In memory of Volodymyr Vysotsky
January 14, 2017 in the museum of the library there was held an evening dedicated to the anniversary of the birth of a poet, a musician and an actor Volodymyr Vysotsky.
January 14, 2017 in the museum of the library there was held an evening dedicated to the anniversary of the birth of a poet, a musician and an actor Volodymyr Vysotsky.
November 7-8, 2016 Mr. Olaf Saxahard, a well-known psychologist and psychoanalyst from Norway visited our university. He previously worked as a consultant in the field of organizational culture among public organizations and large business.
The students of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology started an annual marathon of career guidance "My profession at my school". They met with school-leavers of Odesa and Odesa region.
Within the pedagogical practice Natyazhko Anastasia, Dmitriyenko Ivan, Rybalko Dmytro, Kozenko Veronika, the students of Informatics of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D.Ushynsky helped to conduct the international competition of science "Beaver" at school number 73 in the city of Odessa.
November 3, 2016 there was organized and held an information event “Doors Open Day of the Departments of theory and methods of practical psychology, developmental psychology and social communications, general and differential psychology”. The event was aimed at improving the quality of information and library providing of the educational process University.
November 2, 2016 as part of the International English study program Access Microscholarship Programm which is coordinated by a lecturer Anna Slobodyanyuk Anna, there was held a meeting with the chief editor of "Odessa Review" Kate Michaels and a scholar of the Fulbright International scholarship program Jack Margolin.
October 27, 2016 on the basis of the University with the support of the Israeli Cultural Center in Odessa at the Embassy of Israel in Ukraine and Ariel University (Ariel, Israel) there was held the opening of VII International scientific and practical conference "Modern tendencies in the pedagogical science of Ukraine and Israel: the way to integration".
March 24-26, 2016 Kryvyi Rih National University. The 3d year students of the Department of History and Philosophy, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky Andreev Roman and Daria Yeliseyeva took the second place in the Ukrainian student competition on the history of Ukraine in the field of study "Philosophy" (supervisor- Associate Professor of History of Ukraine, Candidate of Historical Sciences V. Chumak).