Поширення результатів Університету Ушинського за проєктом МоПЕД

3-5 жовтня 2018 року в Державному закладі «Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського» відбулась Конференція “THE CHALLENGES OF ACADEMIA IN THE MODERN DIGITAL WORLD”, на якій поширювались результати, що були отримані в межах проєкту MoPED за підтримки Європейської комісії та Erasmus+. Менеджер проєкту МоПЕД в Університеті Ушинського, професор Гохман О. Р. входив до складу Організаційного та Академічного Комітету Конференції, головував у секції “Teaching Natural Science And Engineering In Higher Reading Room Educational Institutions” та презентував у своїй лекції результати проєкту. 

Поширення результатів ПНПУ за проєктом МоПЕД

Назва організації (Країна)  Державний заклад «Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського», Україна

Вид діяльності/ подія Міжнародна конференція

Дата / термін проведення 03.10.2018-05.10.2018

Цільова група/-и викладачі закладів вищої освіти

Загальна кількість учасників 35

Робоча мова Англійська

Organizing and Academic Committee

Prof. Oleksii Chebykin, Doctor of Psychology, academician of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine. Rector of Ushynsky University. Odesa, Ukraine

Prof. Nitza Davidovitch, Head of quality assessment and academic instruction. Faculty for Social Sciences and Humanities. Ariel University, Israel

Ilona Hilkovsky, First Secretary, Embassy of Israel in Ukraine. Odesa, Ukraine

Dr.Eng. Julita Markiewicz-Patkowska, WSB University Wroclaw, Poland

Prof. Tetiana Koycheva, Doctor of Pedagogy, vice-chancellor for scientific activity, Ushynsky University, Odesa, Ukraine

Prof. Olha Kopus, Doctor of Pedagogy, vice-chancellor for research and educational activity, Ushynsky University, Odesa, Ukraine

Dr. Anton Ananiev, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, vice-chancellor for international relationship and scientific activity. Ushynsky University, Odesa, Ukraine

Prof. Oleksandr Gokhman, Head of the Department of Physics, Ushynsky University, Odesa, Ukraine

Prof.Piotr Oleśniewicz, University School of Physical Education in Wroclaw, Poland

Prof. Aaron Palmon, Chair of MIETAL, Hebrew University, Israel

Prof. Yuri Ribakov, Ariel University, Israel

Prof. Zinaida Kurliand, Doctor of Pedagogy, Head of Pedagogical Department. Ushynsky University, Odesa, Ukraine

Prof. Tetiana Yeremenko, Candidate of Science in Philology, Head of the Department of Germanic Philology and Methods of Foreign Languages Teaching. Ushynsky University, Odesa, Ukraine

Prof. Yurij Lyashenko, Director of Educational and Research Institute of Information and Educational Technology. Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University. Cherkasy, Ukraine

Ms. Anna Slobodianiuk, coordinator of Israeli Cultural Centre at Ushynsky University. Odesa, Ukraine





South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky

October 3-5, 2018

Odesa, Ukraine




All day long            Participants’ Arrival




(Staroportofrankivska St., 36)


09:00 – 10:00


Library Hall



10:00 – 10:30

Opening Session dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of Israel’s

Conference Hall



Chairman:  Ms.  Anna  Slobodianiuk,  Coordinator  at  Israeli


Cultural Center at  Ushynsky University, Ukraine






Prof.  Oleksii  Chebykin,  Rector,  Ushynsky  University,  Odesa,




Ilona Hilkovsky, First Secretary, Embassy of Israel in Ukraine


Prof. Nitza Davidovitch, Co-Organizer of the Conference, Head


of  quality  assessment  and  academic  instruction.  Faculty  for


Social Sciences and Humanities. Ariel University, Israel




10:30 – 12.30

Session 1

Conference Hall

Chairman: Prof. Piotr Oleśniewicz, University School of Physical


Education in Wroclaw, Poland




Why Isn’t Everyone Jumping On The Bandwagon? Success


And Failure Of Teaching And Learning Technologies


Prof.  Nitza  Davidovitch,  Head  of  quality  assessment  and


academic  instruction.  Faculty  for  Social  Sciences  and


Humanities. Ariel University, Israel


Three-Dimensional Photography As A New Technique To Make


Didactic Presentations More Attractive


Dr. Eng. Julita Markiewicz-Patkowska, WSB University Wroclaw,




Dr. Sławomir Pytel, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland ;


Prof. Piotr Oleśniewicz, University School of Physical Education


in Wroclaw, Poland;


Prof. Krzysztof Widawski, University of Wrocław, Poland.


Personally Oriented Approach In The Process Of Creative And


Performing Training Of The Future Teacher Of Music Art


Prof.  Tetiana  Stratan-Artyshkova,  Doctor  of  Pedagogical


Sciences, Professor of the department of musical-theoretical


and instrumental disciplines, Dean of the Art Faculty of Central


Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr


Vynnychenko, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine


Phenomenological-Hermeneutic  Analysis  Of  Musical


Composition  As  An  Interdisciplinary  Innovation  In  The


Training Of The Future Music Art Teacher


Prof.  Olga  Oleksiuk,  Doctor  of  Pedagogical  Sciences,  Borys


Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine


Modern Technology Of Modelling Universal Competencies


Dr. Larysa Ivashko,   Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University,






12:30 – 13:00

Coffee Break



13:00 – 14:00

Poster Session

Library Hall





D e v e l o p i n g S t u d e n t s ’ P r a g m a t i c C o m p e t e n c e : Communicative And Cognitive Approach



A p p r o a c h  To




The  Future

T e a c h e r s ’


To l e r a n c e

I n

The Teaching Of

F  o  r  e  i

g  n

L a n g u a g e Lexical Material


T e l e g r a m


L e v e l s

O f

Messenger  Use

Mechanisms Of

Pr o f e s s i o n a l

I n

P e e r

Motivation To

I n t e r a c t i o n

Assessment  Of

Learn English

C u l t u r e

O f

Essay Writing


F  u  t  u  r  e









S o c i o n i c









E v a l u a t i o n








Prof. Tetiana

Dr. Negrivoda

Prof. Tetiana








Dr. Anastasiia

Dr. Anastasiia

Dr. Oleksandra

PhD student,

PhD student,














Odesa, Ukraine

Odesa, Ukraine

Odesa, Ukraine

Odesa, Ukraine

Odesa, Ukraine







14:00 – 14:15

Coffee Break













14:15 – 16:15

Session 2




Conference Hall   Chairman:

Prof.  Oleksandr  Gokhman,  Ushynsky  University,


Odesa, Ukraine






Teaching Tradition And Culture By Means Of Multi Sensual







Dr. Ruth Dorot, School of Architecture, Ariel University, Israel


14:45-15:00            Digital Technologies As A Factor Of The New Musical Educational Paradigm Implementation


Prof. Alla Rastrygina, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine



15:00-15:30            Pedagogy In The Digital World


Prof. Piotr Oleśniewicz, University School of Physical Education


in Wroclaw, Poland;


Prof.  Janusz  Morbitzer,  WSB  University  Dąbrowa   Górnicza,




Dr. Eng. Julita Markiewicz-Patkowska, WSB University Wroclaw,




15:30-15:45            Development of Innovation Classroom Concept


Prof. Oleksandr Gokhman, Ushynsky University, Odesa, Ukraine;


  1. Chernykh, Ushynsky University, Odesa, Ukraine;


  1. Dziabenko, University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain.


15:45-16:15            Internationalisation Of Higher Education In Eastern Europe And Ukraine At The End Of The 20th – Beginning Of The 21st Centuries


Dr. Iryna Myhovych, Associate Professor, Department of Roman and Germanic Philology, State Institution “Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University”, Starobilsk, Ukraine



16:15 – 16:30          Closing the first day of the conference. Discussion.


Conference Hall





(Staroportofrankivska St., 36)


09:30 – 10:00 Morning coffee and welcoming back Library Hall



10:00-12:00    Parallel Sessions



Session 1          Teaching Natural Science And Engineering In Higher Reading Room     Educational Institutions


Session Chairman: Prof. Oleksandr Gokhman


10:00-10:30            Innovative Teaching Instruments For Improvement Mathematical Training Of Future Physic’s Teachers


Dr. Chepok O. L., Associate Professor, Department of Physics.


Ushynsky University. Odesa, Ukraine


Dr. Sinyukova H. N., Associate Professor, Algebra and Geometry Department. Ushynsky University. Odesa, Ukraine


10:30-11:00            Activation Of Interdisciplinary Connections As A Condition Of Formation Self-Educational Competence Of Future Teachers Of Physics


Dr.Tadeush O. Kh., Associate Professor, Department of Physics.


Ushynsky University. Odesa, Ukraine


Marina M. S., Ushynsky University, Odesa, Ukraine Arnautova V. G.,Ushynsky University, Odesa, Ukraine


11:00-11:30            Using The Project Method In Teaching Future Teachers Of The Physics Of A Foreign Language Of A Professional Orientation


Dr. Yemelyanova D. V., PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor,


Department    of   Western    and   Eastern    Languages    and


Methodology. Ushynsky University, Odesa, Ukraine


Manchenko  T.  O.,    Master  student,  Department  of   Physics.


Ushynsky University, Odesa, Ukraine


11:30-12:00            Organization Of Laboratory Practice Using Remote Technologies


Ivashchenko Yana, Postgraduate student at the Department of Physics, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine


Dr. Hrytsenko Valerii, Ph. D., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine Dr. Diduk Vitalii, Ph. D., Associate Professor at the Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine Prof. Lyashenko Yurij, Professor at the Department of Physics, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine


Session 2                Digital Pedagogy


Conference Hall       Session Chairman: Prof. Ordanovska Oleksandra


10:00-10:30            Componental Structure Of Future Musical Art Teachers’ Interpretive Competency


Dr. Gorozhankina O. Yu., Associate Professor, Ushynsky University, Odesa, Ukraine


10:30-11:00            The Use Of Graphic Editors As A Means Of Preparation Of The Specialist-Musician In The Pedagogical Institutions Of Higher Education


Dr. Koloskova Zhanna, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Ukraine


11:00-11:30            Formation Of Stage And Imaginative Culture Of Future Music


Teachers: Methodological Guidelines


Kosinska Nataliia, Post-graduate student of Theory and Methodology of Music Art Department Institute of Arts of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, vocal training teacher. Kyiv, Ukraine


11:30-12:00             Distribution Of Degenerative Changes Of Spine In Different Sports


Dr. Drozdova K. V., PhD (Candidate of pedagogical sciences), senior teacher, Ushynsky university. Odesa, Ukraine

Dr. Podhorna V. V., PhD (Candidate of pedagogical sciences), Teacher, Ushynsky university. Odesa, Ukraine


Session 3                What makes a good mentor in an online digital world


Room 10                 Session Chairman: Prof. Oleksiuk Olga


10:00-10:30                    The Interdisciplinary Approach To The Development Of Emotional Expressiveness Of A Future Vocalist


Shpyrka Alina, postgraduate student of Department of Theory and Methodology of Music Art Institute of Arts Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. Kyiv, Ukraine


10:30-11:00                    Pedagogical Conditions For Economic Culture Of Future Humanities Teachers’ Formation


Rebrova H. O., postgraduate student of the Pedagogy Department. Ushynsky University. Odesa, Ukraine


11:00-11:30                    Specificity Of Professional Activity Of Art Teacher In The New Ukrainian School


Liang Jie, PhD student of Pedagogy Department. Ushynsky University. Odesa, Ukraine


Session 4         Innovations in the Higher Education


Room 8                  Session Chairman: Dr. Ruth Dorot


10:00-11:00            To The Learning Of University Physics Course In The Innovation Class Room (ICR)


Prof. Gokhman Oleksandr, Doctor of Physics, Head of Physics Department. Ushynsky University. Odesa, Ukraine

Dr. Sovkova Tetiana, Associate Professor, Department of Physics. Ushynsky University. Odesa, Ukraine

Dr.Tarasov A., Associate Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics and IT Studies. Ushynsky University. Odesa, Ukraine


11:00-11:30            Edutainment And "Cloud Technologies" In The Educational Space Of The Higher Educational Arts Institution


Valerii Lymarenko, PhD student, Kiev Boris Grinchenko University, Ukraine


11:30-12:00            Regarding to teaching the school course of physics in the innovation classroom (ICR)


Dr. Oleksandra Ordanovska, Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Department of Innovative Technologies and Methodology. Ushynsky University. Odesa, Ukraine Romashchenko Kateryna, student of Physics and Mathematics Faculty. Ushynsky University. Odesa, Ukraine


12:00-12:30                    Coffee Break






Poster Session


Library Hall













The Problem Of Acadamic

Some A spects



Simulation  And  Game-

W r i t i n g  A t  H i g h e r




Based Learning In Training

Educational Institutions

Concept  Of A Real  Number

F u t u r e  Te a c h e r s

O f


As  A  Basic

Element  Of

Physical Education



S t u d e n t ’ s   S u b j e c t




Competence In Mathematics



Dr. Stryga E. V.,

Kravchenko A. O., Ushynsky

Dr. Ihnatenko S. O.,


Associate Professor.

University. Odesa, Ukraine

P h D  ( C a n d i d a t e

o f

Ushynsky University.

Ushynsky University, Odesa,

pedagogical  sciences),

Odesa, Ukraine





Associate professor,



D r.  S i n y u k o v a

H.  N.,

Ushynsky University,



Associate  Professor,


Odesa, Ukraine



and  Geometry




Ushynsky   University.  Odesa,





13:30-14:00 Closing Ceremony. Discussion of the Conference Results.

Conference Hall Awarding


Пустая синяя полоска

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