Університет Мальме запрошує іноземних студентів подавати заявки на участь в стипендіальній програмі. Програма покриває витрати на навчання у повному розмірі. Кандидати мають можливість подати заявки на будь-яку з наявних в університеті напрямків. Дедлайн - 1 січня 2017 р. (далі - англ.).
Malmö University offers a limited number of scholarships that cover the entire tuition fee to highly talented students.
You are eligible for the Malmö University Master's Scholarship (MUMS) if you:
- qualify as a fee paying student in Sweden, and
- are admitted to an English-taught master's programme at Malmö University.
We generally grant 10 to 20 scholarships annualy, each covering the tuition fee for one student. Scholarships are awarded on academic merit, experience and motivation. Students admitted to two-year programmes retain the scholarship for the second year if they successfully complete the first year of study and meet the progression criteria.
Application process
All eligible students will receive an invitation to apply for the Master's Scholarship and an application form after the Second Notification of Selection Results on April 21, 2017.
The scholarship application form contains three questions that applicants need to answer and submit together with a one-page CV. Students will be assessed based on answers in the application form, their experience as described in the CV, and their academic transcript of records from previous studies.
Please note that the scholarship application period is one week only, so make sure to start your scholarship application immediately after receiveing the final selection results.
To find out more about Malmö University's scholarships, you can contact scholarships@mah.se.
Application process and timeline
Step 1: Apply for admission to a Master's Programme at Malmö Univesity (application deadline on January 16, 2017)
Step 2: Apply for a Swedish Institute scholarship (application deadline on January 16, 2017)
Step 3: Get admitted (first notification on March 24, second notification on April 21)
Step 4: Apply for a MUMS (invitations to apply sent out on April 21, application deadline on April 28, results published on May 12)
Step 5: Commence preparations for moving to and studying at Malmö!
More information: http://mah.se/english/Education/Tuition-Fees-and-Scholarships/Scholarships/Scholarships/