Ushynsky University hosts "New Entrants Day-2019", December 7
Under the slogan "The University hospitably invites ..." an interesting meeting of the leadership of the institution of higher education with future entrants has been held.
Under the slogan "The University hospitably invites ..." an interesting meeting of the leadership of the institution of higher education with future entrants has been held.
December 6, 2018, on the basis of South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, a working meeting of representatives of the administration with the president of the Charitable Foundation “Ignate Europe” (Zurich, Switzerland) by Sean Brown, who is also a lecturer at the Royal University in Southlake (USA).
December 6, 2018, the students of the Department of Educational Institution Administration and Civil Service of the specialty "Public Management and Administration" attended the " Doors Open Day" event of the Department of Education and Science of the Odesa City Council.
The important initiatives of South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky proposed by the Rector, academician Olexii Chebykin and co-directors of the Confucius Institute Educational and Cultural Center, by Dyn Syn and Olexandra Popova, were carefully considered and endorsed by the XIII International Conference of the Confucius Institutes held on 3 -6 December 2018 in Chengdu, China.
December 6, in the big hall of Odesa Philharmonic Theatre, a concert titled "Shocking like the heart of the orchestra" was held. The author of the project and the soloist is the teacher of the Faculty of Music and Choreography, the winner of international competitions in Italy, Serbia, Moldova, Ukraine, Ph.D. in History of Arts Anna Ralo. In the first part of the concert program the students presented a concert for Marimba and the chamber orchestra Emanuel Sezerne. In the second part of the concert was performed by the chamber orchestra of Odesa Philharmonic Theatre under the direction of the Honored Artist of Ukraine Igor Shavruk and the ensemble of percussion instruments under the direction of associate professor Olexii Ralo, the work of Rodion Shchedrin "Carmen Suite" was performed.
December 5, 2018, at the request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway, at South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky, an external monitoring was carried out on the quality of the training of students of the course "Business Management", which is taught within the framework of the project "Ukraine-Norway". The inspection has been carried out by the representative of the audit firm of Switzerland Mr. Oleksandr Burian.
Within the framework of the week of law and legal education at Ushynsky University on December 4, 2018, the students of the specialties 081 “Law” and 052 “Political Science” with the specialist of the Center for Juvenile Probation in Odesa, O. Erosieieva. It has been about a new institute for juvenile probation for Ukraine as a mechanism for the prevention of crimes among young people, its advantages and prospects for further development.
December 4, 2018, the Department of Political Sciences and Law for the students of the specialties 081 “Law” and 052 “Political Sciences” held an informational and educational event entitled "Legal principles of guaranteeing and protecting human rights in modern Ukraine", dedicated to International Human Rights Day. The university students have prepared information on the main international standards of human and civil rights and freedoms, as well as mechanisms for their protection in the conditions of national states, in particular in Ukraine.