Пивоварчик Вячеслав Миколайович

Пивоварчик Вячеслав Миколайович. Закінчив Будапештський університет ім. Етвеша Лоранда у 1974 р. Доктор фіз.-мат. наук, професор. Завідувач кафедри вищої математики і статистики. Викладає курси: «Дискретна математика», а також спецкурси.

Наукова робота.

     Професор Пивоварчик В.М. керує науковими темами «Обернені та напівобернені задачі для квантових графів та з стільтьєсівських струн» та «Скінченвимірні та нескінченвимірні демпфовані системи», в яких приймають участь співробітники кафедри вищої математики і статистики та кафедри прикладної математики та інформатики.
     Професор Пивоварчик В.М. підтримує наукові зв’язки з вченими Швейцарії, Китаю, Сполучених Штатів Америки, Південноафриканської республіки.

Активно займається науковою роботою в області квантової теорії графів, обернених задач, теорії операторів.

Основні публікації:

  1. Pivovarchik, C.Tretter. Location and multiplicities of eigenvalues for a star graph of Stieltjes strings. J. Difference Equation and Applications, Vol.21, No.5, (2015), 383-402.
  2. Boyko, V. Pivovarchik, C.-F. Yang. On solvability of three spectra problem. Mathematische Nachrichten, Vol. 289 (2016), no. 14-15, 1727—1738
  3. Möller, V. Pivovarchik. Damped star graphs of Stieltjes strings. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 145 (2017), no. 4, 1717--1728.
  4. Martynyuk, V.Pivovarchik. Ambarzumian theorem for non-selfadjoint boundary value problems. J. Operator Theory, Vol. 79, (2018), no. 1, 213—223.
  5. V.Pivovarchik. Inverse Sturm-Liouville problem for a star graph by three spectra. Operators and Matrices, Vol. 12, no.1, (2018), 1—18.
  6. V. Pivovarchik. On multiplicity of eigenvalues in quantum graph theory. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 480 (2019), no. 2, 123412, 12 pp



  1. Möller, ManfredPivovarchik, Vyacheslav. Spectral theory of operator pencils, Hermite-Biehler functions, and their applications. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, 246. Birkhäuser/Springer, Cham, xvii+412 pp. ISBN: 978-3-319-17069-5; 978-3-319-17070-1
  2. Möller, ManfredPivovarchik, Vyacheslav. Direct and inverse finite-dimensional spectral problems. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, 283. Birkhäuser/Springer, Cham, xvi+348 pp. ISSN 0255-0156 ISSN 2296-4878 (electronic )


       Професор Пивоварчик Вячеслав Миколайович приймав участь у багатьох міжнародних конференціях:

  1. International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, Regensburg, Germany, July-August 1995.
  2. Satellite Conference " Aspects of Spectral Theory" (2nd Europ. Congr. of Math.), Vienna, Austria, July 1996.
  3. The 16th International Conference on Operator Theory Timisoara, Romania, July 1996.
  4. GAMM e.V. Annual Meeting, Regensburg, Germany, March 1997.
  5. Mark Krein International Conference On Operator Theory and Applications, Odessa, Ukraine, August 1997.
  6. International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, Groningen, the Netherlands, June-July 1998.
  7. International Conference " Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics", Prague, Czech Republic, June 1998.
  8. The 18th International Conference on Operator Theory, Timisoara, Romania, June-July 2000.
  9. International Conference "Differential Equations and Related Topics", Moscow, Russian Federation, May, 2001.
  10. 10.Workshop "Evolution equations: perturbative methods, regularity and qualitative properties of solutions",  Cagliari, Italy, July, 2001.
  11. 11.International conference "Inverse Problems and Nonlinear Equations", Kharkiv, Ukraine, August, 2002.
  12. Applied Inverse Problems. Theoretical and computational aspects. UCLA, USA, May, 2003
  13. International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, Cagliari, Italy, June 2003.
  14. International Colloquium on Operator Theory, Vienna, Austria, March 2004.
  15. 4-th Workshop “Operator Theory in Krein Spaces and Applications”, Berlin, Germany, December, 2004.
  16. 5-th Workshop “Operator Theory in Krein Spaces and Applications”, Berlin, Germany, December, 2005.
  17. International conference “Entire and Subharmonic Functions and Related Topics” Kharkov, Ukraine, August, 2006.
  18. 6-th Workshop “Operator Theory in Krein Spaces and Operator Polynomials”, Berlin, Germany, December, 2006.
  19. 19  International conference “Modern Analysis and Applications” Odessa, Ukraine, April, 2007.
  20. 7-th Workshop “ Operator Theory in Krein Spaces and Spectral Theory”, Berlin, Germany, December, 2007.
  21. 8-th Workshop “ Operator Theory in Krein Spaces and Inverse Problems”, Berlin, Germany, December, 2008.
  22. International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, Berlin, Germany, July, 2010.
  23. Summer school ‘Mathematical theory of quantum networks’ Les Diablerets, Switzerland, June, 2011.
  24. 24  Isaac Newton Institute satellite workshop on inverse spectral problems in one dimension.  Edinburgh, Great Britain, October, 2011.
  25. International Conference ‘Spectral Theory and Differential Equations’, Kharkov, Ukraine, August, 2012
  26. Sz.-Nagy Centennial Conference, Szeged, Hungary, June 2013
  27. International Conference “Waves in Science and Engineering”, Queretaro, Mexico, August 2016
  28. The 9th International Conference on Spectral Theory and Differential Equations and Their Applications, Xi’an, PR China, September, 2019 


    У період з 2000 р. до 2006 р. В.М. Пивоварчик приймав участь у двох спільних українсько-американських міжнародних проектах фонду CRDF (в одному з них був керівником),  а у 2009-2013 рр у міжнародному швейцарсько-українському проекті «Mathematical analysis of quantum networks and PT-symmetric quantum mechanics»  (within Eastern Europe and NIS).

    Під керівництвом проф. В. М. Пивоварчика захистили кандидатські дисертації  О. П. Бойко та О. М. Мартинюк (Болдарєва).  



  1. H. Langer, V. Pivovarchik, Ch. Tretter. Spectral properties of a compactly perturbed linear span of projections. Integral Equations and Operator Theory 26 (1996), 353--366.
  1. G.M. Gubreev, V. Pivovarchik. Spectral analysis of the T.~Regge problem with parameters. (Russian) Func. Anal. Appl. 31, (1997), No. 1, 70--74. English Translation: Func. Anal. Appl. 31, (1997), No. 1, 54--57.
  1. V. Pivovarchik. Inverse problem for a smooth string with damping at one end. J. Operator Theory, 38, (1997), 243--263.
  1. V. M. Adamyan, V. Pivovarchik. On the spectra of some classes of quadratic operator pencils. In: A. Dijksma, I. Gohberg, M.A. Kaashoek, and R. Mennicken (eds.), Contributions to Operator Theory in Spaces with an Indefinite Metric, Birkhauser, Operator Theory: Advances and Appl., 106, Basel and Boston (1998), 23--36.
  1. V. Pivovarchik. On small vibrations of a string damped at one end. (Russian) Func. Anal. Appl. 32, (1998), No. 1, 78--81. English translation: Func. Anal. Appl. 32, (1998), No. 1, 61--63.
  1. V. Pivovarchik. Inverse problem for a string with concentrated mass at one end. Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology 4, (1998), No. 3, 61--71.
  1. V. Pivovarchik. A particular case of the inverse problem for the Sturm-Liouville equation with parameter-dependent potential. In: J. Dittrich, P. Exner and M. Tater (eds.), Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics (Prague, 1998), Birkhauser, Operator Theory: Advances and Appl., 108, Basel and Boston (1999), 335--341.
  1. V. Pivovarchik. An inverse Sturm-Liouville problem by three spectra. Integral Equations and Operator Theory 34 (1999), 234--243.
  1. V. Pivovarchik. Direct and inverse problems for a damped string. J. Operator Theory 42 (1999), 189--220.
  1. A. Gomilko, V. Pivovarchik. On bases of eigenfunctions of boundary problem associated with small vibrations of damped nonsmooth inhomogeneous string. Asymptotic Analysis 20 (1999), 301--315. .
  1. V. Pivovarchik. Reconstruction of the potential of Sturm-Liouville equation from three spectra of boundary problems. (in Russian) Func. Anal. Appl. 32, (1999), No. 3, 87--90.
  1. V. Pivovarchik. Homogeneity of a string having three unperturbed spectra. In: Differential Operators and Related Topics, Vol. I (Odessa, 1997), Birkhauser OT 117, Basel and Boston, (2000), 267--271.
  1. C. van der Mee, V. Pivovarchik. Inverse scattering for a Schrodinger equation with energy dependent potential, J. Math. Phys. 42, (2001), 158—181.
  1. V. Pivovarchik. Inverse problem for the Sturm-Liouville equation on a simple graph, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 32, (2000) 801--819.
  1. V. Pivovarchik. Scattering in a loop-shaped waveguide. In:Recent Advances in Operator Theory, Groningen, 1998, Birkhauser OT 124, Basel and Boston, 2001, 527-543.
  1. A.M. Gomilko, V. Pivovarchik. Parameter dependent estimates for solutions of Sturm-Liouville equations, Methods Funct. Anal. Topology 6, (2000), 26—42.
  1. V. Adamyan, R. Mennicken, V. Pivovarchik. On the spectral theory of degenerate quadratic operator pencils. In:  Recent Advances in Operator Theory, Groningen, 1998, Birkhauser OT 124, Basel and Boston, 2001, 1--19.
  1. V. Pivovarchik. Direct and inverse three-point Sturm-Liouville problem with parameter-dependent boundary conditions, Asympt. Anal. 26, (2001), 219--238.
  1. C. van der Mee, V. Pivovarchik. The inverse generalized Regge problem, Inverse Problems 17, (2001), 1831--1845.
  1. A. Gomilko, V. Pivovarchik. Asymptotics with respect to parameter of solutions of the Sturm-Liouville equation. (in Russian) Ukrainian mathematical journal 53, No.6, (2001), 742-758.
  1. V.A. Adamyan, V. Pivovarchik, C. Tretter On a class of non-selfadjoint matrix operator pencils arising in elasticity theory, J. Operator Theory 47, (2002), 325—341.
  1. C. van der Mee, V. Pivovarchik. Some properties of the eigenvalues of a Schrodinger equation with energy-dependent potential. In: Proceedings of QMath-8: Mathematical Results in quantum Mechanics, Taxco, Mexico, December 10-14, 2001; AMS Contemporary Methematics Series, 2002.
  1. C. van der Mee, V. Pivovarchik. A Sturm-Liouville inverse spectral problem with boundary conditions depending on the spectral parameter, Funct. Anal. Anal., (in Russian) English version: Vol.36, No.4 (2002), 315-317.
  1. A.Gomilko, V. Pivovarchik. On basis properties of a part of eigenfunctions of the problem of vibrations of a smooth inhomogeneous string damped at the midpoint, Mathematische Nachrichten Vol.245 (2002), 72-93.
  1. R.Mennicken, V. Pivovarchik, An inverse problem for an inhomogeneous string with an interval of zero density. Math. Nachrichten. Vol.259 (2003), 2045-2067.
  1. C. Tretter, V. Pivovarchik. Asymptotic separation of the spectrum of quadratic operator pencils associated with damped systems, Asymptotic Analysis 36, (2003), 1-12.
  1. V. Pivovarchik. Recovering a part of potential by partial information on spectra of boundary problems, Opuscula Mathematica, 25, No.1 (2005), 131-137.
  1. V. Pivovarchik. Ambartsumyan's theorem for the Sturm-Liouville boundary value problem on a star-shaped graph. Funktsional. Anal. I Prilozhen.. 39 (2005), no. 2, 78--81 (Russian); translation in Funct. Anal Appl. 39 (2005), no. 2, 148--151.
  1. C. van der Mee, V. Pivovarchik. The Sturm-Liouville inverse spectral problem with boundary conditions depending on the spectral parameter. Opuscula Math. 25 (2005), no. 2, 243--260.
  1. V. Pivovarchik. Necessary conditions for stability of elastic pipe conveying liquid. Methods Funct. Anal. Topology, 11 (2005), no. 3, 270--274.
  1. V. Pivovarchik. A special case of the Sturm-Liouville inverse problem by three spectra. Uniqueness results. Proc. Royal Society Edinburgh 136A (2006), 181-187.
  2. M. Moller, V. Pivovarchik. Spectral properties of a fourth order differential equation. Zeitschrift fur Analysis und ihre Anwendungen. 25 (2006), 341-366.
  1. V. Pivovarchik H.Woracek, Shifted Hermite-Biehler functions and their applications. Integral Equations and Operator Theory. 57 (2007) 101-126.
  1. V. Pivovarchik. Symmetric Hermite-Biehler polynomials with defect. Oper. Theory: Adv. Appl. Vol.175 (2007), 211-224.
  1. V. Pivovarchik, H. Woracek. The square transform of Hermite-Biehler functions. Geometric approach. Methods Funct. Anal. Topology, Vol. 13 (2007), no.2, 187-200.
  1. V. Pivovarchik. On spectra of a certain class of quadratic operator pencils with one-dimensional linear part. Ukrainian Math. J. Vol.59 (2007), No.5, 702-717.
  1. V. Pivovarchik. Inverse problem for the Sturm-Liouville equation on a star-shaped graph. Math. Nachrichten, Vol.280 (2007), No.13-14, 1595-1619.
  1. R. Carlson, V. Pivovarchik. Ambarzumian's theorem for trees,  Electron. J. Diff. Eqns., Vol. 2007(2007), No. 142, 1-9.
  1. O. Boyko, V. Pivovarchik. Inverse problem for Stieltjes string damped at one end. Methods Funct. Anal. Topology, vol. 14 (2008), no. 1, 10—19.
  1. O. Boyko, V. Pivovarchik. The inverse three-spectral problem for a Stieltjes string and the inverse problem with one-dimensional damping. Inverse Problems, Vol. 24 (2008), no. 1, 015019, 13 pp.
  1. O. Boyko, V. Pivovarchik. Inverse  spectral problem for a star graph of Stieltjes strings. Methods Funct. Anal. Topology, vol. 14, no. 2, (2008) 159-167.
  1. Y. Latushkin, V. Pivovarchik. Scattering in a Forked-Shaped Waveguide. Integral Equations and Operator Theory, Vol.61, No.3, (2008) 365-399.
  1. R. Carlson, V. Pivovarchik. Spectral asymptotics for quantum graphs with equal edge lengths J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. Vol.41 (2008) 145202, 16 pp.
  1. A. Gomilko, V. Pivovarchik. Inverse Sturm-Liouville problem on the figure-of-eight graph. (Russian) Ukrainian Math. J., Vol. 60, no. 9 (2008), 1155-1175.
  1. C.-K. Law, V. Pivovarchik. Characteristic functions of quantum graphs. J. Phys A: Math. Theor. Vol. 42 (2009) 035302, 11pp.
  2. V. Pivovarchik. Existence of a tree of Stieltjes strings corresponding to two given spectra. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. Vol. 42, (2009) 375213, 16pp.
  1. V. Pivovarchik, H. Woracek. Sums of Nevanlinna functions and differential equations on star-shaped graphs. Operators and Matrices. Vol.3, (2009), No. 4, .451-501.
  1. O. Martinyuk, V. Pivovarchik. On the Hochstadt-Liberman theorem. 2010 Inverse Problems, Vol. 26, No.3, 035011, 6 pp.
  1. O. Martinyuk, V. Pivovarchik.Spectral problem for figure-of-eight graph of Stieltjes strings. Methods Funct. Anal. Topology, 2010, vol. 16, no. 4, 349--358.
  1. О.Мартинюк, В.Пивоварчик. Обернена спектральна задача для стільтьєсівської струни, що має форму вісімки. Укр. Мат. Вісник, 2011, т.8, No.1, 112-128.
  1. Ch. F. Yang, V. Pivovarchik, Z. Y. Huang. Ambarzumian-type theorems on star graphs. Operators and Matrices, 2011, Vol.5, no.1, 119-131.
  1. I. Kac, V. Pivovarchik. On multiplicity of quantum graph spectrum. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. Vol. 44 (2011) 105301.
  1. V. Pivovarchik, H. Woracek. Eigenvalue asymptotics for a star-graph damped vibrations problem. Asymptotic Analysis, Vol. 73 (2011) 169-185.
  1. V. Pivovarchik. On the Hald-Gesztesy-Simon theorem. Integral Equations and Operator Theory, vol.73, (2012), no. 3, 383-393.
  1. V. Pivovarchik, O. Taystruk. On characteristic functions of operators on equilateral graphs. Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology, Vol.18, no.2, (2012), 189-197.
  1. V. Pivovarchik. An inverse problem by eigenvalues of four spectra. J. Math. Analysis and Applications, Vol. 396, (2012), no.2, 715-723.
  1. V. Pivovarchik, N. Rozhenko, C. Tretter. Dirichlet-Neumann inverse spectral problem for a star graph of Stieltjes strings. Linear Algebra and Applications, Vol. 439 (2013), No.8, 2263-2292.
  1. V. Pivovarchik, N. Rozhenko. Inverse Sturm-Liouville problem on equilateral regular tree. Applicable Analysis, Vol. 92 (2013), No.4, 784-798.
  1. C.-K. Law, V. Pivovarchik, W. Wang. A polynomial identity and its applications to inverse spectral problems in Stieltjes strings. Operators and Matrices, Vo;.7 (2013), No.3, 603-617.
  1. Ch.-Fu. Yang, V. Pivovarchik. Inverse nodal problem for Dirac system with spectral parameter in boundary condition. Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, Vol.7 (2013), No.4, 1211-1230. 
  2. V. Pivovarchik, O. Taystruk. Spectral problem for a graph of symmetric Stieltjes strings. Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology, Vol.20 (2014), No. 2,  164-174.
  1. O. Martynyuk, V. Pivovarchik. Finite dimensional four spectral inverse problem. Математичні студії, том 41 (2014), No.1, 73-80.
  1. O. Boyko, V. Pivovarchik. On damped vibrations of Stieltjes string. Opuscula Mathematica, Vol. 35, no. 2 (2015), 143–159
  1. I. S. Kac, V. Pivovarchik. On the Density of the Mass Distribution of a String at the Origin. Integral Equations and Operator Theory. Vol. 81, (2015) No. 4, 581-599.
  1. O. Martynyuk, V.Pivovarchik, C.Tretter. Inverse problem for a damped Stieltjes string from parts of spectra, Applicable Analysis, Vol. 95, no. 12 (2015), 2605--2619
  1. V. Pivovarchik, C.Tretter. Location and multiplicities of eigenvalues for a star graph of Stieltjes strings. J. Difference Equation and Applications, Vol.21, No.5, (2015), 383-402.
  2. V. Pivovarchik, Characteristic functions under series and parallel connection of quantum graphs. J. Phys. A 48 (2015), no. 36, 365201, 13 pp.
  1. O. Boyko, O.Martinyuk, V. Pivovarchik. Higher order Nevanlinna functions and the inverse three spectra problem. Opuscula Math. 36 (2016), no. 3, 301--314.
  1. M. Moller, V. Pivovarchik. Functional equations related to sine-type functions. Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, DOI 10.1007/s 11785-016 0563-3, 19 pp.
  1. О. Boyko, O. Martynyuk, V. Pivovarchik. On a generalization of the three spectra problem Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology, Vol.22 (2016), No. 1,  48-61.
  1. O. Boyko, V. Pivovarchik, C.-F. Yang. On solvability of three spectra problem. Mathematische Nachrichten, Vol. 289 (2016), no. 14-15, 1727—1738
  1. M. Möller, V. Pivovarchik. Damped star graphs of Stieltjes strings. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 145 (2017), no. 4, 1717--1728.
  1. Boiko, O. P.; Martinyuk, O. M.; Pivovarchik, V. M. On the relationship between the multiplicity of eigenvalues in finite-and infinite-dimensional problems on graphs. (Ukrainian) Ukraïn. Mat. Zh. 69 (2017), no. 4, 445--455.
  1. I. Kac, V. Pivovarchik. On Barcilon’s formula for Krein’s string. Methods Funct. Anal. Topology 23 (2017), no. 3, 270-276
  1. M.Moller, V.Pivovarchik. Direct and inverse Robin-Regge problems, Electronic J. Differential Equations, Vol. 2017 (2017), No. 287, pp. 1-18.
  1. O.Boyko, O.Martynyuk, V.Pivovarchik. Ambarzumian theorem for non-selfadjoint boundary value problems. J. Operator Theory, Vol. 79, (2018), no. 1, 213—223.
  1. V.Pivovarchik. Inverse Sturm-Liouville problem for a star graph by three spectra. Operators and Matrices, Vol. 12, no.1, (2018), 1—18.
  1. O.Boyko, O.Martynyuk, V.Pivovarchik. On spectra of operator pencils with rank one gyroscopic linear part. Opuscula Mathematica, Vol. 38, (2018), no. 4, 483—500.
  1. V. Pivovarchik. Inverse Sturm-Liouville problem with a boundary condition linear in the spectral parameter. J. Nonlinear Functional Analysis, 2018 (2018) Article ID 21.
  1. V. Pivovarchik. On multiplicities of eigenvalues of a boundary value problem on a snowflake graph. Linear Algebra and Its Applications 571, (2019) с. 78-91
  2. O. Boiko, O. Martynyuk, V. Pivovarchik. On maximal multiplicity of eigenvalues of finite-dimensional spectral problem on a graph. Methods  Funct. Anal.Topology. Vol. 25, (2019), no.2, 104—117.
  1. A. Dudko, V. Pivovarchik. Three spectra problems for star graph of Stieltjes strings. Methods Funct. Anal. Topology 25 (2019), no. 4, 311-323
  1. V. Pivovarchik. On multiplicity of eigenvalues in quantum graph theory. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 480 (2019), no. 2, 123412, 12 pp.
  2. A. Dudko, V. Pivovarchik. Three spectra problem for Stieltjes string equation and Neumann conditions. Proc. Int. Geom. Cent. 12 (2019), no. 1, 41--55.
  1. В. Пивоварчик. Про мінімальну кількість різних власних значень у задачі на дереві зі стільтьєсівських струн. Український матем. ж., т. 72, (2020), no. 1, 135-141.
  1. A. Chernyshenko, V. Pivovarchik. Recovering the shape of a quantum graph. Integral Equations and Operator Theory, Vol. 92, (2020), Art. 23.




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