign Languages

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The Faculty of Foreign Languages originated in 1938, when the Department of Foreign Languages of Odesa Pedagogical Institute was founded. The Faculty of Foreign Languages was established in 2001 as part of the Institute of World Languages (2001−2014) at South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky. Since September 2017, the Dean of the Faculty has been Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor Oleksandra Volodymyrivna Popova.

Tel.: 731-14-21; 732-59-95

Currently, the faculty unites three departments:

− The Department of Germanic Philology and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages (Chairperson – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor Yeremenko Tetiana Yevstafiivna, tel.: 32-46-69);

– The Department of Translation and Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (Chairperson – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Derik Ilona Morysivna, tel.: 732-47-90);

– The Department of Germanic and Oriental Languages and Methods of Their Teaching (Chairperson – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Yumrukuz Anastasiia Anatoliivna, tel.: 716-59-13).

The Faculty of Foreign Languages provides training for applicants for higher education at the first (bachelor's) level of education in specialties 014 Secondary Education (Language and Literature (English / Chinese / Korean) and 035 Philology (specializations: 035.041 – Germanic Languages and Literatures) (translation included), major – English and 035.065 – Oriental Languages and Literatures (translation included), major – Chinese) alongside at the second (master's) level of education in specialties 014 Secondary Education (Language and Literature (English)) and 035 Philology (specialization: 035.041 – Germanic Languages and Literatures) (translation included), major – English).

Upon graduating, the graduates are awarded the appropriate education degree (“bachelor” / “master”).

The educational process provides full-time and part-time forms of education. The training of future specialists is carried out in accordance with the programs developed by the faculty members and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The educational process is provided by leading lecturers of the relevant departments of the faculty and university, as well as lecturers from America, England, China, Korea, Turkey, Germany and Israel.

Both Ukrainian citizens and overseas students from Turkey, China, Turkmenistan, America and other countries study at the faculty. Other foreign languages are optionally taught at the faculty. The Faculty of Foreign Languages closely cooperates with Harbin Engineering University in the framework of the Confucius Institute International Project, maintains business contacts with Fatih University (Turkey), Dresden University of Technology (Germany), Ariel University (Israel) and Gyeongin National University of Education (Korea). The Faculty of Foreign Languages has these centres: the Education and Culture Centre “Confucius Institute” (it was recognized as the best in the world by international experts in 2016), the Education Science Information and Culture Centers of the Republic of Korea and the State of Israel, the Center for Multilevel Linguistic Training in foreign languages. The international relations of the university provide an opportunity to implement academic mobility programs for Ukrainian students in foreign universities (China, Korea, Poland, Germany, USA).

The faculty regularly conducts work on training highly qualified personnel in the framework of educational-scientific and scientific programs at the educational-scientific (postgraduate / PhD) and scientific (doctoral) levels.

Currently, the faculty members are fruitfully working on the preparation for the accreditation of postgraduate studies in the framework of obtaining a higher education degree “Doctor of Philosophy” in specialty 035 Philology.

Since 2005, the Faculty has been publishing the Scientific Research Issues of South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky: Linguistic Sciences, approved by the State Attestation Commission of Ukraine as a specialized collection of scientific works, where leading scholars of Ushynsky University and philologists from other Ukrainian and foreign universities publish their research achievements.

The Faculty of Foreign Languages conducts modern research on the basis of the Laboratory of Cognitive and Communicative Research under the guidance of Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor T. Ye. Yeremenko; the Laboratory of Models of Interlinguistic Interaction in Diachrony and Synchrony" under the guidence of Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor O. I. Iliadi.

Admission to all specialties is carried out in accordance with the rules of admission to the university (see the section ”Admissions Committee”).



34 Staroportofrankivska Str., 65020, Odesa, Ukraine

Tel.: 752-98-33

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Department of Translation, Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

The Department of Translation, Theoretical and Applied Linguistics was founded in 2002.

The academic staff consists of 13 members, including 2 Doctors of Science, professors and 7 Candidates of Science, associate professors.

The department provides professional training in Speciality 035 Philology, Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.

The range of academic interests of the staff of the department covers General, Typological, Comparative and Applied Linguistics, Translation Studies.

The Department offers a PhD postgraduate training program and is accredited for defending PhD theses.

The department contributes to academic publishing. The collection of scientific works “Scientific Research Issues of South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky: Linguistic Sciences” is published twice a year. The collection of scientific works highlights the actual issues of Linguistics, presents a wide range of scientific research achievements of domestic and foreign researchers. The collection is included in the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine.



The Faculty of Philology

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The Faculty of Philology with its rich traditions and qualified teaching staff is one of the youngest at the university. It originates from the Faculty of History and Philology, where more than 1,000 qualified specialists were prepared over the period of its existence. The history of the Faculty is associated with such famous writers and researches as S. I. Oliinyk, R. M. Volkov, S. S. Dlozhevsyi and others.

The Department of Ukrainian Philology and Methods of Teaching Professional Disciplines

The Faculty prepares teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature, Russian language and literature with the specialisations in the English language and literature and Ukrainian studies. Students gain professional experience in the course of practical training at leading educational institutions. Having graduated from the Faculty students can work as teachers of the Ukrainian, Russian and English languages, Ukrainian and foreign literature as well as work in mass-media sphere (as journalists, broadcasters, radio and TV presenters), translators/interpreters, translators/interpreters-consultants, civil servants.  

Upcoming trends in the Faculty’s international collaboration is internationalisation of educational and research activity, development of scholar schools, cooperation with European institutions, organising international research conferences, academic competitions, contests, festivals, summer schools; participating in scientific and educational associations, academic and cultural exchanges.

Teaching staff of the Faculty implement actively new teaching forms and use innovative technologies. They work on educational process modernisation and research activities. Theoretical and practical training is provided by the qualified teaching personnel including 6 Doctors of Sciences, professors, 29 Candidates of Sciences, associate professors. A widely known scholar school established by professor V. P. Drozdovskyi has been developed by some of his successors, such as Doctors of Sciences and professors M. Kh. Humennyi, O. A. Kopus and others.

Work with gifted youth is an important part of the Faculty life. Time after time, the Faculty students participate in research and practice conferences, win academic and creativity competitions. The Faculty has drama school, literature school “KOMA”, humour competition team (KVN) called “Narecheni U”; “Andriivski vechornytsi” (traditional gatherings with music, songs and jokes), Shevchenko’s readings, game shows, national Ukrainian holidays are organised. The Faculty students have become winners of “Student Autumn Festival” for many times.     

The Faculty address: 34, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine, 65020.

Telephone: +38-048-721-69-32.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The Department of Ukrainian Philology and Methods of Teaching Professional Disciplines

has come a long way in its development. First it was the Department of Ukrainian Language, then - Ukrainian and Russian languages, after that - Ukrainian language and literature, later - Ukrainian philology, and since January 2011 it has been operating in its current name. Each stage is marked by significant achievements in education and science. The department conducts fruitful and important work on research, popularization, and introduction of the Ukrainian language in all spheres of life, training of teachers both for the southern region of the state, and all Ukraine.

At one time the Department was headed by Moskalenko Artem Amvrosiyovych, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor; Taranenko Ivan Yosypovych, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor; Kasim Yuriy Fedorovych, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor; Drozdovsky Volodymyr Petrovych, Doctor of Philology, Professor; Belchenko Valentyna Pylypivna, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor; Spodarets Volodymyr Ivanovych, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor; Meizerska Tetyana Severinivna, Doctor of Philology, Professor; Kopus Olha Antonivna, Doctor of Philology, Professor. Since 2019, the Department has been headed by Oksana Anatoliivna Kucheryava, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor.

The range of scientific interests of the teachers of the Department is quite wide, as evidenced by the names of research projects: "National image of the world in words", awarded by the International Renaissance Foundation, "Poetics, semantics, and pragmatics of the verbal text", "Suggestive aspects of language and linguistic communication". "Linguo-cultural concepts in linguistic consciousness and discourse". In 2017, the scientific topic "Ukrainian literature in the cultural and educational space" was launched.

The research work of the department synthesizes the scientific interests of teachers who conduct research in the field of lexicology and phraseology, onomastics, syntax, discourse, linguoculturology, linguodidactics, literary criticism, and annually prepare them for publications in educational, methodological and scientific literature.

Student youth also joins the scientific life of the Department. Thus, the teachers of the Department started a good tradition of holding the annual All-Ukrainian scientific conference of students and young scientists "Philological science of the XXIst century" (2007-2009), "Philological science at the turn of the millennium: achievements and prospects" (2010), "Linguistics and linguodidactics: achievements and prospects for development "(2011-2020).

Based on the main regulations, the Department has prioritized the development of cultural and linguistic personality of the student, future philologist, which is reproduced in the educational and methodological framework, the scientific direction of the Department, and most importantly - in the prospects of the specialty.

Today the Department trains specialists in the educational program Secondary Education (Ukrainian language and literature), and also participates in the training of specialists in all areas that are licensed at the University.

The educational process at the Department of Ukrainian Philology and Methods of Teaching Professional Disciplines is provided by 13 scientific and pedagogical workers; 90% of the teaching staff of the Department is Doctors of Sciences and Doctors of Philosophy.

Teachers of the Department of Ukrainian Philology and Methods of Teaching Professional Disciplines, serving all Faculties of the University, teach more than 20 disciplines of linguistics, literature and linguodidactic cycles, various special courses and seminars. In addition, the Department conducts active educational work. Creative meetings and readers' conferences with the city's writers, presentations of new books, language and literature exhibitions, round tables in response to significant dates in the development of the Ukrainian language and literature, etc. have become traditional. For many years of fruitful work, significant contribution to the Development of science, training of future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature, teachers of the Department are awarded both by the University and the city, region, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The Department of Ukrainian Philology and Methods of Teaching Professional Disciplines is always open for scientific and creative cooperation.




The Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities

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The Faculty was the first in the South of Ukraine to start training psychologists. Currently, it includes the Department of Philosophy, Political Science and Law, Educational Management and Public Administration. The Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities successfully solves educational, research and cultural and educational tasks of higher education in Ukraine.

The main goal of the Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities is to train qualified specialists who possess modern methods of scientific knowledge, are able to apply the acquired knowledge at a high professional level in the educational process in educational institutions, in ensuring the activities of various state institutions, public organizations, enterprises, etc.

The main divisions of the Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities are:

- Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology,

- Department of Political Science and Law,

- Department of Clinical Psychology and Mental Health

- Department of General and Differential Psychology,

- Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Management of Socio-Cultural Activities.

The Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities trains specialists at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the following specialties:

28 Management of socio-cultural activities

052 Political science

053 Psychology

As well as at the second (master's) level of higher education in the following specialties:

052 Political science

Educational and professional program "Political science. Ukrainian and European political studies" (study period 1 year 4 months).

053 Psychology trains specialists in three educational and professional programs:

- Clinical and rehabilitation psychology (study period 1 year 4 months);

- Practical psychology. Extreme and crisis psychology (study period 1 year 4 months);

- Applied and practical psychology (study period 1 year 10 months).

Education at the Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities is carried out at the expense of the state budget and funds from legal entities and individuals both in full-time and part-time forms of study. The list of elective disciplines is presented on the faculty website:


During their studies, students and postgraduates have the opportunity to learn self-education and self-development techniques, undergo training in communication, personal and professional growth, and self-confidence.

Faculty students have the opportunity to participate in interesting cultural and mass events, study English, Turkish, Chinese, and Hebrew; and also gain knowledge in some disciplines at domestic and foreign universities under academic mobility programs.

The Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities conducts educational activities at the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education - postgraduate training is provided for candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in specialties 033 Philosophy, 052 Political Science, 053 Psychology, as well as for Doctors of Science in specialties 053 Psychology (field of knowledge 05 Social and Behavioral Sciences) and 033 Philosophy (field of knowledge 033 Humanities).

Specialized academic boards work at the Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities for:

- awarding the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in specialties 033 Philosophy, 052 Political Science, 053 Psychology;

- acceptance for consideration and defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor (Candidate) of Psychological Sciences in specialties 19.00.01 "General Psychology, History of Psychology" and 19.00.07 "Pedagogical and Age Psychology", as well as for the degree of Doctor (Candidate) of Philosophical Sciences in specialty 09.00.03 - Social Philosophy and Philosophy of History.

The scientific schools of Academician O. Ya. Chebykin, Professors O. P. Sannikova, S. M. Naumkina, S. M. Symonenko, L. K. Velitchenko, E. R. Borinshtein, Kazanzhy M. Y, Massanova A. V. and others are recognized.

Dean of the Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities - Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor Vdovichenko Oksana Volodymyrivna

Address of the Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities:

Ukraine, city Odesa, 4, Fontanska Road.

Tel./fax: +38 (048) 705 46 69; +380934503187; +380986770343 (Viber).

Social networks:



The Institute of Physical Education, Sports and Rehabilitation

fiz reabilitaziya

The Institute of Physical Education, Sports and Rehabilitation is one of the prominent centres for training future teachers in Odesa region, which was founded as the faculty of physical education in 1947.

One can obtain full-time undergraduate education in the main field of study “Special Education (Speech-Language Pathology)” and receive Bachelor’s and Master’s degree. Students can also get the specialty “Primary Education for Children with Severe Speech Disorders”. The Institute lecturers also teach students in the specialty “Secondary Education (Physical Education)”.

There are 7 departments at the Institute: the Department of Defectology and Physical Rehabilitation, the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports Subjects; the Department of Biology and Health Care, the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education, Rehabilitation Exercises and Sports Medicine; Sport Games; Gymnastics; and the Department of Physical Education. Teaching personnel of the departments carry out research on topical issues of the above-mentioned spheres, where 7 Doctors of Sciences, professors as well as 15 Candidates of Sciences, associate professors are working. Scientific achievements of the professors B. H. Sheremet, A. I. Bosenko, T. V. Dehtiarenko, B. T. Dolynskyi, V. P. Horashchuk, P. B. Dzurynskyi, O. I. Forostian are acknowledged by a great number of researchers in the sphere of physical education, physical rehabilitation, sport, human health, ecology and special education.   

Training facilities and resources include a special library; learning and teaching rooms; athletic fields; wrestling and physical training halls, laboratories of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, valeology; a well-equipped computer centre; health and fitness rehabilitation centre located on the Black sea shore.

Every year the Institute holds regional, national and international research and practice conferences. Academic journals “Rehabilitation Problems” and “Adaptive Capabilities of Children and Youth” are published on a regular basis. The Institute collaborates with some flagship research centres of Ukraine, Poland, Belorussia, Israel, Canada, Turkey, and others. Year over year students win all-Ukraine and international research and practice contests and academic competitions.  

One can acquire postgraduate education in the following specialties: “Special Education”, “Professional Education” and “Biology”.

Student swimming, athletics and wrestling teams often win regional championships among universities. Some athletes have become winners of the Ukrainian, European and world championships and cups.    

At present, future teachers of Physical Culture and specialists of mass sporting work, who obtain Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in the main field of study “Secondary Education (Physical Education)”, are trained at the Faculty.

Future specialists are provided with theoretical knowledge and do practical training at modern educational institutions (including gymnasiums, lyceums, schools with sports facilities, sports centres).

For many years, students have participated in Spartakiada Games, European, Ukrainian and world championships as well as Ukrainian Student Games among higher educational institutions. They have become active participants and winners of Olympic Games and Paralympics in athletics, figure skating, boxing, trap shooting and canoeing.

The Institute address: 4, Fontanska doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine, 65009.

Telephone: +38-048-705-46-73.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.







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