Пивоварчик Вячеслав Миколайович. Закінчив Будапештський університет ім. Етвеша Лоранда у 1974 р. Доктор фіз.-мат. наук, професор. Завідувач кафедри вищої математики і статистики. Викладає курси: «Дискретна математика», а також спецкурси.
Наукова робота.
Професор Пивоварчик В.М. керує науковими темами «Обернені та напівобернені задачі для квантових графів та з стільтьєсівських струн» та «Скінченвимірні та нескінченвимірні демпфовані системи», в яких приймають участь співробітники кафедри вищої математики і статистики та кафедри прикладної математики та інформатики.
Професор Пивоварчик В.М. підтримує наукові зв’язки з вченими Швейцарії, Китаю, Сполучених Штатів Америки, Південноафриканської республіки.
Активно займається науковою роботою в області квантової теорії графів, обернених задач, теорії операторів.
Основні публікації:
- Pivovarchik, C.Tretter. Location and multiplicities of eigenvalues for a star graph of Stieltjes strings. J. Difference Equation and Applications, Vol.21, No.5, (2015), 383-402.
- Boyko, V. Pivovarchik, C.-F. Yang. On solvability of three spectra problem. Mathematische Nachrichten, Vol. 289 (2016), no. 14-15, 1727—1738
- Möller, V. Pivovarchik. Damped star graphs of Stieltjes strings. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 145 (2017), no. 4, 1717--1728.
- Martynyuk, V.Pivovarchik. Ambarzumian theorem for non-selfadjoint boundary value problems. J. Operator Theory, Vol. 79, (2018), no. 1, 213—223.
- V.Pivovarchik. Inverse Sturm-Liouville problem for a star graph by three spectra. Operators and Matrices, Vol. 12, no.1, (2018), 1—18.
- V. Pivovarchik. On multiplicity of eigenvalues in quantum graph theory. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 480 (2019), no. 2, 123412, 12 pp
- Möller, Manfred; Pivovarchik, Vyacheslav. Spectral theory of operator pencils, Hermite-Biehler functions, and their applications. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, 246. Birkhäuser/Springer, Cham, xvii+412 pp. ISBN: 978-3-319-17069-5; 978-3-319-17070-1
- Möller, Manfred; Pivovarchik, Vyacheslav. Direct and inverse finite-dimensional spectral problems. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, 283. Birkhäuser/Springer, Cham, xvi+348 pp. ISSN 0255-0156 ISSN 2296-4878 (electronic )
Професор Пивоварчик Вячеслав Миколайович приймав участь у багатьох міжнародних конференціях:
- International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, Regensburg, Germany, July-August 1995.
- Satellite Conference " Aspects of Spectral Theory" (2nd Europ. Congr. of Math.), Vienna, Austria, July 1996.
- The 16th International Conference on Operator Theory Timisoara, Romania, July 1996.
- GAMM e.V. Annual Meeting, Regensburg, Germany, March 1997.
- Mark Krein International Conference On Operator Theory and Applications, Odessa, Ukraine, August 1997.
- International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, Groningen, the Netherlands, June-July 1998.
- International Conference " Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics", Prague, Czech Republic, June 1998.
- The 18th International Conference on Operator Theory, Timisoara, Romania, June-July 2000.
- International Conference "Differential Equations and Related Topics", Moscow, Russian Federation, May, 2001.
- 10.Workshop "Evolution equations: perturbative methods, regularity and qualitative properties of solutions", Cagliari, Italy, July, 2001.
- 11.International conference "Inverse Problems and Nonlinear Equations", Kharkiv, Ukraine, August, 2002.
- Applied Inverse Problems. Theoretical and computational aspects. UCLA, USA, May, 2003
- International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, Cagliari, Italy, June 2003.
- International Colloquium on Operator Theory, Vienna, Austria, March 2004.
- 4-th Workshop “Operator Theory in Krein Spaces and Applications”, Berlin, Germany, December, 2004.
- 5-th Workshop “Operator Theory in Krein Spaces and Applications”, Berlin, Germany, December, 2005.
- International conference “Entire and Subharmonic Functions and Related Topics” Kharkov, Ukraine, August, 2006.
- 6-th Workshop “Operator Theory in Krein Spaces and Operator Polynomials”, Berlin, Germany, December, 2006.
- 19 International conference “Modern Analysis and Applications” Odessa, Ukraine, April, 2007.
- 7-th Workshop “ Operator Theory in Krein Spaces and Spectral Theory”, Berlin, Germany, December, 2007.
- 8-th Workshop “ Operator Theory in Krein Spaces and Inverse Problems”, Berlin, Germany, December, 2008.
- International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, Berlin, Germany, July, 2010.
- Summer school ‘Mathematical theory of quantum networks’ Les Diablerets, Switzerland, June, 2011.
- 24 Isaac Newton Institute satellite workshop on inverse spectral problems in one dimension. Edinburgh, Great Britain, October, 2011.
- International Conference ‘Spectral Theory and Differential Equations’, Kharkov, Ukraine, August, 2012
- Sz.-Nagy Centennial Conference, Szeged, Hungary, June 2013
- International Conference “Waves in Science and Engineering”, Queretaro, Mexico, August 2016
- The 9th International Conference on Spectral Theory and Differential Equations and Their Applications, Xi’an, PR China, September, 2019
У період з 2000 р. до 2006 р. В.М. Пивоварчик приймав участь у двох спільних українсько-американських міжнародних проектах фонду CRDF (в одному з них був керівником), а у 2009-2013 рр у міжнародному швейцарсько-українському проекті «Mathematical analysis of quantum networks and PT-symmetric quantum mechanics» (within Eastern Europe and NIS).
Під керівництвом проф. В. М. Пивоварчика захистили кандидатські дисертації О. П. Бойко та О. М. Мартинюк (Болдарєва).
- H. Langer, V. Pivovarchik, Ch. Tretter. Spectral properties of a compactly perturbed linear span of projections. Integral Equations and Operator Theory 26 (1996), 353--366.
- G.M. Gubreev, V. Pivovarchik. Spectral analysis of the T.~Regge problem with parameters. (Russian) Func. Anal. Appl. 31, (1997), No. 1, 70--74. English Translation: Func. Anal. Appl. 31, (1997), No. 1, 54--57.
- V. Pivovarchik. Inverse problem for a smooth string with damping at one end. J. Operator Theory, 38, (1997), 243--263.
- V. M. Adamyan, V. Pivovarchik. On the spectra of some classes of quadratic operator pencils. In: A. Dijksma, I. Gohberg, M.A. Kaashoek, and R. Mennicken (eds.), Contributions to Operator Theory in Spaces with an Indefinite Metric, Birkhauser, Operator Theory: Advances and Appl., 106, Basel and Boston (1998), 23--36.
- V. Pivovarchik. On small vibrations of a string damped at one end. (Russian) Func. Anal. Appl. 32, (1998), No. 1, 78--81. English translation: Func. Anal. Appl. 32, (1998), No. 1, 61--63.
- V. Pivovarchik. Inverse problem for a string with concentrated mass at one end. Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology 4, (1998), No. 3, 61--71.
- V. Pivovarchik. A particular case of the inverse problem for the Sturm-Liouville equation with parameter-dependent potential. In: J. Dittrich, P. Exner and M. Tater (eds.), Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics (Prague, 1998), Birkhauser, Operator Theory: Advances and Appl., 108, Basel and Boston (1999), 335--341.
- V. Pivovarchik. An inverse Sturm-Liouville problem by three spectra. Integral Equations and Operator Theory 34 (1999), 234--243.
- V. Pivovarchik. Direct and inverse problems for a damped string. J. Operator Theory 42 (1999), 189--220.
- A. Gomilko, V. Pivovarchik. On bases of eigenfunctions of boundary problem associated with small vibrations of damped nonsmooth inhomogeneous string. Asymptotic Analysis 20 (1999), 301--315. .
- V. Pivovarchik. Reconstruction of the potential of Sturm-Liouville equation from three spectra of boundary problems. (in Russian) Func. Anal. Appl. 32, (1999), No. 3, 87--90.
- V. Pivovarchik. Homogeneity of a string having three unperturbed spectra. In: Differential Operators and Related Topics, Vol. I (Odessa, 1997), Birkhauser OT 117, Basel and Boston, (2000), 267--271.
- C. van der Mee, V. Pivovarchik. Inverse scattering for a Schrodinger equation with energy dependent potential, J. Math. Phys. 42, (2001), 158—181.
- V. Pivovarchik. Inverse problem for the Sturm-Liouville equation on a simple graph, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 32, (2000) 801--819.
- V. Pivovarchik. Scattering in a loop-shaped waveguide. In:Recent Advances in Operator Theory, Groningen, 1998, Birkhauser OT 124, Basel and Boston, 2001, 527-543.
- A.M. Gomilko, V. Pivovarchik. Parameter dependent estimates for solutions of Sturm-Liouville equations, Methods Funct. Anal. Topology 6, (2000), 26—42.
- V. Adamyan, R. Mennicken, V. Pivovarchik. On the spectral theory of degenerate quadratic operator pencils. In: Recent Advances in Operator Theory, Groningen, 1998, Birkhauser OT 124, Basel and Boston, 2001, 1--19.
- V. Pivovarchik. Direct and inverse three-point Sturm-Liouville problem with parameter-dependent boundary conditions, Asympt. Anal. 26, (2001), 219--238.
- C. van der Mee, V. Pivovarchik. The inverse generalized Regge problem, Inverse Problems 17, (2001), 1831--1845.
- A. Gomilko, V. Pivovarchik. Asymptotics with respect to parameter of solutions of the Sturm-Liouville equation. (in Russian) Ukrainian mathematical journal 53, No.6, (2001), 742-758.
- V.A. Adamyan, V. Pivovarchik, C. Tretter On a class of non-selfadjoint matrix operator pencils arising in elasticity theory, J. Operator Theory 47, (2002), 325—341.
- C. van der Mee, V. Pivovarchik. Some properties of the eigenvalues of a Schrodinger equation with energy-dependent potential. In: Proceedings of QMath-8: Mathematical Results in quantum Mechanics, Taxco, Mexico, December 10-14, 2001; AMS Contemporary Methematics Series, 2002.
- C. van der Mee, V. Pivovarchik. A Sturm-Liouville inverse spectral problem with boundary conditions depending on the spectral parameter, Funct. Anal. Anal., (in Russian) English version: Vol.36, No.4 (2002), 315-317.
- A.Gomilko, V. Pivovarchik. On basis properties of a part of eigenfunctions of the problem of vibrations of a smooth inhomogeneous string damped at the midpoint, Mathematische Nachrichten Vol.245 (2002), 72-93.
- R.Mennicken, V. Pivovarchik, An inverse problem for an inhomogeneous string with an interval of zero density. Math. Nachrichten. Vol.259 (2003), 2045-2067.
- C. Tretter, V. Pivovarchik. Asymptotic separation of the spectrum of quadratic operator pencils associated with damped systems, Asymptotic Analysis 36, (2003), 1-12.
- V. Pivovarchik. Recovering a part of potential by partial information on spectra of boundary problems, Opuscula Mathematica, 25, No.1 (2005), 131-137.
- V. Pivovarchik. Ambartsumyan's theorem for the Sturm-Liouville boundary value problem on a star-shaped graph. Funktsional. Anal. I Prilozhen.. 39 (2005), no. 2, 78--81 (Russian); translation in Funct. Anal Appl. 39 (2005), no. 2, 148--151.
- C. van der Mee, V. Pivovarchik. The Sturm-Liouville inverse spectral problem with boundary conditions depending on the spectral parameter. Opuscula Math. 25 (2005), no. 2, 243--260.
- V. Pivovarchik. Necessary conditions for stability of elastic pipe conveying liquid. Methods Funct. Anal. Topology, 11 (2005), no. 3, 270--274.
- V. Pivovarchik. A special case of the Sturm-Liouville inverse problem by three spectra. Uniqueness results. Proc. Royal Society Edinburgh 136A (2006), 181-187.
- M. Moller, V. Pivovarchik. Spectral properties of a fourth order differential equation. Zeitschrift fur Analysis und ihre Anwendungen. 25 (2006), 341-366.
- V. Pivovarchik H.Woracek, Shifted Hermite-Biehler functions and their applications. Integral Equations and Operator Theory. 57 (2007) 101-126.
- V. Pivovarchik. Symmetric Hermite-Biehler polynomials with defect. Oper. Theory: Adv. Appl. Vol.175 (2007), 211-224.
- V. Pivovarchik, H. Woracek. The square transform of Hermite-Biehler functions. Geometric approach. Methods Funct. Anal. Topology, Vol. 13 (2007), no.2, 187-200.
- V. Pivovarchik. On spectra of a certain class of quadratic operator pencils with one-dimensional linear part. Ukrainian Math. J. Vol.59 (2007), No.5, 702-717.
- V. Pivovarchik. Inverse problem for the Sturm-Liouville equation on a star-shaped graph. Math. Nachrichten, Vol.280 (2007), No.13-14, 1595-1619.
- R. Carlson, V. Pivovarchik. Ambarzumian's theorem for trees, Electron. J. Diff. Eqns., Vol. 2007(2007), No. 142, 1-9.
- O. Boyko, V. Pivovarchik. Inverse problem for Stieltjes string damped at one end. Methods Funct. Anal. Topology, vol. 14 (2008), no. 1, 10—19.
- O. Boyko, V. Pivovarchik. The inverse three-spectral problem for a Stieltjes string and the inverse problem with one-dimensional damping. Inverse Problems, Vol. 24 (2008), no. 1, 015019, 13 pp.
- O. Boyko, V. Pivovarchik. Inverse spectral problem for a star graph of Stieltjes strings. Methods Funct. Anal. Topology, vol. 14, no. 2, (2008) 159-167.
- Y. Latushkin, V. Pivovarchik. Scattering in a Forked-Shaped Waveguide. Integral Equations and Operator Theory, Vol.61, No.3, (2008) 365-399.
- R. Carlson, V. Pivovarchik. Spectral asymptotics for quantum graphs with equal edge lengths J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. Vol.41 (2008) 145202, 16 pp.
- A. Gomilko, V. Pivovarchik. Inverse Sturm-Liouville problem on the figure-of-eight graph. (Russian) Ukrainian Math. J., Vol. 60, no. 9 (2008), 1155-1175.
- C.-K. Law, V. Pivovarchik. Characteristic functions of quantum graphs. J. Phys A: Math. Theor. Vol. 42 (2009) 035302, 11pp.
- V. Pivovarchik. Existence of a tree of Stieltjes strings corresponding to two given spectra. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. Vol. 42, (2009) 375213, 16pp.
- V. Pivovarchik, H. Woracek. Sums of Nevanlinna functions and differential equations on star-shaped graphs. Operators and Matrices. Vol.3, (2009), No. 4, .451-501.
- O. Martinyuk, V. Pivovarchik. On the Hochstadt-Liberman theorem. 2010 Inverse Problems, Vol. 26, No.3, 035011, 6 pp.
- O. Martinyuk, V. Pivovarchik.Spectral problem for figure-of-eight graph of Stieltjes strings. Methods Funct. Anal. Topology, 2010, vol. 16, no. 4, 349--358.
- О.Мартинюк, В.Пивоварчик. Обернена спектральна задача для стільтьєсівської струни, що має форму вісімки. Укр. Мат. Вісник, 2011, т.8, No.1, 112-128.
- Ch. F. Yang, V. Pivovarchik, Z. Y. Huang. Ambarzumian-type theorems on star graphs. Operators and Matrices, 2011, Vol.5, no.1, 119-131.
- I. Kac, V. Pivovarchik. On multiplicity of quantum graph spectrum. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. Vol. 44 (2011) 105301.
- V. Pivovarchik, H. Woracek. Eigenvalue asymptotics for a star-graph damped vibrations problem. Asymptotic Analysis, Vol. 73 (2011) 169-185.
- V. Pivovarchik. On the Hald-Gesztesy-Simon theorem. Integral Equations and Operator Theory, vol.73, (2012), no. 3, 383-393.
- V. Pivovarchik, O. Taystruk. On characteristic functions of operators on equilateral graphs. Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology, Vol.18, no.2, (2012), 189-197.
- V. Pivovarchik. An inverse problem by eigenvalues of four spectra. J. Math. Analysis and Applications, Vol. 396, (2012), no.2, 715-723.
- V. Pivovarchik, N. Rozhenko, C. Tretter. Dirichlet-Neumann inverse spectral problem for a star graph of Stieltjes strings. Linear Algebra and Applications, Vol. 439 (2013), No.8, 2263-2292.
- V. Pivovarchik, N. Rozhenko. Inverse Sturm-Liouville problem on equilateral regular tree. Applicable Analysis, Vol. 92 (2013), No.4, 784-798.
- C.-K. Law, V. Pivovarchik, W. Wang. A polynomial identity and its applications to inverse spectral problems in Stieltjes strings. Operators and Matrices, Vo;.7 (2013), No.3, 603-617.
- Ch.-Fu. Yang, V. Pivovarchik. Inverse nodal problem for Dirac system with spectral parameter in boundary condition. Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, Vol.7 (2013), No.4, 1211-1230.
- V. Pivovarchik, O. Taystruk. Spectral problem for a graph of symmetric Stieltjes strings. Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology, Vol.20 (2014), No. 2, 164-174.
- O. Martynyuk, V. Pivovarchik. Finite dimensional four spectral inverse problem. Математичні студії, том 41 (2014), No.1, 73-80.
- O. Boyko, V. Pivovarchik. On damped vibrations of Stieltjes string. Opuscula Mathematica, Vol. 35, no. 2 (2015), 143–159
- I. S. Kac, V. Pivovarchik. On the Density of the Mass Distribution of a String at the Origin. Integral Equations and Operator Theory. Vol. 81, (2015) No. 4, 581-599.
- O. Martynyuk, V.Pivovarchik, C.Tretter. Inverse problem for a damped Stieltjes string from parts of spectra, Applicable Analysis, Vol. 95, no. 12 (2015), 2605--2619
- V. Pivovarchik, C.Tretter. Location and multiplicities of eigenvalues for a star graph of Stieltjes strings. J. Difference Equation and Applications, Vol.21, No.5, (2015), 383-402.
- V. Pivovarchik, Characteristic functions under series and parallel connection of quantum graphs. J. Phys. A 48 (2015), no. 36, 365201, 13 pp.
- O. Boyko, O.Martinyuk, V. Pivovarchik. Higher order Nevanlinna functions and the inverse three spectra problem. Opuscula Math. 36 (2016), no. 3, 301--314.
- M. Moller, V. Pivovarchik. Functional equations related to sine-type functions. Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, DOI 10.1007/s 11785-016 0563-3, 19 pp.
- О. Boyko, O. Martynyuk, V. Pivovarchik. On a generalization of the three spectra problem Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology, Vol.22 (2016), No. 1, 48-61.
- O. Boyko, V. Pivovarchik, C.-F. Yang. On solvability of three spectra problem. Mathematische Nachrichten, Vol. 289 (2016), no. 14-15, 1727—1738
- M. Möller, V. Pivovarchik. Damped star graphs of Stieltjes strings. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 145 (2017), no. 4, 1717--1728.
- Boiko, O. P.; Martinyuk, O. M.; Pivovarchik, V. M. On the relationship between the multiplicity of eigenvalues in finite-and infinite-dimensional problems on graphs. (Ukrainian) Ukraïn. Mat. Zh. 69 (2017), no. 4, 445--455.
- I. Kac, V. Pivovarchik. On Barcilon’s formula for Krein’s string. Methods Funct. Anal. Topology 23 (2017), no. 3, 270-276
- M.Moller, V.Pivovarchik. Direct and inverse Robin-Regge problems, Electronic J. Differential Equations, Vol. 2017 (2017), No. 287, pp. 1-18.
- O.Boyko, O.Martynyuk, V.Pivovarchik. Ambarzumian theorem for non-selfadjoint boundary value problems. J. Operator Theory, Vol. 79, (2018), no. 1, 213—223.
- V.Pivovarchik. Inverse Sturm-Liouville problem for a star graph by three spectra. Operators and Matrices, Vol. 12, no.1, (2018), 1—18.
- O.Boyko, O.Martynyuk, V.Pivovarchik. On spectra of operator pencils with rank one gyroscopic linear part. Opuscula Mathematica, Vol. 38, (2018), no. 4, 483—500.
- V. Pivovarchik. Inverse Sturm-Liouville problem with a boundary condition linear in the spectral parameter. J. Nonlinear Functional Analysis, 2018 (2018) Article ID 21.
- V. Pivovarchik. On multiplicities of eigenvalues of a boundary value problem on a snowflake graph. Linear Algebra and Its Applications 571, (2019) с. 78-91
- O. Boiko, O. Martynyuk, V. Pivovarchik. On maximal multiplicity of eigenvalues of finite-dimensional spectral problem on a graph. Methods Funct. Anal.Topology. Vol. 25, (2019), no.2, 104—117.
- A. Dudko, V. Pivovarchik. Three spectra problems for star graph of Stieltjes strings. Methods Funct. Anal. Topology 25 (2019), no. 4, 311-323
- V. Pivovarchik. On multiplicity of eigenvalues in quantum graph theory. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 480 (2019), no. 2, 123412, 12 pp.
- A. Dudko, V. Pivovarchik. Three spectra problem for Stieltjes string equation and Neumann conditions. Proc. Int. Geom. Cent. 12 (2019), no. 1, 41--55.
- В. Пивоварчик. Про мінімальну кількість різних власних значень у задачі на дереві зі стільтьєсівських струн. Український матем. ж., т. 72, (2020), no. 1, 135-141.
- A. Chernyshenko, V. Pivovarchik. Recovering the shape of a quantum graph. Integral Equations and Operator Theory, Vol. 92, (2020), Art. 23.