At the beginning of the week, students-volunteers of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics visited the library of Ushynsky University.
Under the guidance of Associate Professor of Higher Mathematics and Statistics Olga Yakovleva and librarian Natalia Goncharenko, students willingly began to work on the organization and cleaning of the library. Volunteers got acquainted with the book collection of valuable and rare literature and joined the systematization and organization of thematic sections on mathematics and pedagogy.
We truly thank the students for their active participation in the life of the library and responsible attitude to the book collection. We are always happy to welcome volunteers and appreciate such cooperation.
We invite everyone to try yourself in volunteering. For detailed information, please call 753-02-54, or e-mail Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам необхідно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її..