Day of Remembrance and Victory over Nazism in the Second World War

1On May 8, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Remembrance and Victory over Nazism in the Second World War. This day is dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Second World War. It was established in accordance with the law of Ukraine "On the Perpetuation of the Victory over Nazism in the Second World War of 1939-1945".

Master class on rhythms by Aneta Pasternak, Professor, Habilitated Doctor from the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice

1On May 8, 2024, at the Faculty of Music and Choreography of Ushynsky University, a rhythmic master class was organized by Dr. Anetta Pasternak from the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice. A unique master class on the topic: "Integration of rhythmicity, solfeggio and improvisation in the process of training according to the system of Emile Jacques-Dalcroze" was presented for students and teachers of higher education institutions of Ukraine, art education institutions.

Dissertation defense for the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education of the ESP "Educational, Pedagogical Sciences" Specialties 011 Educational, Pedagogical Sciences MORHUN Oleksandra

1Congratulations to the postgraduate student Oleksandra MORHUN and her supervisor, Prof. Oleksandr POPOVA with the successful defense of his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in specialty 011 Educational, pedagogical sciences" on the topic "Formation of linguistic and cultural competence of future translators of the Chinese language in the terms of university education".

The women's volleyball competition as part of the XXXII regional student games among higher education institutions has ended

1The girls played fierce games on the basis of their native educational institutions. The results were distributed as follows:
I Odessa National Maritime University
II "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky"
III Odesa National Technological University

Public discussion of the EPP Psychology at the first (bachelor) level of higher education in specialty 053 Psychology

1In May 2024, there was a public discussion of the EPP Psychology of the first (bachelor) level of higher education in specialty 053 Psychology at Ushynsky University.

Congratulations to the graduate choreographers on winning the Dance Generation international competition of young choreographers at IU

1Li Pein, Huang Bei, master's degree students of specialty 024 Choreography, and Zhu Tiantian, the graduate of 2023-2024 academic year, won prizes at the IU International Competition of Young Ballet Masters "DANCE GENERATION", which was held at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University.

Dissertation defense for the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education of the ESP "Philosophy" Yulia Gulkhan

1Congratulations to the postgraduate student Yulia Gulkhan and her supervisor, prof. Olena Liseyenko with the successful defense of her thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in specialty 033 "Philosophy" on the topic "Origins and evolutionary transformations of the Ukrainian mentality". The chairman of the council is Prof. Yevgen Borinstein, reviewers: Prof. Oksana Petinova and Assoc. Prof. Zoya Atamanyuk; opponents: Prof. Oleksiy Halapsis (Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs), Prof. Yulia Brodetska (Dnipro National University named after Oles Honchar). 

Guest lecture by Hryhoriy Usatyi, representative of the NACP

1On May 2, 2024, a lecture by the head of the department of coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the state anti-corruption policy of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) of Ukraine, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor Hryhoriy Usatyi, was held at Ushynsky University as part of the "Guest Lecturer" program on the topic: "ANTI-CORRUPTION POLICY UKRAINE: REALITIES, CURRENT CHALLENGES AND WAYS TO OVERCOME THEM".

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