До уваги студентів! Розпочато конкурс на отримання грантів на навчання в університетах Швейцарії, Бельгії, Швеції, Франції, США


Стипендії для навчання в університеті Цюриха (Швейцарія)

Університет ETH Zurich запрошує іноземних студентів подавати заявки на отримання гранту для навчання в магістратурі. Стипендія Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity Programme покриває плату за проживання та навчання. Дедлайн - 15 грудня 2016 р. (далі - англ.).

ETH Zurich supports excellent students wishing to pursue a Master’s degree at ETH with two scholarship programmes: the Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity Programme (ESOP) and the Master Scholarship Programme (MSP).

Host Institution(s): ETH Zurich in Switzerland

Field(s) of study: Eligible Masters Degree Programme offered by the University

Number of Scholarships: The number of annual scholarships depends on the availability of funds.

Target group: National and International Students

Scholarship value/inclusions/duration: The Excellence Scholarship consists of a grant covering living and study expenses (CHF 11,000 per semester) as well as a tuition fee waiver.

The Master Scholarship consists of a partial stipend for living and study expenses (CHF 6,000 per semester) as well as a tuition fee waiver. The department can additionally provide a scholarship of CHF 1,500 – 3,000 per semester or offer an assistantship from the second semester onwards (with a payment of CHF 600 per month). The Master Scholarship Programme requires a financial contribution from the scholarship holder.

Both the Excellence and the Master scholarships begin when the student commences his or her Master’s degree and is awarded for the regular duration of the Master’s programme (three or four semesters).


The scholarship programmes are open to excellent students both from the ETH and from other universities (national and international) wishing to pursue their Master’s degree at ETH Zurich. The prerequisite is a very good result in their Bachelor’s. Students must belong to the best 10 percent of their Bachelor’s programme.

Application instructions:

You can only apply for an Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity Programme or a Master Scholarship Programme if you, at the same time, apply for a Master’s degree programme at ETH Zurich (or if you, as an ETH Bachelor student, continue with a consecutive Master’s degree programme). The application deadline for Master programmes starting in 2017 is 15 December 2016.

The application consists of

Application: http://bit.ly/1lhkhjY


  • Університет ETH Zurich
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Стипендії для навчання в магістратурі університету Лозанни (Швейцарія)

Університет Лозанни запрошує до участі в конкурсі на отримання стипендій для навчання на програмах магістратури. Університет Лозанни пропонує 10 грантів на навчання в магістратурі на 2017/2018 навчальний рік. Розмір стипендії становить 1600 швейцарських франків на місяць. Дедлайн - 15 грудня 2016 р. (далі - англ.).

Brief description: The University of Lausanne in Switzerland offers the UNIL Master’s Grants on a competitive basis to international students who wish to pursue a Masters Degree at the University.

Host Institution(s): University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Level/Field(s) of study: Candidates must choose a Master’s programme from among those offered by the UNIL, except the Master of Medicine, Master of Arts in Sciences and Practices of Education, Master of Law from the Universities of Zurich and Lausanne, Master of Law in Criminal Sciences, judiciary mention, Master of Science in Traceology and Crime Analysis, and all the MAS (3rd cycle programmes).

The grant may not be used for any complementary studies required to enroll on the Master’s degree and may not be used for EMBAs or Masters of Advanced studies.

Target group: International students

Number of Scholarships: Around 10

Scholarship value/duration: The amount of the grant is CHF 1,600.- per month from 15 September to 15 July, for a duration not exceeding the regulation minimum period of the programme.


  • The candidate must be the holder of a degree from a foreign university.
  • The qualification held by the candidate must be deemed equivalent to the UNIL Bachelor’s degree.

The grants are intended more particularly for students who distinguished themselves in their university studies and who have difficulty meeting their financial needs for the duration of the Master’s.

Application instructions:

Candidates must complete the “UNIL Master’s Grant” application form and submit their application to UNIL’s Social Affairs and Student Mobility Service (SASME) before 15 December 2016.

More information and application: http://bit.ly/2aXPjgV


  • Університет Лозанни
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Стипендіальна програма університету міста Еребру (Швеція)

The Örebro University запрошує подавати заявки на отримання стипендії для навчання в магістратурі. На стипендію можуть претендувати студенти зі всього світу з високим показником академічної успішності. Дедлайн - 31 січня 2017 р. (далі - англ.).

The Örebro University Scholarship programme is aimed at top academic students from countries outside the European Union, European Economic Area and Switzerland, who are required to pay tuition fees for studies starting after June 2011. The scholarship covers full or partial tuition fees but does not cover living expenses.

Course Level: Scholarship is available for pursuing master’s degree programme at Orebro University

Study Subject(s): Scholarship is awarded for studying the subjects offered by the university.

Scholarship Award: The scholarship covers full or partial tuition fees but does not cover living expenses.

Eligibility: Scholarships are only open to students from countries outside the EU, EEA and Switzerland, who are required to pay tuition fees.

Nationality: Students from countries outside the EU, EEA and Switzerland are eligible to apply.

College Admission Requirement

Entry Requirement: For most master’s level courses and programmes, the requirement is also the equivalent of English 6/English Course B, though some may require a lower or higher level of English.

English Language Requirement: In order to be eligible for university studies in Sweden, a student must demonstrate that they meet the English requirements for the course or programme.

More information and Application: http://bit.ly/1XqeicB.


  • The Örebro University
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Стипендіальна програма для навчання у Франції

Стипендіальна програма Emile Boutmy Scholarships була створена університетом Sciences Po (Париж) для підтримки кращих студентів, які не є представниками країн ЄС і які вперше вступають на навчання до університету на одну з програм бакалаврату або магістратури. Для студентів бакалаврату стипендія виплачується в розмірі від 3.000 до 12.300 євро на період 3-х річного навчання. Дедлайн - 13 січня/2 травня 2017 р. (далі - англ.).

Sciences Po created the Emile Boutmy Scholarships after the founder of Sciences Po in order to attract the very best international students from outside of the European Union who are first time applicants and who have been admitted to an Undergraduate or Master’s programme offered at the University.

Host Institution(s): Sciences Po University, Paris, France

Level/Fields of study: Bachelors or Masters Programme offered at the University

Number of Awards: Not specified.

Target group: Non-EU international students

Scholarship value/inclusions/duration:

Undergraduate Level 

The Emily Boutmy Undergraduate Programme can take different forms ranging from €3,000 to €12,300 for 3 years of undergraduate study. On an exceptional basis, a scholarship of €19,000 may be granted to cover the three years of College.

Masters Level

The Emily Boutmy Master’s Programme can take different forms ranging from €5,000 to €16,000 for 2 years of the Master’s Programme. On an exceptional basis, a scholarship of €19,000 may be granted to cover 2 years of the Master’s Programme.


Eligible students are those, first time applicants, from a non-European Union state, whose household does not file taxes within the European Union, and who have been admitted to the Undergraduate or Master’s programme.

This scholarship is awarded based on factors of excellence and according to the type of profile sought for this programme. Social criteria are also taken into account.

Application instructions:

In order to apply to this scholarship you must indicate it on your application form and include proof of income and documents explaining your family situation. For the academic year 2017-2018, the deadline for undergraduate programmes is 2 May 2017 while the deadline for Master’s programmes is 13 January 2017.

It is important to visit the official website (http://bit.ly/1nsrflD) to access the application form and for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.

More information: http://bit.ly/1nsrflD


Стипендії для післядипломного навчання у College of Europe

Коледж Європи пропонує стипендії для громадян України. Стипендії надаються для отримання післядипломної освіти протягом 2017/2018 навчального року. Стипендія покриває академічні витрати, проживання, харчування та транспортні витрати. Дедлайн - 18 січня 2017 р. (далі - англ.).

The College of Europe offers a large number of scholarships to university graduates coming from European Neighbourhood Policy countries for post-graduate studies at the College of Europe during the academic year 2017-2018.

All applicants to the College of Europe must hold a relevant university degree. Admission to the College of Europe requires either a Bologna Master’s degree, or a pre-Bologna equivalent degree, or a final university degree and at least 240 ECTS credits acquired in the course of one’s university studies. Holders of a Bachelor degree are also eligible provided they demonstrate strong qualification in relation to the academic programme for which they apply.

These scholarships cover academic expenses, accommodation, meals and travel costs.

The countries concerned are: Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine.

Selection procedure:

  1. Candidates are requested to visit the website of the College www.coleurope.eu and check the academic (http://bit.ly/2f8Q1EU) and language requirements (http://bit.ly/2fN5prH).
  2. Candidates have to register and apply online (http://bit.ly/1HXKUyV).
  3. Candidates have to submit the online application form including the requested documents (cf. application instructions - http://bit.ly/2fqMmFC).
  4. After the deadline (18th of January 2017), all applications will be evaluated by the study departments at the College of Europe and a preselection will be made. Preselected candidates will be invited for an interview with the Professors/assistants of the department(s) they have applied for. The final decisions on admission and scholarships will be taken after all interviews of the candidates from the ENP countries. Candidates will be contacted by e-mail.


  • Коледж Європи
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  • https://www.coleurope.eu/

Стипендії для навчання в університеті Орегону (США)

Oregon State University оголошує конкурс на отримання стипендії. На здобуття стипендії можуть претендувати кандидати, які до 15 січня 2017 р. надішлють заявку на вступ з повним пакетом документів. Стипендія виплачується в розмірі від 7 до 30 тис. дол. Дедлайн - 15 січня 2017 р. (далі - англ.).

International students who demonstrate financial need and exceptional merit may apply for the International Cultural Service Program (ICSP).  The ICSP scholarship has a cultural service component which requires students to give presentations about their home country to children, community organizations, and UO students, faculty and staff.

Host Institution(s): Oregon University, USA

Field(s) of study: Eligible programmes offered at the University

Number of Scholarships: Not specified.

Target group: International students who demonstrate financial need and exceptional merit 

Scholarship value/inclusions: Tuition waiver worth $7,500 – $30,000.


  1. Applicants must be admissible or fully admitted to the University of Oregon. New students must apply for admission to the UO for 2017-18 by 15 January 2017. 
  2. Applicants cannot be U.S. citizens, U.S. permanent residents, or eligible to receive U.S. federal financial assistance.
  3. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and meet the minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA requirement

ICSP students agree to complete 80 hours per year of cultural service as required by the program.

Application instructions:

To apply, you must complete the application form and submit supporting documents by 15 January  2017.

ICSP Application Information:  https://isss.uoregon.edu/icsp/application

More information: https://isss.uoregon.edu/icsp


  • ICSP Coordinator
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Стипендія для навчання у Левенському університеті (Бельгія)

The Science@Leuven Scholarships спрямована на мотивованих і талановитих студентів, які бажають навчатися на магістратурі на факультеті науки в Левенському університеті. Розмір стипендії становить до 10 000 євро на рік. Вона покриває плату за навчання та річне медичне страхування. Дедлайн - 15 лютого 2017 р. (далі - англ.).

The Science@Leuven Scholarships are for motivated and talented international students who are interested in participating in an international master programme of the Faculty of Science of the K.U.Leuven.

Host Institution(s): Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium

Eligible International Master Programme under the Faculty of Science at K.U. Leuven:

    • Master of Astronomy and Astrophysics
    • Master of Biology
    • Master of Biophysics, Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    • Master of Chemistry
    • Master of Geography


  • Master of Mathematics
  • Master of Physics


  • Master of Statistics
  • Interuniversity Master of Geology (only students applying for the specialisation Geodynamics and Georesources or Surface processes and Paleoenvironments can apply for the scholarship)
  • Erasmus Mundus Master of Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling
  • Erasmus Mundus Master Sustainable and Territorial Development

Number of Awards: Not specified.

Target group: International students

Scholarship value/inclusions/duration:

The amount of the scholarship can be up to 10.000 Euro for 1 year. The scholarship will always cover the tuition fee for 1 year, the insurance and a basic health insurance coverage. The amount awarded for living expenses can vary.

For two-year Master’s programmes, the scholarship for the second master year will be only be continued on the condition that the student had outstanding results the first master year.


Applicants must meet and prove the following requirements:

  • the applicants have not studied or worked at the University of Leuven before,
  • the applicants have a bachelor degree from a foreign university that gives them access to the master programme they are applying for,
  • the applicants have not yet acquired a master degree or a PhD,
  • the applicants can prove having had excellent study results during their former training,
  • the applicants can prove a very strong knowledge of English*,
  • the applicants show strong motivation to follow a master programme at the Faculty of Science of the K.U.Leuven
  • the applicants are willing to act as an ambassador for the programme.

*Applicants who are non-native speakers of English must provide evidence of English language proficiency.

Application instructions:

Applicants have to apply for the Master programme of their choice through the application form of the KU Leuven.   The applicants should note in the application form that they want to apply for the Science@Leuven Scholarship.  After completing the application form on the official KU Leuven application page, applicants need to register on the website of the scholarship.

Only applications that have been submitted (with the International Office and registered on the website of the scholarship) before the 15th of February will be considered for the scholarship.

More information: http://bit.ly/1yUiMvS

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: http://bit.ly/2ftwW3p


  • The Science@Leuven Scholarships
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