Psychological support for students and employees of Ushynsky University
Dear students and employees of Ushynsky University!
Dear students and employees of Ushynsky University!
In these difficult times of war, the leadership of Harbin Engineering University sent us a letter of gratitude and support.
We hope that peace will come as soon as possible and we will return to the usual provision of educational services!
Glory to Ukraine!
Glory to our friends from China!
Everything will be Ukraine!
On March 3, 2022, the Department of Biology and Health Care held an online seminar at Ushynsky University within the framework of the work plan of psychological support for university students. Issues of both self-defense and rules of conduct in emergency situations were covered. The students were also acquainted with the algorithm of examination of victims at the scene. Considerable attention is paid to the principles of providing home medical care to victims: methods of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, stopping bleeding, etc.
The title of laureate and honorary 1st place at the International Art Competition "Winter Art - Fest" (Lviv) was won by a student of the second (master's) level of the Faculty of Music and Choreography of Ushynsky University Sharova Maria in the category "Pop Vocal". The competition was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, the PО of International Union "Ukraine - Poland" and the PО "Youth Union".
Congratulations on winning the IV All-Ukrainian Festival of Arts "Soul of Music" ("Soul of Music") in Odesa in the category "Vocal Art" (Academic Vocals) winner of the first bachelor's degree, Faculty of Music and Choreography of Ushynsky Ushynsky, Veremchuk Vladyslav, who received the title of Laureate of the I degree!
On February 22, Maryna Bilynska, Professor of the Department of Educational Management and Public Administration at Ushynsky University, Doctor of Public Administration, once again spoke as an international expert in the Council for the Defense of Doctors of Philosophy in Economics, which took place in Tbilisi.
On February 22, 2022 at Ushynsky University, within the work plan of the Commission for the Quality of Education, an online meeting was held online with the guarantors of the EPP on "The current state of educational and methodological support of educational and professional programs in 2021-2022
February 22, 2022 at Ushynsky University for students of the ESL "Political Science" within the study of the discipline "Methodology of research in the field of political science" (mandatory component for students of the 1st year of the third (educational-scientific) level of higher education specialty 052 Political Science) a binary lecture on "Registration and publication of the results of the political scientist's scientific activity" was held online.