Добірка грантових програм для навчання за кордоном для студентів і аспірантів


1. Стипендії для навчання в КНР

Уряд Пекіну пропонує повну або часткову оплату навчання та проживання в Пекіні для іноземних студентів. Зацікавлені кандидати можуть подавати документи на стипендію через освітні установи Пекіна або через посольства Китаю в Україні. Розглядають заявки на усі спеціальності.

Дедлайн -  28 лютого 2017 року.

The Beijing Government Scholarship (BGS) was established by Beijing Municipal Government, aiming to provide tuition fees fully or partially  and accomodation to the international students studying or applying for studying in Beijing. Beijing is authorized by the Beijing Municipal Government and organized jointly by the Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality and the Beijing Network Information Industry Office. The website aims to strengthen the exchanges, cooperation and friendship between Beijing and the rest of the world through the internet in English.


Scholarships will be awarded to undertake doctoral, masters, undergraduate, senior scholar program and long term language program and exchange program. To be eligible to apply:

Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens and be in good health;

For doctoral degree programs must have a master’s degree and be under the age of 40;

For master’s degree programs must have a bachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35;

For undergraduate program must have senior high school diploma with good academic performance and be under the age of 30;

Applicants for general scholar program must have bachelor’s degree or completed at least two years of undergraduate studies and be under the age of 50;

Applicants for long term language studies must have senior high school diploma and be under the age of 60;

Applicants for senior scholar program must have master’s degree or above or hold academic title of associate professor or above and be under the age of 50;

Applicants should meet the language requirements of the higher education institutions;

Applicants should not be awardees of Chinese government scholarships at the same time.


The scholarship into the following five categories:

Doctoral student scholarship:5,700 USD /person/year;

Master student scholarship: 4,300 USD/person/year;

Undergraduate student scholarship: 2,800 USD/person/year;

Senior scholars and long term language student scholarship:1,400 USD/person/year;

Scholarship for exchange student (long-term or credit transferrable students) and student who make special contributions to international exchange and cooperation in the capital area: 700 USD/person/year.


All applicants can apply to the relevant schools, the Chinese Embassy, or consulate general in their home countries. The applicants must fill in and submit the following documents truly, correctly and completely:

Application Form (http://www.ebeijing.gov.cn/Study/Scholarships/t1117683.htm)  for Beijing Government Scholarship (Applicants shall obtain the form from the Higher Education Institutions or download the form from the website of the targeted HEIs);

Notarized highest diploma and transcripts;

Foreigner Physical Examination Form should be provided if the duration of study is six months or above;

Study plan (no less than 400 words) or research plan (no less than 800 words) in Chinese or English should be submitted for degree or research students;

Applicants for music and art are requested to submit the applicants’ own works according to the requirements of the target HEIs.

Applicants under 18 should provide legal documents of their legal guardians in China;

Please note that application documents will NOT be returned.

More information on http://www.ebeijing.gov.cn/Study/Scholarships/t1117683.htm


The Beijing Government Scholarship





2. Гранти для навчання в Румунії

Уряд Румунії пропонує гранти на навчання студентам бакалаврату, магістратури та аспірантури. Грант включає оплату за навчання, покриття витрат на проживання та щомісячну стипендію.

Дедлайн - 20 березня 2017 р.

Number of scholarships: 85 scholarships for under- and post-graduate studies in Romania, by means of selection of application files, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and the Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research (hereafter, MNESR), in keeping with Romanian current legislation.

Foreign citizens of Romanian origin and those belonging to the neighboring historic Romanian communities benefit from other scholarship programs offered by the Romanian state. The candidate should not have a Romanian citizenship.

This scheme is dedicated to graduates of high schools or of equivalent pre-university studies, as well as to candidates who require the continuation of their studies in Romania. The complete cycle of university studies lasts for 3 to 6 years, according to the specific requirements of the chosen faculty, and ends with a final examination (licenta);This scheme is dedicated to graduates of university/post-graduate studies; it lasts for 1,5 to 2 years and ends with a dissertation;

c) for the 3rd cycle (doctorate) this scheme is dedicated to the graduates of university/postgraduate studies (i.e. master); it lasts for 3-4 years, in keeping with the specific requirements of the chosen faculty, and ends with a doctor’s thesis. Admission to a PhD course is conditioned by an entrance examination.
Fields of study: political and administrative sciences, education studies, Romanian culture and civilization, journalism, technical studies, oil and gas, agricultural studies, veterinary medicine, architecture, visual arts.

For more information, please check ANNEX 4.

Language of Study: In order to promote Romanian language and culture, the Ministry of National Education Scientific Research has decided that the beneficiaries of the scholarships should study only in the Romanian language. The candidates who do not know Romanian are offered one supplementary preparatory year to study the language. The students who declare that they already know the Romanian language have to pass a language test organized by the competent higher education institutions or to present a certificate of linguistic competence, level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

2. Application files must be submitted through diplomatic missions. Application files submitted by post or directly to the MFA or to the MNESR, as well as application files received after the announced deadline will not be taken into consideration.

3. Enrolment Calendar

The enrolment calendar starts with December 20, 2016. The candidate should enquire at the diplomatic mission where he intends to submit the application file about the enrolment calendar. The deadline for submitting the application files is established by each diplomatic mission.

Foreign diplomatic missions accredited to Bucharest must send the application files with a Verbal Note to Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Public, Cultural and Scientific Diplomacy Directorate by 20 March 2017, at the latest.

Incomplete files or files that do not comply with the fields of study and methodology are disqualified and are not taken into consideration by the Commission of the MFA. Rejected application files evaluated by MFA and MNESR are not returned. Application files submitted directly to the MFA or to the MNESR will not be taken into consideration. 

4. List of documents necessary for the application file

4.1. Cover letter issued by the diplomatic mission of the country of origin, accredited to Bucharest or of the Romanian Embassy in the respective country.

4.2. A duly filled in MFA application form (Annex 1) for a scholarship to study in Romania.

4.3. MNESR application form (Annex 2) for the issue of the Letter of Acceptance to study in Romania.

4.4. Authorized copies of the study documents (baccalaureate and university diplomas if necessary,) and their authorized translation in Romanian, French or English if necessary.

4.5. Authorized copies and authorized translation of the diploma supplement - academic transcript for the studies completed so far.

4.6. Authorized copy and authorized translation of birth certificate.

4.7. Copy of passport (first 3 pages)

4.8Medical certificate attesting that the applicant is not affected by any transmissible disease or by other illnesses incompatible with future studies.

4.9. The candidate’s CV.

4.102 recent passport-type photos.

More information: http://www.mae.ro/en/node/10251



3. Стипендії для навчання в галузі управління в Німеччині

Європейська школа менеджменту і технологій (ESMT Berlin) пропонує три повні та чотири часткові стипендії на навчання для іноземних студентів. Ці стипендії доступні для тих студентів, які здобувають за програмою ступінь магістра в галузі управління. Дедлайн - 31 березня 2017 року (далі - англ.).

ESMT Berlin is offering three full tuition scholarships and four partial tuition scholarships for international students. These scholarships are available for pursuing master’s degree programme in Management.

ESMT designed the Master’s in Management admissions process to find the most talented individuals who will benefit from the program’s international and interdisciplinary nature.

ESMT Berlin is a private university located in Berlin, Germany. ESMT Berlin is an international non-profit business school based in Berlin with an additional location in Schloss Gracht near Cologne.

TOEFL scores (95 minima) or equivalent proof of English fluency. ESMT code is 8707.

Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing master’s programme.

Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of management.

Scholarship Award:

Three full-tuition scholarships (value Ђ25.000) including stipend to cover living expenses for Kofi Annan Fellows

Four partial tuition scholarships: up to Ђ 10,000 each

Scholarship can be taken in Germany


Candidates from quantitative subject areas like science, technology, engineering, finance, economics or mathematics are especially encouraged to apply, although scholarships have been awarded to candidates with any backgrounds like international relations, social sciences and business studies as well.

Scholarship seekers should be strong candidates for ESMT’s Masters in Management program. Scholarships which will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and financial need. The Kofi Annan Fellowship targets candidates from least developed countries.

Other scholarships for women and partial tuition scholarships are designed for students overcoming socio-economic challenges in a variety of countries and cultures. Scholarship recipients need not be from a developing country but should be able to describe how they have overcome challenges. For example, students from immigration background, students from the former East German states, or students from rural areas with limited access to academic training.

All applicants are eligible to apply for partial scholarships which will be awarded on the basis of academic merit.

Candidates should complete the scholarship essay as part of their ESMT online application explaining how they qualify for this scholarship.

Nationality: Applicants from all countries are eligible to apply.

College Admission Requirement

Entrance Requirements: To apply, Master’s in Management candidates need to have:

A previous degree (at least Bachelor’s equivalent). Applications will also be accepted from final-year undergraduate students awaiting completion of their degree.

In order to enrol in the Quantitative Business stream:
-Proof of strong quantitative abilities, whether with a degree in an analytical field (science, technology, engineering, or mathematics) or quantitative economics, finance, or a similar topic’
-OR a degree in any discipline with a strong GMAT score (top 20% globally in the quantitative section). A GMAT is highly recommended for all applicants to this stream.
-The average GMAT score is 640. ESMT’s GMAT code is 7121. We also accept GRE scores, and our Designated Institution (DI) code is 7768.
-In order to enrol in the Innovative Management stream:
-A degree in any discipline with excellent grades
-GMAT or GRE is optional but may be requested in certain cases by the Admissions Team

Ideally no more than 18 months of postgraduate work experience

Completed application, including essays and recommendations

Individual interview over Skype

English language Requirements: TOEFL scores (95 minima) or equivalent proof of English fluency. ESMT code is 8707.

How to Apply: To receive a scholarship, candidates first apply to the Masters in Management program. There is an extra essay available for applicants to explain their suitability for a scholarship.

Application Form

Application Deadline: The application deadline is March 31, 2017.

More information


ESMT Berlin




4. Стипендії для навчання в Бельгії

Уряд регіону Фландрія оголошує про запуск нової стипендійної програми – MasterMind Scholarships, завдяки якій іноземні студенти можуть навчатися у вищих наукових установах Бельгії. Студенти не можуть подаватися самостійно, їхня заявка повинна бути зареєсрована на сайті примаючої бельгійської освітньої установи.

 Дедлайн - 31 березня 2017 р. (далі - англ.).

The Government of Flanders launches a new scholarship program, Master Mind Scholarships that aims to promote the internationalization of the Flemish Higher Education.  It awards up to 45 scholarships to outstanding Master students from all countries.

Host Institution(s):


KU Leuven / University of Leuven

University of Antwerp

Ghent University

Hasselt University

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

University colleges (Arts and Nautical Sciences)

Antwerp Maritime Academy

Artesis Plantijn University College Antwerp

Erasmus University College Brussels

Karel de Grote University College

LUCA School of Arts

University College Ghent

Level/Field of study:

Eligible Masters Degree Programmes offered at participating Flemish Institutions

Number of Awards: 45

Target group:

International students from all countries

Scholarship value/duration:

The incoming student is awarded a scholarship of maximum Ђ7,500 per academic year. The Flemish Host Institution can ask the applicant for a tuition fee of maximum Ђ105 per year.

The duration of mobility is minimum 1 academic year and maximum the full duration of the master program.


• The applicant applies to take up a Master degree programme at a higher education institution in Flanders (hereafter ‘Flemish host institution’).

• The applicant should have a high standard of academic performance and/or potential. He/she meets all academic entrance criteria, including relevant language requirements, for entering the Master programme in question offered by the Flemish host institution.

• All nationalities can apply. The previous degree obtained should be from a higher education institution located outside Flanders.

• Students who are already enrolled in a Flemish higher education institution cannot apply.

Application instructions:

Students cannot apply directly. The application needs to be submitted online by the Flemish host institution. Deadline of applications is 30 April 2017.  You must check the internal deadlines set by the Flemish Host Institution, which may be earlier.

It is important to read the 2017-2018 Master Mind Scholarship Guidelines and visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.


Official Scholarship Website:  http://www.studyinflanders.be/en/scholarship-programmes/master-mind-scholarships/


MasterMind Scholarships




5. Стипендії для навчання в університеті Тарту

Іноземні студенти можуть претендувати на отримання стипендії для навчання на певних бакалаврських та магістерських програмах університету Тарту.

Дедлайн - 15 квітня/1 червня 2017 року.

Studies at the University of Tartu take place in Estonian and English languages. The official teaching language for most Bachelor's programmes is Estonian; however, currently there are three programmes available fully in English:

Business Administration

Science and Technology


General requirements

People holding a secondary education or a corresponding qualification have access to higher education.

Admission and application requirements

  1. Submit the online application form by April 15 (for programmes taught in English at bachelor's level). You will receive an applicant code, which gives access to your account to track your application status. You will be asked to upload the electronic copies of all the required documents to your online application.
  2. Accepted candidates to Englisht-taught programmes are required to mail the signed application form with the rest of the required documents to the University within 3 weeks from the announcement of the offer (applies to only those receiving the admission offer, unless instructed otherwise by the admissions staff). Please post the documents to: Student Admissions, University of Tartu, Ьlikooli 18-134, Tartu 50090, ESTONIA. If your application documents do not reach us in 3 weeks, the University has a right to withdraw the admission offer.

Note that the application deadline for Estonian-taught programmes is June 1 and all candidates are required to submit their application documents both electronically and by regular mail. The documents must reach the University by post by the application deadline.

Students are admitted according to ranking lists formed on the basis of entrance requirements set separately for each curriculum. 

Students are admitted according to ranking lists formed on the basis of entrance requirements set separately for each curriculum. Please see the admission requirements as regulated in Admission rules for the I and II level programmes and Entrance requirements of the first cycle curricula for 2016/2017.

More information: http://www.ut.ee/en/prospective-students/bachelors-studies


University of Tartu

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6. Стипендії для навчання в Таллінському університеті

Таллінський університет запрошує іноземних студентів подавати заявки на отримання стипендії для навчання в університеті за програмою бакалаврату та магістратури.

Дедлайн– 1 травня 2017 року (далі - англ.).

The Tallinn University of Technology Scholarships are now open for international students. These scholarships are available for pursuing bachelor’s and master’s programmes for the academic year 2017-2018.

Established in 1918, Tallinn University of Technology is the only technical university in Estonia. TUT, in the capital city of Tallinn, is the nation’s leading academic institution in engineering, business, and public administration.

Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.

Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing bachelor’s and master’s programmes.

Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.

List of Subjects: Bachelor’s programmes: International Business Administration, Law, Integrated Engineering and Master’s programmes: Cyber Security, Communicative Electronics, Computer and Systems Engineering, Design and Engineering, e-Governance Technologies and Services, Engineering Physics, Environmental Engineering and Management, Health Care Technology, Industrial Engineering and Management, Materials and Processes of Sustainable Energetics, Mechatronics, Technology of Wood and Plastic, International Business Administration, International Relations and European-Asian Studies, Law and Technology Governance

Scholarship Award: Full tuition fee waiver scholarships are available for students.

Number of Scholarships: Bachelor’s programmes: International Business Administration: 10, Law: 2, Integrated Engineering: 45

Master’s programmes: Cyber Security: 30, Communicative Electronics: 15, Computer and Systems Engineering: 25, Design and Engineering: 9, e-Governance Technologies and Services: 22, Engineering Physics: 10, Environmental Engineering and Management: 8, Health Care Technology: 10, Industrial Engineering and Management: 7, Materials and Processes of Sustainable Energetics: 15, Mechatronics: 15, Technology of Wood and Plastic: 10, International Business Administration: 25, International Relations and European-Asian Studies: 1, Law: 1 and Technology Governance: 1

Scholarship can be taken in Estonia

Eligibility: A tuition fee waiver is a non-monetary scholarship granted automatically to the best ranked candidates, according to the points earned in the course of admission. Scholarship is awarded for the whole study period. Recipients of the scholarships are required to study full-time, i.e. with the workload of at least 60 ECTS per year. If the student starts studying part-time, he/she will lose the tuition fee waiver and will start paying for studies.

Nationality: Students of all nationalities are eligible to apply.

College Admission Requirement

Entrance Requirement: If students intend to make an application, it is important to check country specific requirements to ensure the qualifications you are studying are considered suitable preparation for entry to Tallinn University of Technology.

English Language Requirement: To apply for studies a proof of English language proficiency must be shown through one of the following methods:

IELTS (Academic)- a minimum overall grade of 5.5, with 5.5 or above in each element. Please note that IELTS test score is valid 2 years only and older tests are not accepted.

TOEFL (iBT)- a minimum overall score 72, with listening 17 or above, reading 18 or above, speaking 20 or above, writing 17 or above. Test result must be sent directly to Tallinn University of Technology by the Educational Testing Service. TOEFL institutional code for Tallinn University of Technology is 8665. Please note that TOEFL iBT test score is valid 2 years only and older tests are not accepted..

Application Form - https://estonia.dreamapply.com/courses/search/institutions/5#results

More information: http://bit.ly/2jm6TKN


The Tallinn University of Technology

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7. Навчання в магістратурі в ОАЕ

Масдарський науково-технологічний інститут (Masdar Institute of Science and Technology) запрошує на навчання в магістратурі та аспірантурі молодих науковців технічних спеціальностей. Грант передбачає повне забезпечення студента: оплата навчання, медичне страхування, проживання, витрати на відрядження та ноутбук.

Дедлайн - 31 травня 2017 року (далі - англ.).



Applications for spring 2017 are now closed.  Applications for fall 2017 are open and are scheduled to close on 31 May 2017 (subject to change).

Application Guidelines

Applicants are required to complete the online application and submit the following documents:

Copy of undergraduate/graduate transcripts

Statement of Objectives

Copy of GRE and TOEFL (or IELTS) scores

Copy of CV (including education, list of publications, awards, professional experience, etc.)

Name and email address of 3 referees (It is preferable that the email addresses provided are university/professional email addresses and not common Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, etc., addresses)

To apply, prospective students do not need to submit originals or certified copies of documents. However, if selected, certified documents and a completed undergraduate degree in a relevant field will be required for final admission.

The Statement of Objectives is a very important part of your application and we encourage you to write it carefully. We seek a statement of one to two pages (approximately 400 to 1,000 words) explaining your reasons for wanting to complete your graduate studies at the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology.

Your Statement of Objectives should describe:

How you think about the world and your professional objectives

The issues or problems you want to address during your studies at Masdar Institute and the setting in which you eventually see yourself working professionally

How your previous studies and work experience (if any) relates to what you propose to do at Masdar Institute

Why you are applying to Masdar Institute and the specific program

Other matters you think are important for us to know

MSc Program Admissions Requirements

A relevant undergraduate degree in science, engineering or IT from a recognized and accredited university

A minimum CGPA of 3.0 (on a scale of 4.0) or equivalent (2nd class upper in the British system)

A minimum GRE Quantitative score of 155 (700 on the old scale)*

A minimum TOEFL score of 91 (iBT) or equivalent paper/computer based scores, or a minimum academic IELTS score of 6.5

3 Recommendation Letters

Statement of Objectives

Note: High grades and scores are a prerequisite but do not guarantee admission. Admission standards are in accordance with those of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Graduates from native English speaking countries (e.g. USA, UK, Australia, etc.) may get a waiver for the TOEFL/IELTS requirements.

GRE Information
The general Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is required. Please check www.ets.org for information on the GRE or TOEFL exams and availability at your location.

The ETS institutional GRE code for Masdar Institute is 3870. Only the GRE General test is required. The ETS institutional TOEFL code for Masdar Institute is 5786.

PhD Program Admissions Requirements

A relevant undergraduate and Master’s degree in science, engineering or IT from a recognized and accredited university

A minimum CGPA of 3.0 in the undergraduate degree and a minimum CGPA of 3.2 in the master’s degree, or equivalent.

A minimum GRE Quantitative score of 155 (700 on the old scale)*

A minimum TOEFL of 91 on the internet-based test (iBT) or equivalent paper/computer-based scores, or a minimum academic IELTS score of 6.5

3 recommendation letters

Statement of Objectives

Research proposal

Note: Applicants who do not have the required minimum GRE score but have one or more publications in peer-reviewed journals may be considered for admission. High grades and scores are a prerequisite but do not guarantee admission. Admission standards are in accordance with those of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Guidelines for the Research Proposal

Candidates are required to write a brief proposal for their research outlining in general terms the scope of their intended research project, and name at least three potential research advisors from the Masdar Institute faculty. Note: A list of faculty and their research interests can be found on the Masdar Institute website.

The research proposal is a critical component of the PhD application. It is a demonstration of the ability of the candidate to conduct advanced research in their field. The research proposal should:

Be written in an academic format;

State clearly the PhD candidate’s research question(s) and objective(s);

Conduct a literature review of prior relevant work;

Offer a methodological section describing how the objective(s) would be achieved; and

Explain why Masdar Institute provides the right environment for such work.

The research proposal does not bind the candidate in their future research at Masdar Institute, as it can and, most likely, will be modified in part or in full, but it shows the passion, capabilities and overall research potential of the candidate.

PhD Residency
The maximum time limit for completion of the PhD program is seven years.

MIT Involvement
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is a primary partner and stakeholder in the creation of Masdar Institute. MIT’s involvement in Masdar Institute’s PhD program enables some Masdar Institute doctoral candidates to spend up to one semester at MIT, where they take courses (a maximum of three courses per semester) on campus as proposed by the relevant Research Supervisory Committee (RSC) and approved by the Graduate Education Council (GEC). This creates synergy and collaboration between the research agendas of both institutes. In order for students to be able to spend time at MIT, they need to gain admittance to MIT as special students, and must be eligible and able to get a visa to the US.

How to Apply


Masdar Institute




8. Навчання в Університетському коледжі Лондона

University College London запрошує іноземних студентів подавати заявки на отримання стипендії The Denys Holland Scholarship.

Дедлайн - 7 липня 2017 року.

University College London запрошує іноземних студентів подавати заявки на отримання стипендії The Denys Holland Scholarship. Дедлайн - 7 липня 2017 р. (далі - англ.).

The Denys Holland Scholarship aims to support undergraduate students from any country, who without the support of the scholarship would be unable to secure the funding required to study at UCL, and who can demonstrate their intention to make full use of the activities offered by UCL and the Student Union.

Eligibility requirements

Applicants should be:

holding an offer of admission to UCL for full-time undergraduate study in any department;

in financial hardship, and be able to demonstrate that without the scholarship they would be unable to study at UCL;

preferably aged 25 or below at the time of commencing their studies;

able to demonstrate that they have broad interests and intend to be actively involved in and contribute to the life of the university.

Selection criteria

The scholarship is awarded on the basis of financial hardship, subject to applicants demonstrating their intention to play a full part in extracurricular activities of UCL and the Students Union.

Value: benefits and duration

The scholarship is worth Ј9,000 per year for three years, subject to satisfactory academic progress and scholars may choose to use all or part of the scholarship to cover fees. Any remainder is paid to the scholar as a maintenance stipend.

The scholarship may be held alongside other grants, bursaries, awards or scholarships, provided annual total funding does not exceed the cost of fees plus a reasonable sum for maintenance in any one year (as determined by UCL).

Applications deadline and procedure

The deadline for your application is: Friday, 7 July 2017 at 5pm (UK time). Applicants must provide UCL Student Number or UCAS Application Number for applications to be considered valid. If an application is received after this deadline it will not be deemed eligible and cannot be considered.

Application form (.doc)

Guidance notes (.pdf)

Complete applications and supporting documentations should be submitted by email to: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам необхідно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

Applicants will be required to detail their current outside interests and indicate areas of non-academic activity which they would hope to pursue while a student. They will also have to provide information on their financial circumstances and other sources of income being sought to fund their studies - additional information may be requested by the selection panel.

Notification of results

The Denys Holland Scholarship Committee meets in mid-August, and successful candidates can expect to be notified by email in early/mid-September.

If you do not hear from the UCL Student Funding Office by mid-September, please assume your application has been unsuccessful. Please also check this web page, we will put up a note to let you know the date the successful candidate has been informed.


University College London

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9. Стипендії для навчання в Іспанії

The Barcelona Graduate School of Economics запрошує іноземних студентів подавати заявки на отримання стипендії. Стипендія покриває повну або часткову вартість навчання.

Дедлайн - 25 червня 2017 року.

The Barcelona Graduate School of Economics запрошує іноземних студентів подавати заявки на отримання стипендії. Стипендія покриває повну або часткову вартість навчання. Дедлайн - 25 червня 2017 р. ( далі - англ.).

The Barcelona Graduate School of Economics is offering tuition waivers and fully-funded scholarships based on academic merit. Scholarships are open for international students to earn one of three official master’s degrees: Economics and Finance, Specialized Economic Analysis, or Data Science.

The Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, commonly referred to as Barcelona GSE, is an independent institution of research and graduate education located in Barcelona, Spain.

School’s key mission is the training of the next generation of economists and data scientists by offering world-class programs taught by leading faculty in their field.

Unless students are a native English speaker or have done an undergraduate degree at an English-speaking university, they must provide TOEFL, IELTS, or Cambridge scores or certificates.

Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing master’s programme.

Study Subject: Barcelona GSE graduate students earn one of three official master’s degrees: Economics and Finance, Specialized Economic Analysis, or Data Science.

Scholarship Award: The financial aid that is available to students includes:

Fully funded scholarships

Waivers for 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% of tuition fees

Teaching assistantships

Number of Scholarships: In the Class of 2016, 34% of students were awarded scholarships or tuition waivers.

Scholarship can be taken in Spain

Eligibility: At the Barcelona GSE they look for excellence and talent. Key elements of a strong application are a high GPA, a sound statement of purpose and a standout reference letter. Strong knowledge in economics and good quantitative skills are also recommended.

An Undergraduate/bachelor/grado/laurea or equivalent degree from an accredited college or university (for Bologna degrees, a minimum of 180 ECTS are required).

A typical applicant would hold a University Diploma in Economics, Finance, Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics or Business Administration.

Nationality: Citizens of all nationalities are eligible to apply.

College Admission Requirement

Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have an undergraduate/bachelor/grado/laurea, or equivalent degree

Test Requirement: The GRE exam is highly recommended for applicants to all programs. For Data Science applicants, the GRE is mandatory.

English Language Requirement: An advanced level of English language skills: TOEFL 90 and IELTS 6.5

Spain Scholarships

How to Apply: All candidates will automatically be considered for any available financial aid when they submit a completed application for a master program. Required application materials

Undergraduate transcripts

Undergraduate diploma

Curriculum vitae

Statement of purpose

GRE exam scores: Barcelona GSE institution code for GRE Exam: 2531

Proof of English language proficiency: Accepted certificates include IELTS (6,5), TOEFL (90) and Cambridge Exams (Proficiency A-C; Advance A-C; First A)

Application and more information: http://www.barcelonagse.eu/scholarships-and-financial-aid

Application Deadline: The application deadline is June 25, 2017.


The Barcelona Graduate School of Economics

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