Meeting of postgraduate students of the first year of study with the management and main departments of the universit

On September 10, 21, the traditional meeting of graduate students of the first year of study with the management and main departments of the university took place.
Study visit of students majoring in 081 Law and 052 Political Science to the library of Ushynsky University
On September 9, 2021, first-year students majoring in 081 Law and 052 Political Science paid an introductory visit to the library of Ushynsky University. Students had the opportunity to learn about the history of the origin and formation of the library, learned to work with electronic catalogs and library collections, as well as visited the museum of rare books, where they saw manuscripts and old prints.
Visit to the library of Ushynsky University of students majoring in 281 Public Administration (2)
On September 9, 2021, the library of Ushinsky University organized an introductory lesson for students majoring in 281 Public Administration. Students learned about the possibilities of using the electronic catalog, online access to the library archives.
Guest lecture for students majoring in 281 "Public Administration"
On September 9, 2021, within the discipline "Decentralization and Regional Development", the deputy of the Odesa regional council Krasnozhon A.V. held a lecture on "Organization of the regional council, its bodies and deputies" for students majoring in 281 "Public Administration".
Academic mobility of students majoring in 073 Management (Management of educational institutions) is provided
According to the current agreement on academic cooperation, 2nd year master's students majoring in 073 Management (Management of educational institutions) during the first semester remotely participate in the educational process of Khmelnitsky Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy.
Corporate training for employees, pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical employees of Ushynsky University in September 2021
Classes during corporate training will be held in the Office 365 system, Teams program.
Eternal memory: the People's Teacher of the USSR Mykola Mykolayovych Paltyshev passed away
The academic community of South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D.Ushynsky is deeply saddened by the heavy loss - the death of its talented graduate, world-famous Ukrainian pedagogue and scientist, authoritative teacher and mentor, a true companion in training in vocational education.
Library tour for the medical faculty
On September 6, 2021, information tour for the 1-st year medical students was held in the library of Ushynsky University.